The PS4 has just reached 60m total sales. For reference, one of the most beloved consoles of all time, the NES, sold 61...

The PS4 has just reached 60m total sales. For reference, one of the most beloved consoles of all time, the NES, sold 61.91m. The PS4 has already surpassed another beloved console, the SNES (49.1m), and is still on track to beat PS2 lifetime sales.

Children of today will remember the PS4 the same way some of you old folks remember the NES. There'll be nostalgia for the PS4.

How did Sony do it? How did they manage to succeed so much this gen?

>How did Sony do it? How did they manage to succeed so much this gen?
Easy, the rest of the industry died.
Handhelds have never been less popular, WiiU was a flop, and XB1 is likely going to sell less than the 360 did from 2005-2012.

60 million shipped, and the stock is pilling like rat shit, nobody is buying ps4s anymore

Yeah, bros! Let's fight the good fight!!! FUCK THE RIVALS!!

nigga normies aka nobody is even recognizing other consoles what you on


>Succesful with a console that had:
>a no gaems start
>build quality problems
>outdated hardware even on its release day
>paid online
>a awful customer support
>pushed shitty gimmicks

oh well, i really wonder how the ps5 will turn out...

that's great and it's cool sony is succeeding but I unironically still can't find very many ps4 games I find interesting. Hopefully they convince me at E3

Other than Nintendo with BotW, everything else in the industry is fucking garbage at the moment.

Is your assertion that a good portion of those 60000000 shipped consoles are just sitting in warehouses somewhere and will never be purchased by anyone? what are you trying to say here?

We are talking about the PS4, not the Switch.

>Children of today will remember the PS4 the same way some of you old folks remember the NES.
Will they? Besides Uncharted there doesn't seem to be any games with massive sales so I'm convinced people will remember the PS4 as their multiplat console of choice rather than a nostalgia maker.
Not that there's anything wrong with that but it's clearly a different feeling.

Can't have nostalgia for multiplats, only for exclusives?

Probably 50 million of those sales come from people who only play COD, Battlefield or Fifa. There will never be nostalgia for a PS4.

>The PS4 has just reached 60m total sales. For reference, one of the most beloved consoles of all time, the NES, sold 61.91m. The PS4 has already surpassed another beloved console, the SNES (49.1m), and is still on track to beat PS2 lifetime sales. Children of today will remember the PS4 the same way some of you old folks remember the NES. There'll be nostalgia for the PS4.

No they won't, just like the Wii will not be remembered better than the SNES and NES. The NES sold less because the market was very small and it was not marketed as the ultimate in entertainment, it was marketed as an expensive toy for children.

>>build quality problems
like what?

Its true for both consoles and normies eating that up will only result in an overall decline of quality.

PS4 was only successful because there is no real alternative unless you are have some niche interests.
Bone was even worse and had the marketing shitshow right before its release.
Normies didn't even knew wii u was a different console than the wii.
Switchs selling argument is being able to be a child silencer for long car drives.
And PC doesn't really operate in the same price segment as consoles and isn't a machine exclusively for vidya.

I guess consoles will suck for an additional generation...

Bloodborne, Horizon: Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4 and Persona 5 will be remembered like Ocarina of Time, though.

Bloodborne is the only modern game unanimously accepted as a masterpiece while still relevant.

Xbox one and wii u were both massive failures. The last 5 years were completely dominated by PS4 and PC (thats why the ps3 / x360 multiplataform dynamic shifted to ps4 / pc).
Nintendo seen to be recovering with the switch. MS, on the other hand, keeps to dig its own grave.

Just realized sony could just never improve the ps4 and as long as they keep getting exclusives, it'll sell for a decade.

hahaha no they won't none of those are great games.

>Horizon: Zero Dawn, Uncharted 4 and Persona 5
Top lel.

I know 3 people who had their PS4 die on them in a timeframe every other company in the world would have repaired their product.
Sony just offered to take the PS4 back and sending them a new one for the current retail price.

The PS4 hardly had build quality problems aside from the rubber on the analog sticks for some controllers being shitty. Saying it had outdated hardware when compared to other consoles of its gen is just laughable. And the PS4 never pushed shitty gimmicks, PS Move pretty much died with the PS3 and PS VR is trying to be its own thing.

>Children of today will remember the PS4 the same way some of you old folks remember the NES. There'll be nostalgia for the PS4.
Yes and? People feel nostalgia for everything. I don't think it will be remembered that fondly as I think people in general have gotten to trend towards being assholes as time goes on.

mine works fine :^)

Yeah that's why every controller has this fucking annoying led. Because they didn't try to push shitty gimmicks.

That's my point, nostalgia will be tied to franchises rather than the console itself unlike what happened with the NES and everyone thinking of Mario and Duck Hunt. PS4 would feel closer to a VHS player. I'm not trying to make a ''movie machine'' meme mind you, it's just that people think back on the NES with a different mindset than they do to their VHS player despite both machines having provided great entertainment.

You're probably lying, as nearly every product comes with a 1 year limited warranty unless you pay for more.


>caring about a led
really? of all the bad things you could say you pick the shittiest one

>a light on the controller

>How did Sony do it? How did they manage to succeed so much this gen?

Two words: NO FAGGOTRY

While I did love Nintendo, they went full retard after the Gamecube and have been shitting their pants like a potato counter with their gimmick cancer no one needs and no one ever asks for. Their latest Fisher Price toddler toy gimmick is a NVidia Shiled (sold for $99) with attachable Lego controls for the bargain price of $299 and its hardware reminds us all how Nintendo has been stuck in the past for two decades.

Microsoft wanted it all. They wanted to control the living room and become Apple 2.0 with their next watercooler. People don't want that shit, especially if all of your shit doesn't even work outside of the US.

Sony are the only ones remaining that still make home consoles without overloading them with faggotry and gimmicks no one wants. People just want to play fucking video games and Sony are the only ones who can still give them just that.

Inb4 buttshatttered and bitter Nintendownies

where I live 48 months are standard from every company that thinks their product isn't shit

>There's no shitty gimmick
>Mention obvious shitty gimmick to sell their PS cams
>That one doesn't count

That's exactly why PS4 sold so well - no alternative and gullible idiots.

>Switchs selling argument is being able to be a child silencer for long car drives.
Is this what people are telling themselves to rationalize its commercial success?

Yeah there's little unique about it. The fact it sold largely on multi-plats and games that are much like multi-plats gives it a generic feel, like a DVD player.

It's more a commodity than a console.

>actually butthurt about a led

No I'm sure it solely sold to adults who need a handheld hybrid to vent some steam in their short office breaks....

Every financial report thus far they talked about sold through units, because it was doing great. Now they suddenly switched to units shipped, because they missed their prediction.

>actually defending a shitty led

That LED gives it horrific battery life of 4 hours. The Xbox controllers and the Switch joycons have 5x longer the battery life, the Switch pro controller has 10x the battery life and the Wiiu pro controller has 20x.

Sony literally crippled their controller for a retarded light nobody with any sense wanted.

Yeah stores just order stock and put it in storage to gather dust. Jesus Sup Forums never change.

now that's a better argument, i concede user

It deserves it honestly, PS4 has some really good games. As a idort I fond myself completely ignoring the xbone, playing just Smash and BotW on my Wii U, playing all the good exclusives on PS4, and rest on PC

Well this may come as a surprise but most gamers are casuals. And that's not a PS4 exclusive thing, look at most played games on Steam or xbox.

With an actual diverse lineup of games.

Despite the constant shit throwing of the PS4 having no games around here, the numbers show otherwise.

The LED literally doesn't spend battery at all. What eats the battery life of the PS4 controller is the touch pad, believe it or not.

granted that may be the case. sales for current models may be dropping off and they may have switched to boasting shipped units vs sold units for more dramatic effect, but just how many units do you think are sitting on wallmart shelves? it seems like a trivial discrepency

they just managed to fuck up less than Microsoft and Nintendo. Microsoft - as an entire company, not just the xbox/gaming division - is so high on hubris and is such an institution it's currently in the "too big to fail" mode. w10 was and is universally reviled and yet they're still making money, and people are still using w10 (even by force) even with how awful it is as a platform and how they literally forced it on users without a choice.

meanwhile Nintendo still thinks they can just keep doing "lel so wacky xD" gimmicks and catch the Wii lightning in a bottle. and insofar as Switch sales - it's not as big of a success as you think. they see Sony up on their mountain, so they make a little molehill nearby and declare themselves a success. in reality, all they do is artificially cut supply and create the illusion of mass demand. by all counts, the Switch looks like it will be another Wii U just due to the fact that once again it has no fucking games, and has underwhelming hardware third party companies don't want to deal with the headache of downgrading their games to make it work.

the PS4 isn't revolutionary or especially brilliant. it just wasn't retarded. it also helps that Sony was in a really dire situation. unlike Nintendo and Microsoft, they actually listened to gamers and developers to see what they wanted in a console. and while they have missed the mark (paid online is a scam - there is no excuse or argument for it) in some regards, it's still leaps and bounds better than its competition.

I don't care about Sony or Playstation I always just wanted a cheap box to play JRPGs and VNs on for 5 years.

The whole cult about gaming and brand loyalty is lost on me. I'm not going to tatoo the Playstation logo on my arm.

>this morning it was "shipments"
>because it didn't create hype, now the shills jus say "sales" and pretend people who counter are antifun virgins
Expected, still pathetic.

So angry...

>Children of today will remember the PS4 the same way some of you old folks remember the NES.
No they won't

>There'll be nostalgia for the PS4
No there won't.

There's little significant change going from the PS3 to the PS4 because of diminishing returns.

The NES to the SNES was a massive change that completely changed the software industry surrounding it. There was new genres and new types of games. Going to 3D in the N64/PS1 era was also another significant jump. It blew everyone away playing Mario 64 for the first time or trying MGS1. Even the PS1 > PS2 was a significant leap in tech.

While newer platforms are nice, the software rarely is taking advantage of it and there isn't a huge library of iconic titles.

It's an upgrade and a lot of people will buy it, but the consumer transition lacks any real impact between the PS3 and PS4. Same will probably be true of the PS5.

I'm happy it's selling well though.

Probably not more than a million or two, they were talking about sold through units last report. It does mean that we could start seeing the PS4 plateau.

>nobody is buying ps4s anymore
I remember when Sup Forums said this last year and the last one and the last one before that


There are children that in 2013 (PS4's release year) were 8-10 years old. These are teens now and they praise said games like you fuckos did with pokemon,zelda and marios in the 90s

Also the argument "back in my age.." will never be taken seriously because it sounds stupid. Games you hate will be remembered as cult classics in 15 years and you can do nothing about it other than forgetting about talking about video games online because you're only going to embarrass yourself and go back in your attic to play on your NES.

>How did they manage to succeed so much this gen?
M$ shot themselves in the foot during Xbone presentation, and all Sony had to do is come out on stage and say "hey, guys, we are not Microsoft!", and roll in money



b-but i thought over half of gamers were women!

Only if you include mobage and F2P MMOs.

And, back when they started spouting this, facebook games. I miss when those were a thing.


There are people nostalgic about Halo 3.

>the amount of denial and butthurt ITT due to Sony's success

Almost as good as the time when we had hourly threads trying to prove there would never be a PS4; that Sony would be bankrupt by 2013; that the Wii U would dominate the gen; and that even if there was a PS4 it was guaranteed a flop.

Delicious Sup Forumsirgin tears

>tfw you have no allegiance, you just always argue for the obvious winner

Last of Us probably goes in that slot a little better than P5

>Children of today will remember the PS4 the same way some of you old folks remember the NES. There'll be nostalgia for the PS4.

no way fag. ps4 demographics aren't children but 30+ years old manchildren and peasants who can't build PC. children of today will remember 3DS and SWITCH. nintendo + PC is best combo.

Last of us was a PS3 game and P5 is better

Those three people probably tried fucking with it to make it run better because that's the only way I've heard people have problem with their PS4. In general PlayStation has be good to me atleast I have a 1 and slim version of 2,3 and 4 and they all still work like brand new with no fiddling on my part.

60m shipped, not sales.

Still a pretty great number.

No.. this can't be happening, bros..





>t. has never had a retail job or a job in general