Why is STR always the superior stat to DEX in vidya?

Why is STR always the superior stat to DEX in vidya?

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Because STR is damage dealt.

For it is the superior stat in real life.

>Make a STR>DEX thread
>It gets deleted
>Do it again
>It gets deleted again

Mods, just slap him with a couple hours ban. We're dealing with advanced faggotry here.

>dexfag damage control

>this is all dexfags can muster as a counterargument

why that dumbass spider just don't try to stay far away from it?
fucking moron

>dexfags get wrecked at the start

it's locked in a cage with it and was going to die because circumstances and asains.

>tfw to stupid too not fight scorpions

>snippidy snab :D

This scorpion vs. spider thing isn't really fair.
Scorpions have
>Superior poison

Spiders have
>More legs
>Bigger size
>Web (useless in arena battle)

>snibetti snab x-DDDD

>spider still loses with prep time for web

>Leg gets cut off
>Doesn't bleed, there's only white goo
Bugs should be purged.

That is their blood

Ayy baby suck on my stinger eh?

Blood is red. Are you stupid?

Scorpions are the main battle tank of the insect world, this isn't even fair.

High crit rates > alle


>more legs
they both have 8 legs, y'know

If you're a dumb brute and too stupid to use skill to beat your opponent sure.

It's only superior when the dex guy is boxed in with you and can't just run away. In nature, the spider would just fuck off away from the scorpion.

Arachnids or not, this shit is animal cruelty.

fuck, for some reason I was rooting for the tarantula

>horseshoe crabs
>not being /fitlit/

Neither scorpions nor spiders are insects

>dexfags can only compete by running away
So this is the power of DEX...whoah

Scorpions and Beetles are the best at these battles.

Insects cant feel pain.

But who is better?

Which bug do you main?

Yeah pretty much. They can never win but they can tie even with superior opponents, eat thrir food and steal their shit without being caught

>Comparing bugs to actual fighters

STR faggots get beaten every time.



So what kind of bug could defeat the emperor scorpion? Is mankind even prepared?

Scorps are just too damn OP. Having armor, pincers AND a poison stinger? How can any other thing compete?

>fighting guardians in BotW.webm

Damn, I never knew that. Sort of explains how they lose a leg and just keep going

say that to my face dumSTR poster

Dexfags always talking aboit "Muh speed skill and agility xD"

In reality have zero athletic ability. Dex is literally fedora tier. Just lmao at you

[citation needed]
or maybe youre just using fantasy examples as your basis?

A horde of fireants would win.

Isn't that exactly what you're doing? You don't have any proof that STR wins outside of what you've seen in movies, video games, TV shows, or on the internet.


Wasps fuck scorps and spiders up so hard it isn't even funny. They don't even kill them sometimes, just break their legs and plant their babies inside them so they can eat them inside out. Alive.


INT/WIS is always more fun and all encompassing

>this is what waspfags actually beliebe
Spiders maybe, but the biggest waspfags can only compete with the smallest scorpionbros

Camel spiders.
But camel spiders are the boss character so it's not like they count.

I know you're just being stupid, but for the benefit of anyone actually curious:

A lot of creatures don't have red blood. Shrimp, for example, and horseshoe crabs. Arthropods and the like typically have a lymph that floats around their bodies, because they have open circulatory systems. They have no hemoglobin, and thus, no red blood.

Now you know.

reminded me of that one bot in robotwars

God I fucking hate wasps, creepy fuckers

wow thats fucking brutal


>Know how to build extremely strong, lightweight future-tech armor that has no stat requirements
>Incredibly highly tuned senses so nothing will ever sneak up on them
>Can use magic to fight from a distance


dung beetles maybe


>playing a fedora build


Blood is red due to Iron-based pigments. If you take the blood cells out the plasma is colourless (or yellow I don't remember exactly).
Hemocyanin and others have cooper, thus they aren't red.

scorpions are more like an op hybrid build: heavy defense and control in support of a special attack

it's not a fedora it's a pointy hat

hit it very hard.

>They don't even kill them sometimes, just break their legs and plant their babies inside them so they can eat them inside out. Alive.
sounds familiar


Because things like reflex saves aren't a thing in vidya anymore and a dex sneaking build makes most games so annoyingly easy that you rather not play at all.

>Lets give the scorpion the clear advantage by making him fight in a small secluded space where the horner can't even maneuver.

Wow, you sure told me.

Why do I come into the threads, I always end up itching like fucking crazy

A very large, highly venomous centipede.

Think the ones that kill snakes. Here's one that did so after being eaten by said snake.

Anyone got that "choose your character" pic? The one with stabby crabby etc.

>attacks by cheesing and running away

fucking cowardice right there

>waspie keeps engaging the passive scorpionbro and trying to attack him
>gets stung like a little bitch when the scorpbro actually bothers to attack


all night crawling insects should be removed

Which is the medieval fantasy version of a fedora.


>virgin till 30 makes you become a wizard
>fedoras are usually bad with women
Checks out.

>implying scorpionbros are niggers

>he doesn't play max Charisma
>he doesn't get his fights fought for him

The simpletons can fight for you

>not using both as dump stats


I was looking for a wasp hawk in the vein of a tarantula hawk, but one does seem to exist. So meh on that one.

How can white arachnids even compete?

>tfw getting fucked by rad scoprions in new vegas

>thorns build


Look i don't wanna be THAT FAG and all but this is kinda a bit fucked up.

>Spider only has mandible left
>Still alive
>Hopeless and painfully waiting to be finished

Jesus man.

Realistically, what can a tarantula even do to a scorpion?

Can it's fangs even penetrate the hide of a scorpion?

Even if it can, at the very worst, it's going to be a draw because while the tarantula is biting down on the scorpion, the scorpion is probably going to be continuously jabbing it with the tail and envenoming it until it dies.

They need to do this guy against the scorps.

wizards aren't bad with women they would just rather play with their own staff and be stinky nerds than pursue relationships


this was pretty unfair

what is the rhino beetle going to do? lift it to death?


black widows fuck everything up

they launch their web to incapacitate their target, pretty sure there is a webm of that

Faiz all day every day

this isn't about fair fights, it's about satiating sadistic tenancies

Yeah Scorpions are better off in general. They're sturdier, have the snipper snappers, have a fucking tail with a goddamn stinger on it, and have a better exoskeleton, they can't spin webs but who gives a fuck. They're literally upgraded spiders.

>mfw spiderfags
>mfw DEXfags

>this is the power of tarantulas