My hamster just died

My hamster just died

She was all I had now I have nothing to keep me company

Give me a vidya so I can distract myself please

Pic related she looked justl ike this

>my cat just died last night
Stay strong user ;_;

hahaha reddit fags

>trying this hard to fit in
Sup Forums loves cute animals, though. Take your own advice and go there.

That's a cute ham ham.

Raging at fighting games always distracts me.


Stay mad.

Cute. Hope you get another one you like sometime.

Play Persona, they're good at making it feel like you have friends.

Stick her corpse in your ass you sick fuck.

You know what helps me get over dead hamsters? Killing myself.

That would have helped. She was hibernating because it got too cold. When hamsters hibernate they need to be warmed up so they can wake up, else they die. The only heater I have here is my own body so I hugged her for two hours, which was when her heart finally stopped.

I was considering that. Is a bathtub full of water required for slicing one's own wrists? I only have a shower.

Did you fuck her?

I'm sorry anons.
Stay strong

Baldur's Gate

I'm sorry ;_;

>watching your pet pass away slowly while you hug them
holy shit

That's rough. But that's life, I guess.

Viva Pinata helped me whenever I went through a depressing time. Anything relaxing and bouyant, but still requires some for of mental activity. Maybe the Sims or Harvest Moon would also work.


How poor are you? I just spent $300 on a phone game. I could buy a dead hamster orphanage.

That game is fucking gay.

An electric fan heater costs about £10, are you fucking homeless or something

> He doesn't like Viva Pinata

You sound like a faggot.

You kept a disgusting rodent as a pet. I'm glad it's dead.

Get a bunny user. I like bunnies they're cute and nice.

Anything can be a cute pet if you like them enough
Rats, bats, pigeons, people

>Killing yourself over a lost pet that isn't even as smart as a rat

Good riddance.

You want a bunny to freeze to death in this homeless man's shithole shelter?

The fuck is wrong with you?

Bunnies can keep him warm!

My cat's pushing 14 this year. Been with us since I was six. She still runs around and is active, but I think she's getting thinner and she sleeps a lot. I'm scared guys

Why would you buy a pet you couldn't properly accommodate? You killed it yourself you dumbass. Unironically end your life.

Do not kill yourself.

but i could accomodate her

obviously not if it froze to death in your home.

nigger please, my cat is 17 and still runs and does a ton of shit

it's because the climate change was way too sudden, the temperature was more than enough for hamsters but they can't adapt properly if it's too sudden

i wonder what else i could have done to avoid this


You just said it died because it needed warmth that you couldn't provide.

Why make up some Disney story bullshit to how it died. If true, you killed it from neglect. But you're obviously a lying faggot so die like your fake pet.

It's true and yes it was neglect

I had 2 hamsters
both died, and not from "old age"
however i can only remember one death

his death was a funny and story, i'd post it if someone is interested

Post proof then

like what? I already took the cage out

I actually tried to warm her up at first with cloth mixed with hot water but it wasn't too effective, body heat could keep her warm without pauses

My dog just died last night

already took the body out*

>getting something that is trying to stay warm wet
You are actually fucking retarded

my elephant exploded last friday

>Tossing your hamster in the air giving it a heart attack

why havent you eaten your dead animals to gain their strength?

Well yeah, gold fish are delicious as fuck

I hear the Hamtaro GBA games are amazing.

no, i didn't kill him.
it was the maid

She thought it was a mouse and hit it with a broom orv something?


I hope you're ok user

I would be devastated if my cat died

Maniac Mansion


Get a bird op They live a really long time

>See you in space, cowboy.

Dont get bloodborne I platinumed it in 10 days.

>Go for a jog
>Find a cute white kitten
>Decide to take him in and make him mine
>Take him to the vet, feed him
>Find out he is deaf
>Give no fucks, just adds to his charm
>Pet him everyday
>One day He gets out of the house
>Look for him for 4, 5 hours
>Decide that he«ll show up the next day
>Wake up the next day, go get my car
>White fur near my neighbours car
>It's him
>He's been dead for a few hours but you can still feel warmth under him
>Probably didn't hear the car and neighbour hit him

I miss you Prince.

Animal crossing (over)

>had hamster
>got a second one
>they start fighting to the death
>one dies and the other is severely insured
>find out they were both males
>buy a female hamster for the victor and treat him like a king
>dies a month later
>female hamster has kids
>name 1 hamster after his dad
>dies of old age

All these people falling for this bait.

The OP was believable, this is too ridiculous though. If its so cold that itll literally kill small animals, you would have a heater. A small one is literally cheaper than the fucking hamster itself, let alone food and bedding for it.

buy a new pet

>>Decide that he«ll show up the next day
What an idiot.

It was very late, I beat myself about it everyday. Was no use calling for him either, poor dude was deaf.

Is this a jojo reference

I'm brazilian

A hamster is R$15 (equivalent to $5)

I doubt a heater would be cheaper than that user

Himouto Umaru-chan on the vita

Hamsters here are $15, and you can get a heater for $10.

You can afford a cage, hamster, food, bedding, and chewables (neccessary) but not a cheap ass heater?

Heck, I got a "saftey" heater that shuts off if it falls over for my cat for only $20 brand new.
