AST will still be OP thereby making WHM pointless. WAR will still be OP, but PLD will also be pointless and boring to play.


> palacucks think an aoe spell with a 2,5 cast time that will constantly get interrupted like clemency will save em
I love PLD but, geez this is terrible, unless they implement a trait to proc short casts

fuck the knicks

IDK, I started playing this game because a bunch of people shilled how GOOD the story is, and how DIFFERENT it is from other MMOs.

The story is theme park mmo trash. It leaves a huge amount of plot threads that would be interesting to follow dangling and never goes back to them. Only good plot in 3.x was 3.4, but it was execute extremely quickly, then we'll probably never talk about it again.

And it's typical MMO fare; redo the same content over and over to get gated equipment and effectively pay for more sub time.

Besides, who thought putting only two dungeons in the expert roulette was a good idea?

Will SE ever fix that horrible anatomy that is Elves? There's a lot of really good Elf faces, but those bodies.

Not that Ill ever reroll my race, but still.

Reminder that WAR has been the best tank since 2.1 and PLD players that denied it are a big part of why PLD was useless in the expansion.

>SCH get a fairy that tethers to someone and exponentially increaes their dps
>AST gets a buffable Trick Attack card to use on enemies
>WHM gets ANOTHER AoE heal


This game is easily the most shilled in the industry, even though most people doing it aren't playing the game themselves

You only want midlander with knife ears.

How does boosting crafters work? Do I check out a leve person, and someone craft me a lot of HQ stuff they want that day?

>NIN gets a cool Summon
>SMN gets some Ruin shit
>2 years of this garbage

5.0 when?

Will it finally be worth playing this game? I quit a week after Heavensward to due extreme lack of content


No. It's the exact same shit.

>That is their inventory fix
>40 fucking inventory + 10 per armory chest

It's fucking nothing.

what is it about mmos that make people bitch endlessly about the game but keep playing anyway? My friends who are into wow act the same way

>it's a people keep posting like every class only get 1 skill in the expansion episode

Not when overwatch exist.


>its a people assuming they even know for sure what those single skills are

Indeed, they're not, they sit in Idyllshire desperately wanting to live in the game itself. At Pax East there were people cosplaying their own in-game character and also trying to do the challenge multiple times to get many t-shirts.

Wait time for the challenge was about 2-3 hours.

You're surrounded by a bunch of other video games, some of which aren't out yet, and you're here waiting to play FFXIV in your miqote glamour cosplay.

Not to mention the amount of redditors attempting desperately to suck Yoshida's dick. Especially the reddit mods.

When you're at that level, I guess you can't not think the game is great, I mean, great for you?


that's right goyim, now buy our retainers!

>it's a white knight defends the game with awful logic episode

An extra 10 slots per armoury page is a lot, actually. 35 slots when you'll only have 26 weapons and 9 or 10 unique sets. 40 inventory slots is nearly 2 full pages, plus we're meant to get another upgrade after Stormblood release.

the SAM LB3 looks kind of meh really

>retainers don't even get the extra 40

If only.

desu you should just teleport behind the boss and stab him

>comparing PLD to WAR

Why do people still do this

>awful logic
The fuck is wrong with you? Obviously jobs will get more than 1 skill in the expansion.

My god you people grow dumber by the second.

So does Paladin have their own mini Holy ability now?

Because PLDs liked to think they were better than WAR in ARR.

FFXIV was the first time I got meme'd into a game by Sup Forums. Everyone here praises this game as the best MMO out there and the second coming of Christ. 'It's so much better than WoW holy shit and more populated too and everyone is nice!"

Well I decided to try it out yesterday and low and behold its dog shit. For starters there are about 3 or 4 servers that aren't completely dead and they are locked for character creation unless I make sure I'm awake early in the morning in some ridiculous time frame. The entire game is locked behind the main story which takes fucking forever. Literally. If you're interested in doing end-game content then you can just fuck off because FFXIV has it locked behind a massive single player game. I dont think ive ever played a game that is as unfriendly to new players as FFXIV is.

Also DPS is top priority no matter what role you play. As a tank youre supposed to focus on DPS as long as you have enmity and thats not hard to get. As a healer youre supposed to focus on DPS just as much as an actual DPS. So what the fuck is the point to playing tank or healer? I see none. Everything is a fucking speed run. Autistic weebs telling me to go go go go go go go go GOGOGOGOGOGOGOGO everywhere.

Just about the only redeeming quality I found in the game were the graphics. Theyre alright for an MMO.


I don't even mind the proportions, maybe that is just how they look in this setting.

What I do mind is their stiff animations. Had to fantasia mine after a while since it bothered me so much.

Everything about SAM looks fucking meh.

That is the first part of the inventory upgrade.
We will basically test the server capacity on release. If nothing breaks, we will get another inventory upgrade on a future patch.

Where is everyone getting all this new skill information?

Even if this is a pasta this is 100% right


>someone actually asked about child npcs
>they actually answered and gave tips on where to look for them



270 Arc AOE?

More like Almost Holy.


>comparing two things that you needed to take both of anyways

Sounds like a falseflag.

You can be like and look at your female miqote and miqittens all day while emoting faggotry at other players.

Oh Hey look its another idiot whos never done progression raiding at release making another thread about how WHM is useless.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out

We do not welcome Pedos.

its a privilege, not a right

WHM was only good in Gordias, and that's because AST did 60% the healing at twice the threat AKA being a dumpster tier job.

If AST had the same healing potencies and cards back in 3.0 it would easily have been the best choice for Gordias for those A3S and A4S DPS checks.

>yfw PLD's Holy has 1200 potency

It's just speculation based on the benchmark video. There's no concrete information beyond some new animations (or card illustrations in the case of ast)

I guarantee this flamethrower thing is gonna be shit
>looks aoe which means itll be crap in single target dps (the only situation that matters 99% of the time in raids)
>looks like you need to stand still and channel it
>has like no range

The only saving grace is if it will do a gorillion damage or something gimmicky like detonate a wildfire early or something.

>only one haircut and it's shit

I'm starting to think it would've been better as a fucking tank. Just for the armor sets, maybe even flashier moves.

I forgot livestream was today, anything cool?

MCH already needs to be in melee range most of the time to hit Blank

WHM got officially cucked by 20% Balance and lesser heal requirements from Creator.
Stay benched.

>extremely high
cool shit

I still don't know why people think its a pld skill, looks like something the whm casted on the pld that detonated when he got hit.

Don't worry soon you'll be the only weeb still playing this game

this is going to be a meme isn't it

they would still get robes

I can see it as a way to do more damage between wildfires.

Just something more to do, maybe something like Painflare?

never you fucking pedo

>Holy is now a cross-class skill shared by all healers + pally
RIP white mage bros


You mean load screen. Because that is all there is in this fucking game is load screens. Your game is fucking garbage and the only reason its even relevant is because its Hurp durp final fantasy.

2 user

Zatoichi didn't need armor and he was blind. Neither did Yojimbo.

>He brought up Gordias as challenging content
Its pretty funny that people even think AST holds a candle to WHM in terms of aoe healing power. these people probably never did the content where you were required to have cure 3.

AST AF3 gear looks fucking atrocious. It looks like some cheap and crappy eastern themed rags that they threw together at the last second and were too embarrassed to show off that they stuck it behind all the other jobs at the end of the benchmark.

The 3.0 gear was much better, it actually fit their fortune-teller theme.

What's the PLD skill then, smartass?

Showed off some new skills, but nothing that matters if you actually play the game because we won't know the battle system changes until literally the night before Early Access.

If you're into gay anime rp the glimglam game's looking up, as well as some texture resolutions, but the models are all still bad and running animations still blow cock.

How's WAR vs. DRK? I'm deciding which I want to play.

I bet a lot of those "dangling threads" you are talking about actually did get resolved, and you just haven't done all the content yet. I can't think of a lot of major offenses in that regard.

The entire AF3 lineup is horrible, with only BRD being a stand-out, WHM and RDM are also okay, the rest are shit.

>battle system changes
Another one fell for Yoshida's bullshit

Got pics of all the AF's that were revealed?

>these people probably never did the content where you were required to have cure 3.
I raid healed on WHM for all of HW and I don't really see where I was required to use cure 3.

It couldn't be any more obvious. The WHM skill affects all players around the mob, and the PLD is using the Clemency casting animation which finishes at the same time the Holy explodes.

>Casuals who have only done the latest tier talking like they know which healers are the best
You fuckers didnt even play the game when it was actually hard, of course you wouldn't know the strength of WHM in progression. They have cooldowns that allow them to heal content past gear checks.

>biggest change is removal of TP cost of sprint
>expecting anything of consequence

>one skill out of a possible many added to PLD is revealed
WARcucks need to leave

>extremely high
>8560 points
>in windowed mode
>in 1800x965

One got mana managment and the other don't.

In terms of end game viability?

WAR is fun, well-designed and strong. DRK is a badly designed direct upgrade to PLD.



>WAR gets OP gap-closer, making DRKs salty and rending PLD useless for the rest of time
>PLD meanwhile gets some crappy mini-holy that takes 3 years to cast
>WHM gets another unnecessary AoE heal
>AST gets an overpowered card fusion mechanic allowing them to virtually shit out DPS like it means nothing
>SCH gets to channel their fairy on allies, making healing a joke and cucking WHM further
>AST+SCH put WHM in the cuckshed for the rest of the game's existence
>WAR+DRK put PLD in the cuckshed for the rest of the game's existence

4.0 best expac

>BLM still doesn't get a lightning bolt spell
Angry purple orbs just aren't the same as tearing lightning down from the sky.
I'm happy for the new aoe though.

>tfw modern Sup Forums is just cuck shower with people raining cucks on each other like no tomorrow

Both are viable, Wars better at this point, but that don't really matter. Personally I really don't care for the mana managment, but chose the one that appeal more to you

>talking about the past
it's usless now and will be useless in 4.0

I was in T9, T13, A3S, A4S, A8S and A12S when they were relevant. Healing wasn't the thing that caused us to wipe, it was just barely missing DPS checks like A3S hands, pushing quickly enough in A4S, and clearing the robots in A8S. Balance would have been a huge boost in all those situations.

BLMs should just neck themselves, including Yoshida.


Disable > Anything WHM could do for J-Kick. Tetra and ED were functional equivalents for Double Spark into Beam. Double Spark into Bombs was better handled by Indom and Med2/Asp. Helios as healing potencies were virtual equivalents by then. At best C3 could net you one more pulse from the fire tornado. Wow. Such potency!

Creator is noncontent, so we won't talk about it. WHM is a bad job and "le aoe" healing is irrelevant so long as indom exists.

Shitsux but eh, muh status quo. I got kinda excited when I saw shinryu drop a lightning bolt on omega.