How do we fix "Hold trigger to win" symmetra Sup Forums?
How do we fix "Hold trigger to win" symmetra Sup Forums?
She's not viable in competitive, so she needs another buff. Increase range on beam and turrets, and the damage they put out.
Have her be able to put down both her ults, so she can put down a shield generator, build up her ult again, and if the generator is still up, then she can put down the teleporter too, but her ult will not build of both of them are up.
Maybe give her 50 more shields or health since she's a close range character.
Give her 10 turrets instead of 6, since it's a more round number, and it fits better with her autism.
Also give her more skins.
How to break her the post.
have her reset her charge damage when switching to a new victim so you don't have a chain of deaths,
She needs a nerf. Her main attack's damage increase should be much slower and it shouldn't go around corners or through walls (do the same for Mercy). Her teleporter should have far less health and shield. Decrease her health by at least 25%.
bronzefag detected
"I like bad design"fag detected
>it's a "people who are complete garbage think a garbage character is OP" post
>implying ow has any good design
She's about territory, user.
If you charge at her, she's probably in an area with turrets and you'll most likely lose.
Symmetra will always lose to Rein, Roadhog, sometimes Winston (depending on health for both), Mei, and Zarya. Other heroes should just aim for her head instead of running away. She doesn't have a lot of health.
She's fine.
>design a character to be OP on console where no one can aim
>even console players hate her
There's your problem.
Dva hates her
>incredibly unfun to play against
>incredibly unfun to play
Why are all defense heroes in the game like this? I know she isn't classified as defense but she's designed like one
Just need to reduce her beam range to what it used to be really.
>zenyatta never used
Why? he seems okay.
what could go wrong
>console players can't use Ana for heals
My sides.
Turn her weapon into a UT shock rifle.
I don't know why they went so overboard with her buffs. She is fine now, even though it requires her team to play around her (essentially carrying her) due to how easily countered she is BUT that beam length was unnecessary making her a pain in the ass if you're unlucky and run into her. It's not fun dying in 2 seconds to a character who just keeps LMB held in a 10 feet away from you while looking at the ceiling
Ana is better for people who can aim, Mercy is better for people who can't, and Lucio's buff made him almost as good as Zenyatta for offensive support. Zenyatta right now has a niche role in dive comps, which is very strong in, but in other comps he's simply not the best choice, even if he doesn't suck.
>the state of console gaming
zenyatta actually has to aim to be as strong as he is so plebs dont use him
I enjoy playing Sombra and having a Zen on your team is a god send. I don't really struggle to kill people as her but a Zen pushes her from just okay to a real menace
"So you know this guy, uh, pyro from tf2. he is hated by everyone because he can pretty much just hold down his attack button and still hit everything"
"yeah what about him?"
"We need this but the weapon should actually aim on its own you know, so you pretty much can play on a trackpad, also she needs to be able to build some aimbot turrets aswell"
- Overwatch dev team
Give her a shock rifle from UT.
isnt she a literal autist?
He isn't terrible, but he's completely outclassed by every other support class in the game.
His healing is abysmal and it's only really useful for healing flankers, it wasn't too bad in the beta where his orb stayed on players until you moved it or they died, but now you need to have a direct line of sight or else it will come back to you within literally 5 seconds.
His discord orb is useful but isn't nearly as useful as Mercy's damage buff, Ana's heal buff and Lucio's speed boast.
To be honest, all of the good Zen players play him more like a DPS character with a secondary healing/debuffing ability, like he's meant to be played, but a lot of people can't really get used to a character that's half DPS and half healer.
discord orb is his one saving grace, it's way better than mercy's shitty damage buff. he can still deal damage himself and heal while discording and the entire team benefits from it vs just the one pharah mercy tends to pocket
>consolefags thinking they have opinions about shooters worth listening to
>Blind hooks and one shots someone
>Right clicks Rein shield down
>Takes damage, turns around and heals while also getting healed by Ana, surviving while getting shot by 3 enemy characters
>Hooks a tank, almost one shots him ults
>Gold damage, gold kills, gold objective kills, silver healing
What did he mean by this?
Not a serious FPS, literally doesn't matter. If you have a bad round just start a new one. Your rank is irrelevant and not that impressive anyway
How broken is Symmetra's autoaim gun on consoles?
Obvious bait aside - the quick fix is to slow her movement speed down while engaging her primary attack (like DVA), or prevent her from jumping while the beam is engaged.
Something to make her primary tactic of hopping around like a crackhead not viable.
If this isn't the fix, then revert the disengage range to match her attach range of the beam. That shit is super sketchy for supposedly only being 2m of difference between them.
The further your crosshair is from someone = the less damage you deal
You only deal current damage if you keep your crosshair on the enemy 100% of the time
probably because Pharah dominates on console and pharah counters Sym pretty hard
I'm pretty sure it's borderline impossible to take a point from a Sym+Mei comp.
Pharah+Winston, easy
Both of them are hard countered by 76, which is going to be on the team.
That doesn't explain why he drops off at higher tiers. In fact that would result in the opposite.
See: Ana.
that's why you get somebody to deal with soldier
because ana is a fucking broken dog shit character that ruined the game
You'd think so, but Pharah's usage on console is actually lower in every tier but Grandmaster.
Why are the Overwatch shills back? YOUR GAME SOLD ENOUGH RIGHT?
My only guess is that they want to counter the extremely low attach rates to keep their fucking boring Esport scene alive for awhile.
Morrison has no counters.
by not playing trash blizzard games
I consistently win against him as Genji and Sombra. But it's true that he is overpowered.
the whole character is shit, even colored like one
Because he's a giant fat fuck with no mobility. He's flanker bait. Which is ironic considering those are his best teammates as well.
Winston is a common pick to contest the high ground that 76 is almost always on, and he can't fight off both of them at the same time.
by keeping these threads to their respective general
talking about balance on Sup Forums won't make blizzard consider changing her
It's partially why I don't trust Blizzard balance. Years of playing their games shown me that they really cannot balance worth shit.
I mean I genuinely enjoy the game but not enough to take it seriously like all the competitive players.
Give her the ability to refund what she build, maybe simply by walking next to them and pressing a button.
Sometimes I end up in a situation where all of my turrets are set up but my shield generator is too far away to be of any use for the team. So I have to kill myself, switch from Symm, respawn, then switch back to her to get the opportunity to put down another shield generator a bit closer.
you're pretty dumb.
not an argument
>Not fun
What fucking game are you playing?
>Team has to fall back a bit
>Have my ult so I go back a bit and place the generator so it can help us hold the choke further back
>Team manages to hold them back just before the choke, so no one gets the shields
>Other team never destroys it since they never get near it, and no one on my team has any shields to tip them off
Every fucking time.
>nano a winston
>he's at full health
>he retreats
>he doesn't jump to a better position to avoid getting hooked
>he actually fucking jumps backwards away from everything else
I mean we were gonna lose anyway because it was 5v6 and we were getting stomped but come the fuck on.
even worse, he uses primal rage at full health
I'd understand if I just fucked up and mistimed and nano'd as he jumped but no, there was a good few seconds before he retreated.
Will she still be viable in comp if they do that? I dont think so. It's just a shit character with shit gameplay, no reason to do something.
Fuck the autoaim gun. Just give her a regular straight beam with decent range. That should at the very least make her less annoying for low level play.
Let her use both ults but have the second one charge a lot longer.
Give her 10 turrets.
>having trouble killing Symettra
Symettra is just a gatekeeper for shit players. If you see the enemy team has symettra, you are going to have to adjust. Literally anyone can swap to Winston and destroy her turret nests/teleporter in 2 seconds. Also, the moment she tries to flank just kill her first, she has no health and no mobility.
>B-b-but her team will kill you
Learn to fucking play, seriously. you can kill Sym with Mercy if you land a few headshots. Rein kills her in 2 swings (usually).
Fine, but lets nerf bunny hopping for everyone else while we are at it. Game is fucking retarded when everyone on both teams is jumping around like an autistic bunny. Something simple like, can't reload while hopping, or give them a 5 second cooldown on juming after 3 hops. Obviously this would not apply to genji since he's designed to hop around like a faggot.
Just make her primary only hit if the opponent is within sight, like Zen's orbs. I fucking hate playing tag with her as Winston going around in circles
Low health?
Tracer should just blink away.
Zen would be way out of position but still can do some mean headshot doink damage with the discord orb
Lucio, slide away.
Mercy fly.
ect ect.
The only one that I see they really gets pooped on is a mcree without flash bang (way too long cooldown) or a bastion in recon mode, everyone else has so much mobility and effective ranges/positioning that she isn't that big of a threat.
Now if she gets a shit ton of charge off your friend (a high HP target like hog/zarya ect) and now she is at stage 3 dps then yes she melts people and good on her for chaining, but if just her then nah it was your fault.
Basically the same but even easier to deal with than mei, if you can't out DPS or maneuver away from the frost the you 'deserve' the euthanasia. Doesn't feel good but yeah.
i forgot console tards exist
you guys realize nobody in the OW community cares about you, right?
>Genji has two jumps
>Genji gets a skill reset on kill
>Genji can reflect damage that wouldnt hit him
>Genji should be able to infinitely jump whilst everyone else gets 3 jumps then 5 second wait