What does Sup Forums think? The demo is out.
What does Sup Forums think? The demo is out
It doesn't feel right with a controller and I say that having played both Dishonored games on PS4
Fuck is up with steam and zero demos for big releases.
yeah this, it feels clunky as fuck on controller for some reason.
Controller controls are fucking trash, i wish it had a PC demo.
Nevertheless it was really really fun and intriguing in a number of ways. Can't wait for it to come out.
It was pretty cool. Controller feels really fucking clunky though. Mimics were really difficult to hit.
I wish it were on PC but people would probably data mine the demo like what they did with RE7.
Idk if it was just me but I felt like the sound mixing was very off, some things too loud and others too soft even when the audio settings where changed.
Overall I really enjoyed it and hope they make a few small changes before release.
fuck those mimics
that is all
I quit because the controls with a controller feels awful, the mimic zoomed around so fast that I could never keep track of it, and I would run out of stamina trying to hit it.
Really disappointed in the demo for one reason, it gives away the opening of the game instead of just shoving me somewhere "or its own area like RE7 did" allowing me to test out the game but keeping the game itself a mystery.
On the other hand, loved the opening, but until I see and hear more about it from Sup Forums I wont get it, if I do, its on PC.
the ideas are there but the execution is god awful
First off don't solely listen to Sup Forums, a good amount of the time they're either wrong or retarded.
The RE7 demo had a completely different "story" and character that has nothing to do with the main game. It was more of a preview for the game than an actual demo.
>First off don't solely listen to Sup Forums, a good amount of the time they're either wrong or retarded.
Ive been here long enough to tell the shit posting and die hard shit fanboy garbage. So far every bodies experience in this thread seems to match up with mine.
More so, Sup Forums tends to be a good place to hear about technical issues and so forth, but I get ya. I haven't trusted game reviewers for years now since they praised a game and it was a shit experience for me. Dont even remember its name at this point.
To all the people stuck playing FPS with a controller.....
>mfw going to buy it for 10 yurops next year
I've not yet played this but I've got very high hopes for it. I'm really craving a decent single player FPS, I hadn't really noticed how shitty things had got until Doom reminded me what a good game feels like.
fear of pirates cracking their DRM before the game is even out
Best part of the demo is the fact pc shitters got blown the fuck out again.
Fuck those dogs.
did any of you get into the security office, i cant get back there
It's literally Dishonored in Space
Like everything down to the controls and even the melee mechanics like those "cinematic" kills feels identical to Dishonored- i'm pretty sure the game even shares several U.I elements with Dishonored, like the stance symbol and the objective summary in the upper left of the screen
Despite that the game shows a lot of promise. The world they've made looks neat, the openness of the game is really fun, and the enemies are genuinely threatening if you're not smart. Especially the fucking mimics, god those things are scary. It's a testament to how good of an idea they are that they successfully scared me multiple times
INB4 the plottwist is just Morgan is a sentient mimic that has taken the form of the real Morgan, who is dead which is why he can't talk
I was almost sold just on the basis of sequence breaking with the gloo gun, but the controls are surprisingly shit on consoles.
godamn, yeah shits scary when i was playing with headphones. that chair suddenly turns into a mimic
Yeah, I noticed this too. Dishonored 1 and 2 didn't feel this bad on consoles, so why does this control so poorly?
Well, you are not wrong. It was spoiled a few weeks ago.
It's easy to play with a controller, but this game for some reason plays like total shit with one
My fucking nigger
It's because the game has massive amounts of input lag
to me it is a glimmer of hope that console controls are shit, this means it might actually have some sort of challenge or complexity
still wont buy it, nu-arkane is trash
Saying the controls should be more responsive in a horror FPS is like saying Dark Souls should play like Bayonetta.
People on PC tend to datamine demos for information about the game.
It is System Shock 3.
So it's the best game of the year by default.
> any object in the game world can be a monster
>Dark Souls combat and difficulty
>innovative weapons
>multiple playstyles
Calling it now, this is going to be the best FPS of this generation.
Anyone play it on the xbone? They put out a statement saying they know about the ps4 version's input lag and it's been fixed in the release version.
It's an easy to predict twist desu. Anything with this kind of setup is definitely gonna have that twist, and I was also betting on it being an elaborate simulation as well
What does this have to do with dark souls?
Also how long is the demo?
had a lot of fun, the mimic jumping at you out of nowhere combined with the controls are kinda annoying though. Lost health when it was not my fault way too often
Map points to a metroidvania structure which is fucking awesome
>Devs tell me I can play the way I want to
>Try out stealth as I always do in any game where its an option
>Mimics still magically know where I am always and just jump to get a free hit
>Decide to throw some shit into the room to see if that will stir then
>Nope we are getting our free hit unless you drag a turret around
>Literally use the jizz cannon to build a ladder to the roof and crawl through the rafters of the room
>Shit still spawns and waits for me to come down
Nice """"Stealth""""" this game has.
Stop being shit
Best surprise of the year.
>>Dark Souls combat and difficulty
>innovative weapons
gee, never hit things with a wrench before
there are pipes above the door, so you can climb into the office. the shitty shotgun is there if that matters to you
Tell me the secret to passing mimics without either giving them free shots at you or aggroing the whole room at once. Because I couldn't find it
I didn't read any replies to this thread so for the purposes of this post I'm going to pretend that Sup Forums likes this game.
So I went to NeoGAF to check out what those people think about this game.
And oh boy. Look, I argued with people about Bioshock Infinite, I still utterly adore Bioshock Infinite, but now I think I legit understand where the people who hate that game are coming from.
You need to understand that there is a very high chance that Prey will be a flop. It is designed to be the antithesis of everything that the modern gamer wants in an FPS.
Guys, this game is the System Shock sequel that Irrational could never affors to make. The only way to gain mass appeal was to dumb down the System Shock formula like in Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite.
I'm telling you Sup Forums, the fact that this game exists is a legit miracle and fuck knows, it might actually be the last of its kinds.
Just appreciate it, you know.
It felt like the next step for story-oriented corridor shooters like Half-Life and Bioshock. I liked the Mimic idea but we ended up attacking every prop and it got dumb.
The ability to pick up crafting items from the first second, and talent trees, left a bad taste in my mouth. The shotgun felt really good to use.
>didn't read replies
>feels opinion is still valid
piss off- read the thread and realize that people want this game to be good, but we're all expecting it to fall flat on its face
that and the controls are complete bonkers created by CRABS
Maybe its because its an FPS.
its decent, i wish the demo takes part in the middle of the game not the opening, ill be buying it on pc if its not fucked up
I'm calling bullshit on combat difficulty and "scary as fuck"
Inventory management is nice, though.
Yeah the music is SOO FUCKING LOUD I had to put it at 25%.
The FoV is shit, I don't mind the controller for a SP FPS, but the shit FOV makes me uneasy, especially with fast small headcrab like things all over the place.
ahh thanks man
The fact there's no PC demo is indicative of 1 of 2 things.
1. The game is going to have a port on par with Dishonored 2 on PC
2. They were too lazy to strip a sizable amount of the game down into a proper Demo and didn't want PC-fags to datamine and start crack-work early on it
Either way, they fucked up.
because its not ready on pc yet, i guarantee the pc port will be hyper shit
like what?
At least be subtle about advertising, you're literally speaking in marketing points.
Shit, he's got a tripcode. There's no way he's just shitposting.
no you're actually a mimic that's the twist
I hate how the headcrabs quickly run around me while I'm hit them with my slow wrench
Use the gloo gun to block sight line and crouch walk to it. I did it tons and stealth one hits mimics on nightmare. Get innovative.
i will wait for gman review just because i'm not really sure whether it's optimized or not.