Peripheral Thread

Because Sup Forums are incompetent.

>K65, K90 or Ducky One?

Ducky > Corsair
But that's just me.

Last I checked Sup Forums didn't like corsair because they are popular and something about their bulk orders delaying other companies from making keyboards with cherry mx switches. Their products are all gamery looking too if thats a turn off. I have a corsair k70 myself and have no complaints. Ducky's supposedly have the best rep for quality control and price. I don't have a Ducky one but I would have gotten one if they came in cherry mx greens. Instead I ended up getting WASD keyboard.

I wish somebody would do cherry mx greens, tkl, and rgb. So far nobody does this. Greens are hard enough to find as it is.

Aren't greens almost just blues?

I like Ducky. Also get one with a numb pad.

I own K95, it is too big & heavy to carry while traveling.

For one thing the cable on the K65 is a pain, it's huge, you can't disconnect it from the keyboard, and it's split in 2 USB heads at its end, one for the keyboard and one for the passthrough.
You also need to have the Corsair software always running in the background if you want to have control over your keyboard's lighting, keybinds etc, if you close the software it'll switch to a default profile.

The keyboard is pretty nice in use, though. The lack of volume slider on the K65 as compared to Corsair's larger keyboards is a bit of a letdown, as the volume control buttons feel pretty crappy and aren't that user-friendly.

Who Tomoko 87 key here?

They are close sure. Greens are definitely the most clicky/tactile though.

Only 1 answer

The old K70 (red led only one) can be found real cheap these days since its discontinued, and does the job just fine.

doesnt really matter they're all shit, but the ducky is the shit that smells the least

Come on user. He obviously doesn't want cheap chinamen knockoff switches if hes going for ducky or corsair.

Why would you say that senpai? Price? If its looks at least ducky has plain simplistic ones.

What's the Sup Forums approved switch? Clicky or smooth? I went with clicky because it feels nice to type on and it works fine for gaming, still better feeling than membrane for that.

I have a k70 blue switches one that I really enjoy. Haven't had any problems with it, although I believe the blues are now discontinued.

Also, avoid the corsair products with the trampstamp logo.

Personally if I wasn't going clicky I'd strongly consider going membrane as cherry mx reds for example don't really feel that different than membranes to me. Even browns feel pretty mushy.

Bang for buck, with ducky you get better build quality and minimal 'gamer' shit

No such thing. It's all subjective. Use what you like the most.

Well, if you're not considering anything else, I'd go for Ducky. At least they use standard bottom row on their keyboards.

Corsair and Razer are memes and terrible kys if you buy their shit

that is the ugliest type face on a keycap i've ever seen.

Fuck I just bought a Razer Blackwidow Chroma for cheap as my first. Shipped today.

>For cheap

Gats brown. A bit smoother than cherry.