Let's end this debate, Sup Forums

Let's end this debate, Sup Forums.

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Are you for real? there is not even a debate. Dark soul III is better.

Why do you cunts make a new god damn strawpoll every thread? There's dozens of exactly similar strawpolls out there, STOP MAKING NEW POLLS FOR THE SAME QUESTION.



daily similar threads about "nipshit x is better than nipshit y", fuck you

I hate you guys so fucking much holy shiy

Please don't take off my mask

Please be nice

As an oldfag Dark Souls 3 is unquestionably better


Never played either but if we're talking about Souls games here I don't even care after having played Bloodborne and platinumed it in 10 days.

Why do you people like easy games? Must be a millennial thing....

Should of made it between
Dark souls 3
Dark souls 1
Demon Souls

Then we would have got a better answer.

They both have pros and cons. Overall 3 plays better because it's newer. If you took 2 and put it in 3's engine then I would say 2 is superior. 1 would be better than both of them

Because most people have shit to do besides play video games for 10 days straight

The second half of 1 is tied for the worst shit in the series with the worst (most) parts of 2. 3 isn't remotely as good as the first half of DaS 1, but it's consistent. 2 is also consistent, but the problem is, it's consistently shit, with few highs here and there. Only DeS and BB are consistently good throughout, but thanks to platform faggotry from 12 year olds, you can never truly discuss these 2.

Weird, I have that exact same image.

Agreed on everything you said. 2 had some good story moments (the ivory king DLC was great) and had some interesting levels (stuff like iron keep and the lore behind it, though taking an elevator up to get there was terrible design), but for the most part looked like ass and the combat felt too janky.

My major complaint with 3 is the DLC weapons being too good, how linear it is, and how it feels like a "Dark Souls greatest hits" game. Plus magic feels inferior to strength builds but I probably just suck with magic. The game does look and feel better than 2 by far after playing both back to back.

BB was awesome, I am one of those guys who are hoping for a sequel some day.


everybody knows das3 is better..

Will it hurt if I do?

I never thought of BB as difficult though, so I don't know why you felt the need to point out your post to me. Congratulations on following a guide, though.

I'm so mad they wasted Eleum Loyce on DaS 2. The setting, characters, and mechanics were too good for DaS 2. Wish they saved it for DaS 3, which actually feels good to play, but lacks in variety, level design, and story, all of which Eleum Loyce excelled at. A lot of people love bringing Fume Knight, but not only is it not worth going through one of the worst areas in the game to fight him, he's really not that good of a fight. Alonne was a much better fight, but once again, he's hidden behind an even worse designed area. One thing DaS 3 got right was the bosses and music, it just needed balanace, level design, and story/setting to match that to be on par with DaS 1 part 1, and exclusives.

Less original.
More poorly done and blatant fanservice.
Worse Magic.
Aside from how your character feels to control the combat is worse. Nupoise is shit for enemy design and stamina management is out the window which fucks it further.
Worse DLC, no argument: Worse level design, worse bosses, better enemy variety but plenty of reused enemies from the base game.
Super streamlined and sanded down.
Worst swamp level.
Some more shit I'm not necessarily thinking about or forgot.

DaS3 is also pretty shit.
It has some solid bosses when you ignore a lot of the shit ones and it has some levels that are decently designed even if a lot of them fuck up in some way.

Only certain parts of the second part of 1 are tied with the worst parts of 2, Lost Izalith in particular.

You're right, Duke's and Tomb aren't remotely bad enough. But, Kiln is most definitely an incomplete/lazy level. Even if they intended it to be empty, or just have the BKs, they could have made the level slightly larger. Izalith is its own brand of shit I'd argue, not even DaS 2 was as bad.

Irithyll is alluded to be Eleum Loyce which is part of why it's my favorite area in 3 (love snow levels in general too).

Fume Knight was cool, Raime has an interesting story and Brume Tower looked good on the outside, but i agree Alonne was the better boss. Ivory King is my favorite boss from 2, though.

3 has pretty good level design, they just missed part of what made 1 and 2 good by making it so linear. And there are too many swamps.

I'd say horsecock valley was worse than Izalith.

I really liked New Londo. It's been too long since I played 1 so I can't remember what was bad about Izalith. My least favorite area was the crystal cave

As you can see by the results, it's not even a contest.

DaS2 is literally trash.
Literal trash.
Trash in video game form.
If you like DaS2 you're literally the worst form of scum on earth, you're not even worthy of licking the bottom of my boots.
The only thing DaS2 has going for it is PVP.
And PVP is utterly insignificant to souls game, Miya doesn't give a SHIT about PVP, and with good reason.

And before you greentext me like the little retarded cockroach that you are, i'm specifically talking about organized "balanced" PVP.
Invasions are another thing, invasions are very much a part of souls games, and they're different from what YOU like about DaS2.

In short, get the fuck outa of my series, go play whatever MOBAshit you jack off to or dumb shit you spend your pleb money on.
Get the fuck out, and stay out.
Enjoy Miya's dick all the way up your ass when he comes out with his next IP that completely fails to cater to you because you never actually liked Souls games in the first place and were only in this for muh competitive MLG xXXxx PVP.

Good riddance.
Don't let my dick slap your ass on your way out.

Did they ever fix the lag issues with 2?
Dodging and still taking damage with no indication you got hit was retarded.

The results were obvious
I wonder what normies think though.

Someone post it outside this thread

>it's a redditor trying to be a badass episode

>wonder what normies think though
Normies consider DaS1 to be the absolute best.
Some normies like DaS2 and those are the PVP obsessed type that just stream the game/make PVP montages.

But yeah, on average people worship DaS1.
Not many people have 3 as their favorite.
Those that don't worship DaS1, tend to worship BB (and have DeS as their second favorite).

Essentially just because most people shit on DaS2 it doesn't mean they like 3 instead.
They like 3 MORE than 2, but 3 isn't in their favorites necessarily.

So because the poll doesnt have DaS1 its skewed?

I know we have done those a million times but DaS3 seems to have less hype anymore so it would probably lose to 1 like you said.

>Irithyll is Eleum Loyce
>Irithyll is Anor Londo

Horsecock valley is about as bad as Dragon Ass lake.

>Not even a contest
>1/3 of voters prefer it

The invasions also suck in DaS3.
The cherry on top is whoever had the bright idea to have your souls drop wherever you died in the hosts world.

Not a brilliant solution but up your ADP.

>So because the poll doesnt have DaS1 its skewed?

If you put DaS1 on there it'll win.
If you put BB on there, here on Sup Forums, unless the nintendo fanatics presence is still as strong as it used to be, BB will probably win.

BB is generally the most patrician pick, DaS1 is the most "standard" pick everyone loves, DeS is the "i remember when this community used to be awesome" nostalgia fueled pick, DaS3 is "it's better than 2" pick, DaS2 is "i only like PVP" pick.

Izalith is just boring to go through. Horsecock is a painful slog. I'd much rather play through Izalith than Horsecock valley.

The state of DaS2fags.

Izalith pre patch was worse than horsecock no questions my dude. Everything about the area is bad, how incomplete it is, the eye rape bright laval, the dragon asses from hell, it wasn't "boring" it was fucking bad.

I dont see how frigid outskirts is hard unless your thrying to get the items solo. The 2 npcs offer ample protection while you explore the area, and the boss isnt too bad solo with a big weapon.

>If you put BB on there, here on Sup Forums, unless the nintendo fanatics presence is still as strong as it used to be, BB will probably win.

>Souls games


>D-D-DaS3 was bad
>c-c-comparing the two will work out for DaS2 for once
>get anally ravaged as usual

Never change, DaS2fags.
When even something as shitty as the souls community doesn't want you, you know you're truly at the bottom of the food chain.

Yeah I guess. Back then I just cheese it with arrows. It was still just boring. Horsecock valley has no easy way to deal with the hazards.

You're misunderstanding me.
I'm saying there used to be a huge nintendo presence on Sup Forums that would shit on literally anything sony, so they would obviously pick anything but BB.
This used to be the case some years ago, i don't know if modern Sup Forums still functions that way.


NPCs are useless, I soloed all coop sections by running through everything after experiencing the enemies once. Not like you're missing much, its some of the worst level design imaginable in those levels.


I'm talking for people who suck. They are a good distraction while you sprint the area.

Also a lot of people claim its the hardest area when the worst thing I did was soloing the gate path in iron passage. The sprint to cool ranch and the fight are fine, but that fucking gate path solo is retarded. Just summon though right

I feel like its only a little bit longer than the sprint to BoC

Which was better, the three DLC packs from DaS2 or the two DLC packs from DaS3?

Trick question, its obviously DaS3.

They're all trash

>Hivemind approved game versus a game that newfags here hate even without playing it because they want to fit in
How could this possibly end

I don't know why I love that DLC, but I just do

I would say irithyll is eleum loyce and that anor londo converged with it before calling irithyll part of anor londo but I can certainly see both sides. There's only circumstantial evidence pointing at irithyll being eleum loyce and not direct confirmation after all

>different unique environmental mechanics
>more of the same gameplay in a different area but now with millions of ranged attacks you sprint past

I think they're equal, honestly.
DaS2 DLC had a lot of quanity so in all that trash heap you're bound to find a couple of interesting things.
DaS3 first DLC was utter scam tier.
The second DLC was better but doesn't justify the price by itself content wise.

Additionally, one of the best things about DLCs wich are new and interesting weapons, just wasn't present in DaS3, not in the quantity DaS2 gave you, DaS2 DLC gave you much more interesting weapons in the DLCs.

So all in all they all cancel each other out and they turn out to be about equal in value.
Also obviously both of them were utter fucking trash quality wise compared to DaS1 and BB DLC, with BB DLC being without the shadow of a doubt the best DLC in the entire series.

Eleum Loyce really wasn't that good in terms of level design. I liked the first two more because of the more vertical nature of the level design.

Meanwhile the DaS3 DLC focuses more on solid level design and mixing up encounters. For example, in AoA you have the confines of the Corvian Settlment contrasted against the wide open forested area, and the winding climb towards the church. And while DaS2 had better invading NPCs, I would argue the fight with Vinheim is particularly exciting and fun.

Nice try DaS2fag.
Go crawl back to retarddit.
Oh wait, they hate DaS2 there too.
Just go kill yourself i guess, since everyone will reject you no matter where you go :^)

I liked ashes of ariandel for its story and level design and I like how it connected with the story of the ringed city but ashes was too short and I did not enjoy the level design and story of the ringed city dlc at all. Not putting down anyone who enjoyed it, that was just my experience

DaS1 DLC is good but very overrated. The level design wasn't really that great and Royal Wood in particular was a let down. The exceptional bosses, new gear and memorable NPCs are what elevate it.

To be fair, Friede is one of the best bosses in the Souls games.

I'm just upset well never get environmental stuff like the switches in Shulva, the entire way brume tower is designed around the elevators (this is somewhat present in 3). The third one is just a better irythill to me, great NPC invaders throughout them all.

I guess it's "iconic".
I don't think that doesn't have objective value in itself, tho.
Someone playing that DLC right now, for the first time, experiencing Artorias for the first time, it's such an iconic and enjoyable fight at this point.
Sure it's easy as piss compared to modern souls bosses, but still, it does have value.

Feel free to keep eating shit souls 3 (made by famous Hidetaka ´´Just make your own headcannon time is convoluted haha´´ Myiazaki

based retardposter

This, every prior to township is insanely underwhelming. The DLC is really, REALLY, mediocre before you encounter le Bloodborne man and then fight Artorias.

We didn't go to Londor after how much it's talked about in the game, will always be mad about that

I'm currently 18 hours into Dark Souls 2. Why do I still feel like I'm wandering completely aimlessly with no clue what I'm accomplishing?

I think sunken city is one of the best levels in the entire series

She was just Lady Maria-lite for people that never got to experience Lady Maria, way less cool.
Gael on the other hand was a really good fight, good design too.

Because the game has no story

Thats the whole first half of the game.

There are like 5 routs you can take to the 4 lords. Once you get to your first one youll understand.

The escalating nature of the fight and the fantastic second phase elevate it. Also Maria was way easier than Friede imo (unless you're doing a bl29 run in which case its a bag of dicks to fight her).

Gael is pretty fantastic too but that Friede fight just clicked with me more.

Because it's horribly designed on a core level.
There's one part that will force you to run around the game for hours because YOUR CHARACTER CAN'T WALK OVER SOME RUBBLE.

please fuck off dark souls 2 shitters.

But I did play BB and Friede was much cooler
Nothing beats Orphan "Autistic Screeching" of Kos tho

>thats the whole first half of the game
The second half too since once you get to Drangleic you're just going through three more levels until EH tells you to go to this new place just because.

/dsg/ defends this by saying the story is more about a personal journey for the BotC.

I dont know actually.

2 dlcs have better:
>creative level design
>level design in general

3 dlcs have better:

But overall i think the DLCs from 2 ARE better than the ones from 3 on how much they improve the basegame while the 3 ones just feel like more of the base game.

I think Maria was cooler desu.

But yes Orphan of Kos mechanically speaking is objective the single best designed boss in the entire soulsbone series.
It's a shame he's not that interesting visual design wise.
In terms of attacks and how the fight works he's 100% pure skill and nothing else.
THE most balanced, THE most refined boss fight ever.

Orphan of Kos is the Super Smash Bros. Melee tourneyfag tier of soulsborne bosses.

You came to Drangleic looking for a cure to your curse (when the flame begins to fade, the darksign gwyn put on man appears to make people link the flame for him) and you meet the emerald herald who basically says to get the 4 ancient souls and then find king vendrick

I like the ending if you do all the DLCs personally.
It is personal at that point too so I guess that makes sense.

At least by the second half you have some narrative and are told where to go like the other games. The DLCs are needed otherwise the games basically completely linear in the second half.

>31 original posters in thread
>more than 200+ votes
>one ass blasted DaS3 shitter is samefagging the whole thread
Pathetic really.

>3 dlcs have better:

I completely disagree.
3 has a couple of unique weapons but tons of weapons that are just "it does X, but with Y gimmick!".
They're boring, you can't make a separate, unique build revolving around them like you could with some of the DaS2 DLCs.
This is a problem that extends to DaS3 in general, but also the DLC.

To name one, there's no equivalent of the Dragon Bone Fist in DaS3.
Those shitty fire fists don't hold a candle to the DaS2 DBF in terms of sheer fun.

Dark Souls fans are complete fucking cancer.

Duh, no shit.

Splitleaf Greatsword and the Doors are just as unique as Bone fist.

>Splitleaf Greatsword
I'll give you that one, but you did have the doors in DaS2.
Also the Doors are kinda shit in PvE and only really function as a PVP trolling tool, wich is very underwhelming.

>BB is generally the most patrician pick, DaS1 is the most "standard" pick everyone loves, DeS is the "i remember when this community used to be awesome" nostalgia fueled pick, DaS3 is "it's better than 2" pick, DaS2 is "i only like PVP" pick.

kek, even funnier if you realize that is the truth.

They are both dumb, fucking 2kat+blood+fire or 2scythe+ice+blackfire, so fucking silly it hurts.

Ehhh, I think DaS3 DLC has better bosses than DaS2 DLC. Don't get me wrong, I liked both. But there aren't any really shitty bosses in DaS3's DLC whereas there are quite a few mediocre bosses in DaS2's (basically every multiplayer zone boss).

Reminder that Dark Souls 2 has the worst bosses in the series, and considering how basic DaS1 bosses were as a whole, that's a great achievement.

It is up there but those three phases were a really terrible idea and really drag the fight down since the first two phases are such filler.
The third phase also just spams combos and AoEs so it's pretty much entirely about finding out when she stops for long enough to safely attack her.

Eleum Loyce also had the whole melting ice thing.
And the rolling snowball was also pretty neat.

>Think you're talking about the quantity of DLCs at first and flip what you attribute to which DLC.

I would disagree slightly on weapons and bosses.
A lot of the weapons in DaS3 DLC are use the same base weapon as something in the main game but dual weapon (Possibly anime moveset) and/or unique weapon art. I think DaS2 had some merit with its weapons that mixed themselves up much more in some cases.
And there are fewer bosses in the 3 DLC but there are still filler bosses like Gravetender and Spear or mediocre bosses like Midir. I think for the bosses it largely comes down to a preference for one specific boss if you prefer one DLC over the other in that regard.

Splitleaf is definitely super solid because of the great spin (Even if the base weapon outside of the WA is not unique) but the doors aren't unique, they're just an arguably better implementation of Orma and Reeve dual greatshields from DaS2.

It's an easter egg, a King's Field reference. You uncultured plebe.

Silly animu shit has been in souls since forever.
Artorias was exactly that, just limited by the mechanics of DaS1.

Hell, if we want to dig back even further, Penetrator and False King Allant were already animu as fuck.

The only thing that has changed is that they now have the resources and mechanics to make them more fluid, over the top, and thus more animu.


Elena, Sihn and Aava are mediocre

Blue Smelter, 2cat and Ganksquad are absolutely terrible.

Ivory King is bad mechanically. As a fight, it's utter garbage down there with the rest of the trash. It's got good aesthetics and music, but if you count good aesthetics or music making a good boss fight, then DaS3 would have like, one terrible boss.

This bait is decent, but it will only work once user.

I'm gonna cut off your arm and shove it right up your ass if you don't shut the fuck up.
Don't get mad, it's a Severance: Blade of Darkness reference.

Voted ds2 just to be a contrariaran btw

Fuck off

what's your favorite area in DS3?

Bro, that's literally every Souls game.

They literally gave up on DS2 and they added the tree guy to give you a plot dump