

Other urls found in this thread:

>achievement notification sound
>its actually controller batteries are low

>tfw you can't get the platinum because a trophy requires that you buy the Season Pass

Fucking God of War: Ascension. Who thought it was a good idea?!

Dumb frogposter.

Dumb dumbposter

Thanks for the free (you)

frogposter have to be

How are they bad

Nice reddit thread.

Pretty brilliant on the game makers part. There is no shortage of people dumb & pathetic enough to hand over more shekels for pretend trophies.

Gee user, you sure seem familiar.....


fucking kek. He's just as bad as barneyfag

I'm not the only one posting those, my dear redditors.

The fact that you use the same filename says otherwise.

Unless all "the others" named their images the exact same thing as yours instead of just using the default numbers when saving an image off Sup Forums

Can I be a part of this SIMPLY ERIC leddit thread?

Its gonna take a lot of effort to fill Lee Goldson's shoes, but you're doing a pretty good job so far.


go back to facebook and reddit and tumblr

holy shit it never fails to see this faggot sperg with the same screenshots of when he browses reddit whenever he sees a frog

>fucking kek. He's just as bad as barneyfag
Didn't even realize it but yea, that's pretty much him.

Well, some of those aren't even me.
I don't know what to tell yuh.

>hates anime
>browses an anime image board

>>hates anime
>>browses an anime image board
ahhhhaha it's the same faggot

stop being inconsistent reddit

>Sup Forums posters not understanding that what things are most used for are rarely what their creators intended

Sad. Lol.

A lot of people will tell you that this site was founded on anime.

>founded on

Yes, and?

So because it was here first, then it doesn't matter if it was adopted by reddit?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sounds like a particular frog.

Reddit likes video games so its time to stop playing games

Because they keep a record of what games you play and how much you suck at them.

You're complaining about anime on a website that was made for anime discussion.

A dumb joke/meme is different frome a hobby.

Yes, and that is no longer the majority of the discussion on this site. Sup Forums is largely a containment board as far as the rest of the site is concerned.

Generally, things change and evolve beyond their origins. I'm sorry that you never did.

This thread is shit.

Reddit frag lol

Animeposting is a hobby?

He's parroting the one response that you always get when you complain about Anime on this shithole. Cut him some slack, pretty much everyone from Sup Forums is autistic.

Stopped caring about these since 2013. It's like Pokemon GO, first you think it's a hobby you can't and won't ever quit but once you give it a break you realize you're over the addiction.