ITT: Sup Forums tries to make the most controversial vidya concept
A western game with a cis white male protagonist
A game where the nazi's won WW2 and life is so much better for everyone involved.
Your character has hiv, which will develop into aids unless you receive constant medication. You can infect enemies with HIV if your bleeding.
If Ape Escape 4 was made, it would be shit.
Horror game in Aushwitz, with jewish ghosts haunting the place.
Imagine a dystopian earth run by memes. Your character has to lead a SJW uprising to restore the the world to its natural order.
You can play as a tranny but it reduces all your stats. INT and WIS in particular.
Dating simulator with the prophet Mohommed. At the end, you brutally and graphically anally rape him.
You play a Swedish girl who had to defend herself from a barbarian rape gang, and you can never prevent rape, just fend off maybe one or two Muslims before they porn game you to death. Only option to survive is to fuck back
Some open world game where one of the side related activities is being able to go to church on sundays. None of this is forced in anyway, it's just an optional activity.
A nazi black protagonist that kills Jews in the name of God in a concentration camp full of obese transexual girls with dyed hair on wheelchairs, with the entire OST made of muslim prayers and chants and for Allah, with the fianl boss being Allah itslef in the form of a Pig/Ganon-like monster.
Cold open on 9/11
Warframe-esque game created by From Software
All this nazi shit? There's actual Nazis in the Whitehouse and no one gives a shit. Try harder
>ever wanting anything to be like Warframe
Bloodborne 2 on Xbone
A game that revolves around farting and similar obscene topics.
The player character is female.
And theres two black girls in it and they tag along with the MC, and they're all "AIY GURL U HEARED ABOUT THEM SPECIAL LIMITITED TIME MACNUGGITS THEY ALL SPICED N SHIT" and Rayquanda responds all like "SHENESUIQUAWA GIRL I AINT'T DONE HURD BOUT THOSE BUT BABE YOUR HAIR BE LOOKIN FIIIIIIIINE" and shenesuiquawa goes like "AUU GIRL YOU TOO KIND I LOVE DOSE NAILS" and the MC dies of full blown AIDS at the end for some reason.
>make a realistic ww2 game
>watch alty righty fags whining constantly
A loli kidnapping/breeding simulator.
Actually, having a realistic nazi campaign wouldn't be that bad.
Black protagonist
A fantasy game with no black people, more specifically a world where blacks never existed.
White male saves a woman from danger.
Kangaroo Hunter 2
So a Tank Girl video game
>alternate reality without blacks
>moon colonized by 1300 AD
>alty righty fags whining
If anything, it'd be libtards whining because showing those atrocities in a historical context would still make them complain that the game is racist despite being a representation of what actually happened.
Mechanics based on rape.
game where you play as a burly white dude mowing down minorities
shit, that's just call of duty
The villain isn't a white male.
An mmo based around online dating and erp. There will be futas and lolis. You can rape other player characters if you have better stats/gear.
A DMC type game where instead of fighting hoards of enemies you fuck your twin brother in different styles. The most unique the best Stylish Smokin' Style points you get.
Modern military shooter set in Detroit.
Its funny cause these aren't controversial and actually the opposite would have Sup Forums boycott a game over
A World War II military shooter exclusively featuring white male protagonists.
Not controversial, but I had an idea for a movie. It'd be a horror movie, starts like your typical 80's thing with like, 5 teenagers going to an abandoned house or a cabin to have a party, but then 5 monsters show up and terrorize them. Halfway through the movie, they realize the monsters are people in masks, and they unmask one of them: it looks exactly like one of the kids, just a little older.
Turns out their future selves came back in time to kill them. No explanation given: just future you, coming back to the present to kill you. The horrifying question of "why" would never be answered.
I thought it'd be fun to make a game, somewhat like a Bethesda RPG, where you make a character, and the main villain is exactly like your character for the same or similar reasons as in that movie idea.
>these aren't controversial
Either you are joking or you have no idea how much the people of tumblr would screech just for a white character. And don't say that Tumblr has no influence in the media, because the trend of western games, movies, comics, cartoons and tv series is to be as much as inclusive as possible by putting token characters of every minority.
There's a movie like this, set on a boat.
A good game.
You play as a nazi guard who's a pedo necrophile in a concentration camp.
Assassin's creed game set in 2020. You play an Trans-female Black Lives Matter activist who has to assassinate Trump before the re-election.
an open world gta style game where you're a serial killer and have to stalk your prey and brutally murder them, and not leave evidence behind for when the cops show up.
a mortal kombatesque fighting game featuring all the major religious icons, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed ect plus all the other fictional characters like Santa and the Easter Bunny and shit. Super over the top gore and sacrilege everywhere.
I don't think you understand the topic, user. What you described would be 2020 GOTY.
MetaDoom is the poor man's Brutal Doom
Super Mario Brothers on PS4
that's the joke you retard
Not on Sup Forums.
Holocaust Simulator
unfortunately not allowed because if it was historically accurate it would disprove all the crazy lies made about the Germans
Raplelay already exists. It somehow managed to cause a shitstorm in the late 00's despite never getting a western release or even an official translation.
Sup Forums pls nack in your box
BaRappa the BRAPPer
>reddit and memey creators so butthurt that they have to animate their character beating up someone they don't like
A game where you play as OP.
You control a flatulent Hitler and the objective in the game is to kill people with your gas.
controversial as in people talk about it a lot or
controversial as in every law enforcement on the planet is hunting for the devs
either way I suppose one of the top companies like rockstar or blizzard would have to make the most photo-realistic baby-torture-rape-snuff-piss-on-their-corpse-cut-it-open-shit-inside-sew-it-shut-revive-it-mind-control-it-make-it-rape-elderly-women-and-impregnate-them-with-baby-raptor-hitlers-dressed-like-jokers and by some miracle not make it "over the top"
The MC is a straight white male
Everything else is unimportant
He most likely is.
So much samefagging
Just fuck off
An unarmed security guard and a teacher work together to evacuate classrooms amidst a school shooting. They use a combination of stealth and puzzle solving to navigate the school and direct students and other faculty without drawing the attention of the attackers.
Last level is an OBJECTIVE: SURVIVE mission in which you play as the shooters attempting to take as many officers down with them as they commit police suicide to the tune of You Can't Always Get What You Want, by The Rolling Stones.
Not an argument.
Over half of these ideas have something to do with nazis/blacks/mudslimes. Where's the creativity.
A game where you re-enact terrorist attacks. The closer to real life the attack is, the more points you get. However, you can be as silly as you want to be, which is also rewarded.
Ar Tonelico 1 but much more extreme prejudice against revyateils. Revyateils are now so far below human they aren't even worth raping to death because humans don't want to have their dicks touch their filthy subhuman bodies. No administrators or strong female characters, the plot of the game is to find and kill as many revyateils as you can so they can never form a resistance group. Later expanded into a full remake of all 3 games, in the second instead of Cloche being accepted as a royal, when her blood is found to be tainted she is relegated to the deathsquads, and in the third the revyateils never take over the continent and instead work the gulags so real humans can live a life of luxury. I can't think of a single SJW subtype that wouldn't be triggered by this.
Given current public opinion, most liberals are anticop so they would like this.
> hurr durr tumblr would lose it if there were ever a straight white male MC
Metal Gear Solid
Just Cause
Watch Dogs
Any Brown n' Bloom shooter from the last ten years
I could go on
Are you actually this deluded?
> game has anything but slightly scruffy mid 30s white dude MC
I don't get how my idea is anti-cop since the shooters are getting their shit rocked, but if thats how liberals might interpret my game then holy shit being a dev must suck.
learn the difference between anticop and pro police transparency and accountability
cops need to be fired when they act out of line rather than getting paid leave .
About an alphabet agency detective uncovering the jewish plot to 9/11 and further getting involved in the international Bilderberg group that controls history and future as we know it. He uncovers insane facts like how the Holocaust never happened and how WW2 was actually two years long from 44-45, initiated by an Allied aggression to destroy the only "rogue" country from this shadow council. The game ends before everything becomes clear with him getting caught, not clearly by whom but highly suggesting that it's the Mossad.
Post game ideas you uppity faggot
Concentration camp management game.
You have to expand camp, build fences, build furnaces, dig mass graves and find most efective/cost efficient methods to kill as many jews as possible.
>find most efective/cost efficient methods to kill as many jews as possible
Depending on the timeframe, you could not actually murder anyone, but rather subvert their media over a period of 40+ years. This would be much more effective, and eventually result in the complete extinction, without violating the Geneva convention.
Have Tyler Perry write a game but let a white Republican take the credit for it.
I'd have it be a game where you play as the secret police of some backwater dictatorship and go around curb-stomping protestors and faking terror attacks and all that, basically being total dicks. But there's also constant opportunities to join the rebels and fight back against the system.
But the ending you get when you join the rebels is the country collapsing into chaos and becoming a failed stated, and if you stick with the dictator all the way through the game ends with you as an old man watching his nation peacefully transition into a modern democracy after decades of non-violent cultural shifting, and suffers no punishment for his actions in the past..
Whoops I didn't mean to make the last sentence an ellipses.
spotted the nigger
just because you people commit more crimes doesn't mean the cops are racist, it means they are predetermining the course of action you are most definitely going to take.
*a failed state,
Doesn't sound half bad as a concept. Outside of this topic the ending would be a bit silly but carry on my wayward son.
Sounds like 20th Century Spain: The Game.
You raid villages to loot their shit and sell the woman, if anyone knows anything similar to that please tell me
this one is fucking great. If some indie dev could make it and treat it like a 100% serious peace of art the result would be incredible.
Have a level based on 'No Russian' but set in Detroit.
You play as a male Russian soldier occupying Germany during WWII
and ALL that implies. Nothing is censored or downplayed.
just no
>reddit and memey
Building Management game like Rollercoaster Sim or Simcity except you manage a concentration camp in the Holocaust
War Crime Simulator sounds like a solid idea. You choose which villagers your unit will rape. Then you choose which of them you'll execute and which method you'll use. You can choose to torture and maim instead of outright killing them.
All of the victims will be fully voice acted too, and you'll have to learn their life story and shit before you do it. Double points if you're a Russian in a formerly Nazi controlled village, so you're torturing Nazis. The SJWs would lose their minds trying to decide which is worse.
But swap swastikas and hammer/sickles, "national socialist/nazi" and "communist/commie", "Germany" and "Russia/USSR/Soviet Russia", etc.
Don't even change the maps or anything, or even what language they're speaking (subtitles always in English or whatever language the player speaks)
Then a week or so later when people have almost forgotten about it reveal what's REALLY going on in the games
Watch them flip their shit
a n d don't forget the cuckoldry agenda
Hostel: The Video Game
Run a torture society and stock it with employees, victims, and weapons/tools. Let players play as "customers" during their stay and give them full control of the action.
A few games did this but Sup Forums still got pissed about it because the character wasn't white.
My name is not important