Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread:
>Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books:!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA

Other urls found in this thread:

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi" wearing her Party Ensemble, covered in blood while holding her royal celtic battleaxe looking at the viewer with an innocent expression like in the image on the far right.

Doesnt have to be the same expression or the same pose, but basically the same essence.

Weapon Reference

The cuter, the better, cool and/or grim are fine as well.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!


that's a pretty shitty drawing

Requesting a simple, but still cool drawing of the Arachnotron

Requesting A2 drinking some coffee!

Requesting Altina sitting cozy in Rean's lap.

Requesting Etna on a big sofa, by a chimney, in a comfy room, holding a cup of tea with her tail, and reading a lewd book (like "Buttspotting").
Or for something crazier: Etna summoning a Gate of Babylon-like thing with Prinnies in the portal.

Requesting smug Pyribbit gijinka.

let's see (You) do better

Anchoring for

The request was Thanks again!

Requesting the most awkward pole-dancing battle between Elise and the 7th Dragon Psychic

Requesting a Neptunia Maker based on Platinum Games.
If you need inspiration or more info on how Makers look, check this album:

Requesting a BOTW version of the "I'll be taking my loli and leaving" image with Link and Purah.

Requesting Lusamine in Ivy Valentine's get-up with her regular clothes color palette (black and white) molesting/dominating Lillie


Any more requests with her?

They say keep it sfw, but then they post a softcore fetish picture in the OP anyway. Real smart.

Generic animu slut lol

(posting this here cause the old thread is RIP)

None of that drawing is traced. I was inexperienced at vector lines at the time, and it came out feeling stiff and pieced together. I made it a couple of years ago.
The body was done without a reference, but the likeness (her clothing design, face, etc) was done with one. Not traced regardless - though I suppose one could argue that just looking at a reference and copying it accomplishes a similar end.

Which one of you drew this? I have questions.

Requesting an army of Mishas with Xehanort hair (white/silver rather than mostly bald) and eyes.

You can consider Ajna, Sabrina, Neps, Senrans, other Pokesluts, any lewd bait you don't like as part of the True Organization XIII/a Mishanort too.

Engaging in an act of procreation with another futa Call.

Anal. Big deep anal. I wanna see some visible stomach distension going on.

Might as well fix my previous request, since my poor wording made me look like an "uppity cunt" and a "cancerous, lazy prick".

Requesting an Artist to draw Artorias.
I do not want anything specific, like "Artorias & Great Wolf Sif fighting against Manus". You're free to your own imaginary, such as putting a cute skirt on Artorias.

Requesting Arle giving Carbuncle a bath

Requesting nude A2 (long hair version) and sexy lewd pose with spread legs. With pubes/bush please.

Why is A2 for me more attractive than 2B?

Requesting Yukiko successfully being cast as Alex, a new character in the remake of the game "Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey"

Format is like a casting couch.

Who the fuck drew that? That's the best delivery I've seen in ages

Lets make a rule if there are no good deliveries in the prev thread just use any good deliveries you see on the fav deliveries post.

Mishafag just wants to show off his deliveries.

Requesting Raquna dressed as a mounty riding a Furyhorn/Ragelope.


You're making me waste a unique IP for this

Requesting Rock/Mega Man and Roll, both of them in their underwear and with their backs turned to the viewer, doing a little dance.

While this is true, last thread had two good deliveries.

Also both pictures would be too weird to put together in a collage, I guess

Better idea: Let's not.

Check the booru, you begonia.

You made a bad thread OP
It's no big deal, since someone made a good one for this thread

Just move on, user

Requesting Lucina, Cynthia, Zinnia, Lightning, and Marie as Power Rangers.

Poochie can be Zordon.

Sore Loser: The post.

The guy never responded to people asking for his blog.

What new deliveries were in the last thread? There were a couple of reposts.

Cry more Shillvar.

Requesting Ephraim shown typing the pile of denial in this image: while Eirika is sucking his dick under the table as he's angrily denying.

What said denial is based on:

Requesting vidya characters in a Burnout race

Fuck off spic

Requesting a version of the 'Life Sucks, Drop Out' with Sig from Puyo Puyo, but change the text to 'Life Sucks, Drop Puyo'

Requesting a skimpier version of Sakura's outfit, short skirt, etc.

Requesting Gene and Azel from God Hand as rival schools delinquents.

Requesting the images in the middle (from the movie "The Thing (1982)") with Chihiro from Danganronpa (role as the guy/victim) and Mondo from Danganronpa (role as the mutant thing).
Here the video scene at 1:48-1:54:
Make the mutant thing same like the original but with Mondo's clothing and haircut.

Requesting Poppy getting her ears fondled.

I just want to say that you have good taste.

Requesting Sae bent over a desk and being fucked in the ass.

Right back at ya, Yordles are top tier cuties.

Requesting Net Navi version of Zizou

Requesting Dr. Wily's robot masters as tf2 characters

Heat Man-Pyro
Junk Man-Engineer
Dark Man-Spy
Hard Man-Heavy
Search Man-Sniper
Crash Man-Soldier
Top Man-Scout
Grenade Man-Demoman
Needle Man-Medic


In retrospect, big steppy Falconer was the obvious superior choice.

someone requested 2b dressed like this, hope you like

Wouldn't you rather have Makoto?

Go to DoD

Makoto has a decent amount of porn, Sae doesn't

here to request a flustered Shantae in the vai outfit again.

Sumika from Orange_Juice and Mystia from Touhou remind me of one another, so, requesting they do something together or a fusion of the two.

Anchoring the WIP by this kind drawfriend

>requesting Pic related with any vidya character of your choice
I recommend Olivia from Pokemon Sun and moon
and if you do this with Aigis don't give her feet and do it with her actual hooves things


You should also link back to the original request. Btw, it does look nice

Requesting Link cosplaying as Kilik, specifically his Soul Calibur 2 design.

robo battle armor of pic related

alright thanks

this was request

this is delivery

Requesting Seaport Summer Hime wearing a formal outfit like a uniform she would wear when it's not summer or just draw her in a maid outfit please, it would be neat if her little monster pet is also wearing something related to the uniform of its owner.

Requesting this scene but with SFV Ken standing victorious and Squiggly on the ground.

Requesting an 18th century version of the MC from Persona 3. Basically, have him wearing typical 18th century fashion - like a highwayman or a musketeer - and using a flintlock version of the evoker

Idea based off this -


Requesting a gijinka/humanization of the Launch Arcology.

Lewd is optional

I have never requested anything but after checking the booru for first time i just wanted to say a big thanks to the people that drew the vocaloid stuff you guys the best

Requesting a chubby Greninja wearing Slippy's outfit

Requesting CATTLE BATS

Requesting Imani being forcibly kissed by an user/femanon. Either tied up so she can't resist, or being overpowered and held down.

Requesting Tanned Cirno yelling "I ain't afraid of you anymore!" at the Sun.

Requesting Maki with short hair

Taking requests of vidya girls as futa


We need cattlebats. Bat characters being forcibly milked, strapped into milking machines, wearing cow-print outfits. I nominate Jenny and Rouge.


Futa kong

Loli demon futas

doesn't have to be vai, there is a sore lack of good futa Shantae.

Requesting May exterminating the shota ningen filth.


I was think more of Bat farms with giant bats and training them to give rides.

100%OJ Marc

Requesting an expressionless Phase 4 from Dead or Alive 5 (preferably with the torn bodysuit in the pic) fucked by Rig (the guy on the right).

Raven pls.

Yae from Goemon.

Be sure to give her a teeny genie penie though.

It's beautiful.

Requesting Metaknight raping Susie's ass, with her body having a few tears/cuts from sword, to knock that smug, mouthless expression off of her face.

An alternate revenge option is spanking her from the side of his sword. Thicc Susie a plus.

Requesting Cicini fighting people with her gun and jetback or just doing SCIENCE!

Pai-Pai please

It just gets sadder and sadder.

That's what she said!

Sorry I missed the last thread with this request for jill