Are you fucking KIDDING ME Blizzard?

Are you fucking KIDDING ME Blizzard?

Shut up, nigger.

Cops outside of America aren't retarded.

What's the problem this time

I know right? It needs a pencil skirt, not leggings.

it's okay i got this im an artist

Wheres the part where I'm supposed to be offended OP?

Cops in America aren't either you nig nog.

... is canonly black and would never support the police


unzip dik

they're poorly trained and fat. They shoot first, ask questions later.

t. White non-american

>that nose
>""""""canon"""""" D.Va

Why am I seeing this all over Sup Forums recently and what does it mean?

Does tumblr try to make everything ugly on purpose?

wow nigger is mad
ooga booga

I live in Memphis TN and a good majority of police officers here are black. They even have a precient full of gays and lesbians. Everyone still calls them white pigs (^:

Lurk moar faggot

>cops, who are mostly respectable contributors to society, should give up their lives to spare the life of a violent criminal nigger with an 80 IQ so he can go on to produce 4 niglets that the dead cop's family should pay for with their taxes
t. cuckold from sweden

weekly brawl: cops and robbers versus lucio and winston

That's just media sensationalization.

When you look a little deeper into the stories like "cops shoot unarmed black man" or "cops beat schizophrenic man to death", you find that almost always the full story is something like "cops shoot black man who was wrestling with him and trying to steal his gun, but technically he didn't succeed in getting the gun yet so he's unarmed" or "schizophrenic maniac is flailing around with a knife and high on PCP and no matter how much the cops try to get him down he wont stop trying to stab them and eventually he dies of a preexisting condition"

I mean yeah there's always going to be that 1,000 guy that's retarded and just does something stupid but overall cops tend to get crucified for doing nothing wrong a lot in american media, as long as the newspaper can spin the story to sound sensational.

What was Sup Forums about that post?

back to lereddit, nigger

why you so mad nigger?

Nobody cares, nigger.

How dare you. Winston is a scientist who contributes to society.

Dumbass fucking niggers man I swear to god kill yourself.

I meant the monkey winston not the human winston

>he hates the police
You deserve everything you get.

I've in all likelihood been here far longer than you have, cunt.

The only good post in this shit thread.


>Nigger is now Sup Forums exclusive

an asian cop literally misfired and killed a random dude and people were willing to say he did nothing wrong and only white cops get away with killing people

Then you would know what "t." means, but nice try newfriend.

>Being this delusional
The only good cop is a dead cop.

Do you need a reminder about what tumblr did when someone made one of Steven Universe character not fat ?



I really don't pay any mind to tumblr I just assume all they do is retarded. The behavior just baffles me.

>black Americans are mad about a South Korean police officer

This country needs help

>being a literal nigger
Just kill yourself

Do these trust fund kiddies not realize that if police was ceased to exist, the entire society would end up in flames?

>Have to play HoTS to get it
I really want that skin but I hate assfaggots so much


Kys my nigga

>middle class white liberals are mad about a South Korean police officer
Fixed that for you.

The alternative to police is getting robbed by niggers and all of america being Detroit


Kill yourself.

Kek at the triggered cumskin whiteys giving those delicious ''yous''

5 games of HotS is like 20 minutes of work. If it works like the genji skin did you don't even have to play against humans.


Those are pants
She looks like she might be wearing pantyhose under them though.
>tfw there are women who actually do this
Gets me mad and boner'd at the same time.

What up Shelby County? Every black cops calls herion HAIR-ON

>Fixed that for you.

Think again buddy

that's a shitload of (You)s

So is that a trans cosplayer? That isn't D.Va at all?

They don't understand anything outside of being coddled their whole life and think the rest of the world works that way.

Found the nigger

>admits to be non-American
>thinks he knows what all or even most American police officers are like

>All police = American police

Cops in the rest of the world need college education, that's why we have fat bumbling paul blart left and right making the news for being complete small dicked retards power tripping

so ez to trigger nazis, piss ez. thats why you always lose you nazi niggers

Takes a nigger to know a nigger nigger.

>thinking that a million white liberals dont support blm
dont be retarded, they eat that white guilt shit up

The media only reports on the 1 in 1000 where that happens and they're typically lying through their teeth regarding the important details. Cops need to jump through every hoop imaginable every time a shooting happens. I don't envy cops whatsoever, especially those in major urban areas. A nice cop typically leads to a dead cop, that's why they come off like big meanies to sheltered snowflakes and confrontational low income dipshits.


>Sup Forums: Lol libtard snowflake niggers are so easily triggered lol

Good police officers are DEAD police officers!!!

Only the whitestof nerdy cumskins who were bullied through life or had their girl stolen by BBBC would even consider such a faggotry job.

''Muh Make America Great Again''
''My patriotism''
''My law and order''


Or I simply don't spend enough time here to keep up with every trend, but nice thinking.

Only leftist cucks and sub humans hate law enforcement. Those men and women put their lives on the line every single day they go out and do their jobs.

It's a fucking cop costume, not even specifically of american police, fuck off schlomo

It's the European mindset. They believe they can run countries better than the native population, so naturally they feel entitled to control whatever parts of the world they please.

>people paid to protect you

yeah ok cuck

Where are the video games?

Not him but that shit has been a thing for years. Just fucking lurk more you fag.

Only Americans would be stupid enough to make a shitstorm about a KOREAN girl wearing a KOREAN cop uniform.

Can we all talk about the real travesty of this D.Va police skin? The fact that it probably won't have a siren and flashing lights while boosting is completely unacceptable

Hopefully they all move to Canada where they belong.

It's not explained when lurking, so I resorted to asking after months of wondering. No one cares about the secret club shit you inbred negroid.

I do.

Alas, this really is the biggest problem with Overreach right now: not enough fun or whimsy.

No hopefully they'll get run over by a semi.

>this many replies
Nazi's are just as triggered as Liberals.

so what's the deal with bunnies being linked to cops recently
exhibit a

_ ____ __ ____ ____ _____

>MFW Police versus Lucio and Winston custom brawl

For this skin you have to play against humans.
Note that I said "play" not "win"

Everything other than genji you gotta play against people. You don't have to win though.

>fans know more than creators


1) SJW mods and janitors that were set in place during gamergate are still here and delete posts with opinions they disagree with.

2) There are organized groups on Sup Forums that try to divide us and try to make it seem like right views aren't welcome here anymore.

You just answered your own question.

8 Y E A R S

>2) There are organized groups on Sup Forums that try to divide us and try to make it seem like right views aren't welcome here anymore.
That's impressive considering nothing has changed

so you post this for some idiots calling nigger eachother, but its perfectly fine to shit post a fucking policeman skin for political reaons.


>exceptions make the rule
Fuck off retard. Trying to justify your shit from stuff that rarely happens is stupid. That's not to say that there isn't some shady shit that happens with the police but it's nowhere near prevalent as the media would have you believe. On top of that the quality of the cops changes from district to district so comparing cops in a rural city in Texas to one in Detroit/Chicago will give you different results.

>want the skin
>dont feel like playing moba
>no A.I matches unless you want the shit genji skin

well poo

>Implying a certain someone will be reelected
>Implying the SJW wont be out in swarm status in 2020
>Implying he'll make it 4 years before a heart attack or something else gets him