How did it end up being good?

How did it end up being good?

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Competent writing that actually gave you a reason to care about the world by making it more than an endless expanse of insane bandits and isolated crappy villagers with a life expectancy of twelve seconds.

Are TWD Season 1, Wolf Among Us and Tales From the Borderlands the Holy Trinity?

>Wolf Among Us
Only 1st episode is good, got shittier and shitter with each ep

Actual funny writing. Had an issue where there were some choices the game obviously wanted you to make but if you made those choices you get a coherent story with good developing characters. I'm just amazed it made use of visual comedy as much as it did and as well as it did.

TWD Season 1, Tales, and TWAU Ep1 are the holy trinity of NuTelltale.

Everything else has been hot garbage.

Tales was so good because it gave us a serious-ish look at the Borderlands world without the wife's-boyfriend's-semen-tinted glasses of Burch and cancerous memes.

Pretty much. They got the dark humor mixed with the more over the top situations. Characters had nice chemistry and were more than walking one dimensional jokes.
That last section with Jack dying and talking to Rhys about what had happened was a perfect way of giving both Jack and Rhys a much deeper side.

>Treat Loader-Bot well as Rhys during the entirety of the game
>Have nothing to do with Gortys being shot by a rocket
>He still treats you like an asshole while disguised as the kidnapper
Explain this

There's a lot of things like that. Like Fiona has no reason to be pissed off at Rhys if you don't accept Jack's offer to be CEO of Hyperion and Athena makes comments about Vaughn even if he was paralysed the whole time she knew him.

At the end of the day it's still a robot with limited intelligence. That said, in my playthrough I accepted Jack's offer so I just thought he was mad at me for that too.

Is what incredible obvious that Rhys was a Jack fanboy and storywise it made the most sense to side with him everytime.

How people can fail to understand this is beyond me.

Thing is he clearly cared for Rhys, as much as a robot could considering how he sacrificed himself to ensure Rhys got off the Hyperion base before it blew to bits.

>TellTale Game being good

Yeah I agree, both those plotholes are avoided by siding with Jack. At the end of the day they did give you the choice though and should've still made a coherent story with either choice.

I saved Jack.

Only good character of Borderlands 2/PS. I wish they would've kept the option of letting you keep Jack in your system.

It's my headcanon that Rhys later found a way to bring him back, albeit more restricted, give him the chance to see Rhys as a competent equal and not a pawn in the corporate game.

> I wish they would've kept the option of letting you keep Jack in your system.
Are you suicidal

Cause it's not made by Gearbox.

Just a very unrepentant Jack fanboy.

>keeping the tortured digital ghost of a psychopath who lost everything he ever cared about in life as a pet and pocket business consultant
Jesus christ user, you're scary, and I say that as someone who's also a Jack fanboy

No, keeping him to then show him Rhys reviving Atlas and then offering Jack the chance to retake Hyperion for him and have the two corporations exist side-by-side.

where are you getting pet and business consultant from

Killing Jack is worse anyway. He may be imprisoned in a cybernetic eye, but he says what lies beyond that is far worse. Jack didn't deserve half the shit that happened to him in the franchise, and he certainly didn't deserve to die. Twice.

There is the option of keeping the implant, in a way preserving him. I do love how that entire scene made Jack amazing. He was being honest about his past, about how he really was trying to be the hero, how he sees the opportunity to go back into Rhys and takes it, the way he genuinely begs to not go back into the nothingness.
Also agree that Jack was the element I felt was missing in B1. That charismatic character who's always there making fun of you. Thing is, we need THIS Jack, capable of more than "burch" banter.

Didn't Burch write an episode or two of it?

What's the name of the song again?

I'm sure B3 will bring him back. Gearbox knows fans love him. I'm scared they'll taint what Telltale accomplished with him.
When you were playing, did you feel certain parts were unfunny, immature, badly written? That was likely his input.

He wrote one scene in Ep 4 and one in Ep 5. Don't know which scenes though


Post yfw we Power Rangers now.

Favourite moment/joke?
I always thought Butt Stallion was a horribly immature joke but Telltale managed to make it funny. That part with Fiona reacting to it bleeding was fantastic.

He wrote the scene where two guards complain about misogyny in the workplace

That fucking ending was great

The accountant shootout

Finger guns, definitely.
Made even better when I replayed the game and Rhys passes a couple guys shooting each other at the beginning of the first episode. Fuckin A.

The music was really the only good thing about it.

Dameon Clarke (VA of Jack) was asked during a Comicon Q&A if he was working on any video game projects, and he said there were "some things he wasn't allowed to disclose". This was after Tales, and Borderlands is the only notable video game Dameon's done besides DBZ games where he voiced Cell (I think). Unless it's some entirely new IP I think it's pretty likely he's working on another Borderlands game.

Favorite funny moment is definitely the finger gun battle
Favorite dramatic moment probably the final conversation with Jack where he points out that you are on the road to becoming exactly the same kind of person as he is if you're not careful.

I don't have a problem with him coming back. He's interesting, charasmatic, funny, what I'm worried about is Gearbox. B3's Jack can't have protagonist anymore. He has to be like Tales did, he's always there, he influences the plot but the major focus is elsewhere.


Because borderlands is perhaps one of the best recent concepts, a futuristic post-scarcity dystopia where the conflict is not due to some overpowering corrupt government or otherworldly threat but simply that humans are so vain and spiteful by nature that even in a world where they can create, do, or be anything they instead choose to take or destroy what others have made.

The guys' just going about their business and the "boss" introduction always get me.

This is shallow of me but I was sold the moment [Muffled Triple X by Xcision in the distance] was a reality

It only got better from there

The most interesting concept Borderlands has is that you can straight up pay money to come back from the dead. After 1 it started being a gameplay only mechanic though, they could've done a lot with that.

I'm dumb, the song is called "X-Rated"

good ending that compensated for the mediocre middle.

You can thank Anthony "One Meme Per Minute" Burch for that.
The dumbass didn't play the first game, just read the wiki and started writing from there.

I'd like to see what's going on in the universe outside of the Pandora galaxy. Humans have apparently mastered space travel across multiple galaxies.

Someone at some point mentions Earth in a minor line of side dialogue in one of the games, and apparently Earth is a massive shithole.

I'd like him to be a full protagonist or playable Vault Hunter again. It wouldn't be too impossible for these aliums now showing up to resurrect him, since they say they need the most powerful people of Pandora to fight off some eldritch evil that makes Vault Guardians look like guard puppies.

Jack is one of the toughest people in general that Pandora's ever seen. Having to have 6 or 7 Vault Hunters along with their army of wastelanders to kill you and even then having it be a difficult fight is no small deal. It'd be a waste not to revive him and give him a chance at being a true hero even though he was a hero anyway.

>Tales made a fucking Loader Bot a more endearing character than anyone in the main series cast

There is honestly not a single aspect of the world that wasn't handled better by Tales.
Best episode intro?

I disagree. Jack had his spotlight, now he needs to be a constant presence but not too much that it overshadows the main plot, whatever it might be.
In Tales, even when he's convincing Ryhs at the very end he still takes the opportunity to go back to controlling his cybernetics. Jack in a main plot in B3 would always end with him betraying you/the world/the aliens. In Tales that sudden twist was well done because Jack is being brutally honest about himself, explaining how Rhys sees what hes done as good but Jack did the same, justifying death after death.

Never played a Borderlands game. This will be free on PS+ next month. Worth it?


Nah, either 2 or 3.

All the intros were amazingly done. My least favorite is 3, nothing happens, no real joke, music not as catchy but still decent. The others are fantastic, 1 and 5 are likely my favorite although I love the visual humor they managed with 4.

>tfw fingerguns scene

That's a hard question to answer. The game doesn't work as well if you have no previous familiarity with the characters, and you'll probably end up feeling lost on most of the critical plot points of the game.



I briefly played 1 and thought it was alright. I loved Tales though. Don't know how much I missed though.

Tales is fun. If you've never played a Borderlands games some things might be strange or not explained but I think they did a good job of balancing the writing to new/veteran players. That being said, the writing in this is much better than the main games. They actually make you care for the characters.

Post yfw stranger reveal

Guess my arm wasn't as long as I thought it was

I couldn't even

Play BL2 or 1 for a couple of hours.

>there are people who did not put his billboard up


Fucking Telltale made me care about the guy that spends B2 being a cartoony catchprasing-spouting redneck with an incest fetish. Telltale actually made Scooter good. Christ, thinking about TftB just makes me realize how shit 2's writing was.

The road trip montage one is pretty comfy


2 > 4 = 3 > 5 > 1

I was excited because I called it earlier, but dismissed the idea


>his voice actor actually has Multiple sclerosis which is why they killed him off

It just makes me mad to know that Borderlands 3 will be nothing like it in tone, writing quality and presentation.

Heavens, I honestly could not care any less about the forced romance between Rhys and Fiona's sister. It was good for that one gag at the intro, and absolutely ZERO else.

Even Fiona and Scooter made for a better couple that THAT.

>tfw teared up at that scene
Catch a riiiiiiiiiiiiiideeeeee

Shoving an annoying bitchy love interest down my throat killed any enjoyment I could have with it.

I legitimately think this was the best thing Telltale has ever done

I'd actually really like another Borderlands game though, unlike some people ITT. Fucking Gearbox, get to it

Damn. I knew there was some problem and he asked to give the character an end but didn't know what it was. Hope he improves.

just watch it on youtube

I """""played"""" it and I wish I watched it instead, the constant QTEs (at least half of which are unfailable) are a total pain

If you watch his series (Movies with Mikey) he seems to be recovering his voice a bit.

With Telltale's writing and a better loot system, I'm all for Borderlands 3. If 3 is just typical Gearbox, then they can burn. Let someone competent get the IP.

So what's gonna happen to atlas and hyperion now that rhys owns both? Who will replace scooter? Will season 2 come out before 3 in order to hype us up?

>we'll never get any more episodes of the Chainsawsuit podcast or Morning Rush

but 2 is the game where it actually featured in a side quest

>Who will replace scooter?
Space Australia Lady

Also Rhys is currently MIA, isn't he?

I doubt there will be a season 2. Either low sales or because Randy is too much of an idiot to let them do a s2.
I could see Moxxie returning to her origins and taking Scooters' place, alongside the mother perhaps. That or Springs and Athena although I'd prefer if they were used for something else, maybe shield manufacturer.
Atlas and Hyperion, who knows. The season ends without an actual closer, leaving enough to be a main plot in 3.