Whose attention are they trying to grab with these types of characters?

Whose attention are they trying to grab with these types of characters?

People who want to fuck The Grudge.

Girls with black long hair are common in real life, you dumb faggot.

people who makes same threads again and again

I like Ojou-sama types

Are any of those in P5? Otherwise I'll just play SMT4A more on my 3DS (awesome game btw)

The people like you who have an autistic obsession over fictional people with the same hairstyle.

beta fedoras

What are you trying to accomplish by making this thread regularly, op?

Black hair is objectively the best hair color.

>Implying any of them could beat Kaguya in a fight

Are you retarded? Half of them are -hime archetypes and the other half are sluts

Long black hair is attractive on girls. It's simple but aesthetically pleasing without going full retard.

And sometimes, simple makes me absolute diamonds.

Which of them are sluts? The only one I see is Nyotengu.

>hime cut

Obviously men with taste.

There is no best hair color, different colors work better with different styles and women.

men of culture with fine patrician taste

Tharja and shitty knock-off Tharja


That Senran Kagura chick (obviously)

None of those are sluts.

I didn't even look at op pic I just wonder if there are any ojous in P5

Himecut is shit and would you look at that. almost all of these girls are fucking shit.


Truly Black Hair implies dyed or asian.
Long Dark Brown hair is the true masterhair.

There are a lot more of vidya girls that could fit.
I still wonder why pick that particular type to shitpost about.

Oh right, I forgot about her. I'll use her PxZ2 art next time. I still need to find more to add onto the picture.

It's classic japanese beauty standard.

With Tharja they're trying to grab mine but other than that I cerdn't tell yer

Are you okay user?