Mario kart

Sup Forumseekend

Discuss favorite changes to the game. Discuss the switch experience

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It says this tournament is not active when i try to join

Battle mode currently at 7/12

Anyone miss firehopping?

The Wii u experience never ends. Is it 2015 again?

>The guy that throws the shell behind him just as he crosses the finish line

Are most of you absolutely braindead retarded? Can you not read the fucking line that comes right after that? Literally says, would you like to join anyway?

I love the real battle mode, also love inkling girl.



>Inb4 retards arguing tournaments closed or wanting an all week tourney for points

I've had just about enough of your shit.

But they need the feeling of accomplishment in their empty lives of sadness.

Did I just write a smashing pumpkins song?

I wanna impregnate Alice

It says join for "practice", i figured that meant to race against bots.

Buy Mario Kart digitally now or wait and buy physical tomorrow?

Can we get a Wii U room?


Man, I suck flat turds at Bob-Omb blast. Always have.

Digitally so you can play at any time



I bought digital. I hate digital. I like having the case on my shelf. I like actually owning the product and to be able to do what I want with it.

That being said I played over 400 hours on the Wii u. A lot of lazy days just jumping in and out. Of it had been a disc I probably wouldn't have played it half that

that takes me back and makes me wanna kms

I bet you have a lot of friends

>not fixing the tournaments already
make them weekly

nothings wrong with them

your circlejerk leaderboard is staying dead

Fuck off. Go play Wii u if you want that gay shit

...I will not deny this pic is mostly accurate for All the peaches and iggy for me.

name one downside to having scores

>behind all game
>take the lead one second before the time limit
I love battle mode

Fuck that death spiral that happened on coin-runners. Lost all my damn coins.

Says the 150cc tourney is closed, that because its already full?

>Last Minute in Urchin Underpass is the same song that plays during the last minute in Splatoon

ignore that

just join anyway


Sup Forumseekend 200cc Era Leaderboard Ranking

>Supreme Champion
Rank #01: Darkwolf - 106 points

>Second Champion
Rank #02: Kevin - 103 points

>Elite Four
Rank #03: ????? - 98 points
Rank #04: Alice - 77 points
Rank #05: Coggert - 66 points
Rank #06: Tim - 66 points

>Silver Six
Rank #07: Nepe - 58 points
Rank #08: Javi - 58 points
Rank #09: Wally - 51 points
Rank #10: KlicKlac - 51 points
Rank #11: Chris - 50 points
Rank #12: Larry - 48 points

>Bronze Racers
Rank #13: Walter - 38 points
Rank #13: Sandoval - 38 points
Rank #15: Ran da Muu - 37 points
Rank #16: Flippy - 36 points
Rank #17: Ryan - 35 points
Rank #18: candy - 34 points
Rank #19: Penta - 32 points
Rank #20: Pwoh - 31 points

Runner up: Dog - 31 points

Dane was finally pushed from the leaderboard last week and he hasnt played since early june 2015
If you arent on the leaderboard after all of this time then by now then you hardly play here and are officially and permanently a literal who

No it means that rankings arent active. Basically you can join and race for fun with no stakes. The tournament starts at 6pm pst i believe

Get in fags.

Fucking couldn't find the prison!

You are too lazy to swap out a disc.

Best Baby.

Its on the map lmao
I spend all fucking game chasing your ass

Laziness is a social construct, it doesn't exist.

>likes fat albert
Got me.

The fact thst you survived to adulthood is a social construct

Deluxe nerfed her and Baby Daisy, for some reason. They've got the worst stats in the game.

Best baby, best princess, best cat, and best heavy weight.

Waiting for meme magic to make pic related come to life

>getting back to 1st place without the need of a blue shell


>communication error

gg navi lmao

Pathetic really

Points wise baby rosalina and lemmy are the worst and metal mario and PGP are the best

hey, I played 200cc, too and stomped most of those jokers

>tfw lost first place 3 seconds before the end

rejoin through friends.

Alas, this is the first time I got last place in 8D

Is it 200cc?


>some cuck set up all three tournaments and he set them up wrong
>no one will bother making proper ones
>we'll forever spam the same image with the same shitty lobbies

tied for last place

150cc, get in here. You can still play against other people in practice matches.

nobody has added me though

What is this?

>comm error

it also lists recent players you've played with.

>Shine thief

Holy shit what fun

>Ryan is a cancerous namefag now
l e l

Shine Runners is easily my favorite even though I suck at it.

The sum of the characters's standard combo stats(standard kart/tires/super glider)

Hi Ryan!

Aren't you the one who pretends to be a woman? I remember you from Wii u threads. Lame ass name fag

Ryan really has lost it
first he was being an asshole bragging about being good at kart and posting his W/L ratios constantly even though no one fucking cares (he even was about to post W/L records with everybody here to make a skill list last month). He was tryharding with fucking donkey kong for the longest of times while avatarfagging and spamming his dongstorm memes. And of course, he thinks he's funny repeating the thank you based ryan meme. He definitely is trying to help force that stupid meme- even said it on miiverse when he was jerking it with his shitposting double "basedryann"
Not to mention circlejerking with nono and alice "ironically" (what the fuck is ryan doing using nono and alice miis in smash???? does he think he's being ebin?)

And hoenstely ryan is one of the biggest complainers in the threads. A total angryfag like when he threw a bitchfit at klic for making his precious e-cred team lobby when everyone already agreed klic would make the lobbies. what a crybaby. He most recently praised /nog/ and then pretended it was sarcasm.

Now he's insulting everyone and insulting splatoon on miiverse for attention.

Never liked that NEET faggot. Giant ego and crybaby. Sucks ass HARD at 200cc too, so he can't brag anymore and post his W/L records.

When the fuck is someone gonna make a no items tournament

How in the hell did I win fucking Bob-Omb Blast? I'm fucking awful at it.

where can I find this?

Moon arena is awesome

remember when ryan attentionwhored with his leaving post when taking a break but he was still posting in the thread afterwards and golfing

remember when ryan was making secret golf lobbies with alice and got butthurt when someone found out

remember when ryan made essay posts about why he hates penta and others despite ironically becoming cancer over time

remember when ryan avatarfagged as dk and was insistent on posting his epik dong maymays

remember when ryan encouraged other shitposters on miiverse with memespouting and ironic shitposts

remember when ryan made miis of panchito and alice called pedochito and cuntwhore and used them smash and uploaded them all because alice rejected him

remember when ryan shitposted about klicklac, alice and larry and had the audacity to call them shitposters

remember when ryan got angry because people wouldnt play in the lobby that he made and used another one isntead

remember when ryan blogged and posted about raiding a childs mario kart lobby

remember when ryan would make posts defending the 'active 7' and constantly referred to him and those as 'we' instead of ignoring it

remember when ryan spammed multiple Sup Forumseekend threads to get our Sup Forums threads banned all because he wasn't happy with sucking at 200cc

remember when ryan namedropped himself constantly to gain popularity because he was a literal who who brought nothing positive to the general

remember when ryan received no votes in shitpost popularity strawpolls further proving that he isnt well liked and did namedrop himself to give the illusion that is liked

remember when ryans huge ego made him post and brag while shittalking other racers

remember when ryan shitposted about splatoon yet he bought it and played it when it launched

remember when ryan got salty because ssbg wouldnt smash with him

You mean a list of all the stats? Go nuts

the joy of trying to collectively bring down one player is fun.

Ryan is pretty cool actually, he always made the thread fun

I did have cute female Miis, but never explicitly said to be a woman. Your rl doesn't matter online, only what you do online matters online. Of course the fact I am so roundabout this makes people think I am a girl sometimes.

I think if half the people assume it, then we can make the internet more anonymous.

Didn't take long for this to turn into a namefag circlejerk

Dat snipe gg again navi lmao

But what's the point of this? Not all stats matter equally.

If you get a trophy in Mirror Grand Prix, does it give you a trophy for 50/100/150cc as well?

200cc doesn't give you anything else

who names themselves after an e sport team #loseralert

Closest they will ever have to friends

thank you based ryan

Now when did i ever imply that they did? :3c

that retarded mii user in MK7 that recorded everything is what made all this fun/popular

mk8 Sup Forumseekend is doomed, id wait for a smash 4 Sup Forumseekend if i were you

thank you based ryan

Fucking faggot namefags

still the idealist


lol!!! sm4sh Sup Forumseekend has been cancer for a while now

That's also doomed
If you want to fix it, you need to remove the shitposters somehow

I'm confused, are any of you even playing Mario Kart?

No one has played a video on Sup Forums since 2007

excuse me but I don't see Ryan posting every 4 posts in a smash Sup Forumseekend