First half 8/10, second half 3/10 "please end already"
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i have that with Uncharted 4 atm.
i dont think i'll end it
u serious? I couldn't get enough DQ VII. I never wanted it to end.
Haven't played the 3DS version though, only the original PS, so maybe I wouldn't feel the same
I got the girl Aishe and i was so let down i thoguth she would be some badass woman with pirate class pre learned but ya it makes sense she's dancer where i'm at. im honestly stuck on cumulux vex and im way too weak to fight him even if i play near perfect.
basically i think i have to grind aishe and legendary hero guy to really high so they can heal and res. right now i got ruff and auster with good classes and shit but no maribel is bullshit.
from vids ppl killing him they have insane classes that take tons of grinding so...what am i in for like 3-4 hours of grinding? i bought a 3DS XL JUST FOR THIS GAME, i barely play video games any more at all. i love the series but this is just bs. can i spec a monster class quicker or something? like monster masher?
also where can i get flametang boomerang?
That's how most Dragon Quest games are.
The only actual good ones are the Snes version of III and DS version of V
>Oh look a new island, time to talk with 70 useless npcs with filler dialogue.
>Now time to go back and forth 6 times for no reason through the same 2 locations.
>Easy boss battle
>Now time to return to the island at present and do more bullshit
Persona 5 made me realize how shit 95% of JRPGs are shit.
Play some Yakuza 0
Yup, next in line for my japan fix.
Lvling up with money sounds addicting.
I started playing it 4 days ago and im still fuckin hyping it
the sidequest are good too
i love just everything hahah even fucking fishing makes a bit fun
i'd recommend to play hard, only really tough situations are bossfights
the first one in chapter one had me using all my healing items (must have been like 4-6 items i had in my inventory)
So that's how a bossfight should be :D
>he thought Kiefer's descendant would be a pirate
Way to go, dumbass.
Jesus christ for real. That last part was such bullshit.
>here's a final dungeon
>here are some mini bosses
>this is the last bosses first form
>you won't get to fight the second right away
>you have to retread the collapsing dungeon first
>then you have 40 minutes of cutscenes to get to
>before going back to these 7 specific spots for no reason at all to get the orbs
>now you can fight the final boss
>but have to wait to 30 more minutes of cutscenes+ending credits before you get a chance to save
>That replaced with 2 hour long cutscenes that the only gameplay element is walking to your bed
P5 isn't any better
Shit tatse, VII is best DQ.
Not him but I disagree.
P5 dialogues are actually worth reading.
VIII > VI > IV > V > VII > IX
I disagree, They reiterate everything at least 4 times, and those phone conversations are meant as a summery on top of that.
I started skipping the dialog in October, and I can still fully understand the plot based on the responses the game forces you to make.
Yakuza 0 dialogues are actually worth reading.
Fuck no, specially with the godawful "translation"
Graffixwhore spotted.
Who said they weren't?
im just hyping Yakuza 0
Yakuza 0 needs more attention
>above any of those
Never played IX
Fuck you and fuck your ass, of course graphics are important.
Production values too.
DQVIII is the best because not only it had a great story, graphics and production values finally got decent.
Stay in your pixelshit cave and never go out.
English VA is amazing too, the actirs made a great job, didn't even try japanese VA since the english ones are so good.
I just beat DQ1 on Android and now I am playing DQ2!
Playing through Nathan Drake Collection and have had that feeling with every single one.
It goes beyond me how this series is so highly rated. Not even the shooting is good.
i thought i would like UNcharted because i love The Last of Us so much but meh
This. In the first half of the playthrough, you're probably exploring one of the best open worlds ever created. In the second half, you're experiencing the lacklustre story and the biggest fuck you as a payoff. This plot was never truly finished.
And its not just that, in the second half you just have to keep revisiting all these areas you've already been to, especially if you're doing all the sidequests
It becomes monotonous
Yep, that's true. Once you find out that many of the sidequests and story content seemed rushed in development it kills your enjoyment.
>tfw becoming a BLADE captain doesn't change any dialogue
>P5 dialogues are actually worth reading.
Persona 5 is bottom of the barrel as far as JRPG go though.
Question for DQ fags
I've tried playing DQ7 and 5 and didn't like that the story felt barren.
From what I've seen of DQ8, there seems to be more banter with party members and more story cutscenes. Should I try DQ8 or move on to something like Breath of Fire series?
I like how you said nothing about the GAMEPLAY
DQ8 is probably the "liveliest" of them all in terms of party banter since it's also voice acted.
Gameplay is identical across all DQ games.
They are known for never innovating.
Spoken like a true 8fag.
People won't stop praising but the 2nd half was poop.