Other urls found in this thread:
>D.va's a nigger!
I love how happy and fun the left looks and how the right is just someone that no one wants to be around
Jesus christ, it's a fucking skin, there's absolutely no reference about it being specifically an AMERICAN cop reference. Why are those people so fucking retarded ?
I want the author of the right image to die in a car accident
This people can't be for fucking real!
wow I am so triggered by this fanart made by a fan.
dont you mean the other way around?
Because they think the whole world is America
Black D.va is canon, idiot.
wtf i hate overwatch now!!!!!!!!!
Having the alternate belief is equally retarded. Some places have insanely corrupt police that border on government sponsored gangs.
That's black dude with a wig and pink lines scrawled on his face.
>black people
Pick one.
>tfw no Black Panthers skin with Hana in an all-black suit with black beret and leather jacket and a pan-african colored meka
Except there barely any deabte
Theres more people triggered over this non existant tumblr debate
Why does that D.VA have black features?
Is it D.Ndu or N.Ga
He meant LEFT FANART and RIGHT FANART, not left "left" and right "right"
>I hate stereotypes.
>Stereotypes cops
SJWs everyone.
Dumb fascist phone poster.
>One literally who website takes some pictures from Tumblr
Where was the outrage?
Post the original then, you faglord.
I can't wait until they cut the skin. Or release a statement saying they won't cut the skin. No matter what happens, it'll be a shitstorm.
I hope Blizzard internally feels fucking annoyed almost everyday dealing with a retarded tumblr fan base and instantly regrets designing a TF2 clone specifically to pander hard to a hugbox audience. Sure, doing this won them 25 million sales but now they have a life time of torture.
Can you speech english?
God, I feel like I'm back in the fucking 90's, watching Jack Thompson flail around trying to get videogames banned. Is there just one ball of stupid political groups pass between each other when its their turn to be utter fucking retards?
If the Left hate police so much, they should be afforded the 'luxury' of never having to deal with police. Both in that the police never hassle them, but also never help them or respond to their calls.
Actually howling.
And the USA, which is the only place BLM exists, doesn't have that issue, therefore this article is retarded
>USA thinks police are bad
omg that country, i give it 5 tops b4 happening
What the fuck would these liberal cucks do without police? I'm sure Jamal wont rape and kill you since you tried to defend his rights...
I can't believe this has been on the front page of the New York Times for two days straight.
They really shove this propaganda down your throat.
I wholesomely agree, as I have first hand experience with those, but, common, she's a fucking little girl dressed as a South Korean policeman. I could be wrong but SK Police isn't exactly world renowned for being a gang of corrupt thugs in uniforms.
Take responsibly for your kind cuck
That was before the BLM terrorist organization really took a hold of impressionable youth.
It made over half a billion dollars last year. That's all they care about, it's essentially a mobile game on consoles that exists solely to make money through skins and other micro-purchases.
The image isn't the issue, it's the headline
No fucking way
American BLM actually inspired groups in Canada and Europe to take the name and try the same shit. It's embarrassing in england
nice lies
I recognize the cosplayer on the right.
>The only place BLM exists
They're in France and the UK, too. Do you not remember when BLM UK LITERALLY SHUT DOWN AN AIRPORT BECAUSE AIRPLANES ARE RACIST?
Avatarfaggotry is against the rules, newfriend.
Not everyone spends all day shit posting on Sup Forums user
Literally like 2 tumblr blogs were complaining and then 1000 websites can run articles about OMG SJWS BLM TRIGGERED ABOUT POLICE SKINS. This is clickbait
>Secondaries who don't even play the game are mad because they'll see fanart on tumblr where someone is wearing a uniform.
>Implying criminal lives matter.
>people make fanart of their favorite characters circle jerking their political beliefs
but WHY
Not everyone shitposts on Sup Forums, some just browse and lurk.
But it isn't?
>be in part of world with a maybe 4% black population
>police shootings of any kind are extremely rare
>still see BLM protests occasionally
the fuck is with these people
>South Korean police
>as violent and destructive to civilized society as niggers.
wait they're actually in england? The last time one of your cops shot a civilian their guns had to be loaded by the muzzle
i still can't understand why people still use the hands up don't shoot thing. brown was an amoral thug and even the most didactic leftist publication acknowledges it never happened
You mean a bunch of bored Uni students with too much time and money decided to be snowflakes?
They're all white people
>furious debate
>some literal nobodies on tumblr and twitter getting uppity
Well congratulations, you bought their clickbait. What's the next step in your master plan?
Tell me again why
>A korean teenage girl
>Working form the military
>From the future
Would give a shit about BLM?
we should start an outrage, see how it goes, furries will implode debating wether zootopia is about police brutality or diversity
>furious debate
nigga what all it is was tumblerinas bitching over anything and everything as they always do. did something huge happen in the last day or two?
if she's a cop
and she's korean
isn't she a korean cop?
and therefore exempt from this BLM shit?
the west was a mistake
Because Tumblr says so
>The only presence of BLM in your country is to call the police racist because a nigger jumped out the window.
In my pants.
>not being a post-weeb
current day america where super bowl commercials sell politial agendas and people only got up in arms if pepsi does it (?)
Police officers are a necessity for a functional society. Criticizing them on an individual level and wanting them held accountable is healthy and encouraged. Vilifying them outright is moronic and akin to endorsing anarchy.
But I just want to fuck that rabbit
This is why you don't pander to sjws
because everyone everywhere was either evil or thought exactly like the artist did at the moment of the drawing
I mean they didn't even try to go for something pseudo clever like "omnic lives matter"
Because everything must be about American SJW's. They think that the entire Western World is exactly like the USA and thus faces the exact same social issues as they do, no more no less.
Trying to explain the British class system to some blacks I met on my last US holiday was a headache.
"BLM" people do not play vidya anyway.
They're either in prison or on welfare.
They were never going to bitcha bout that movie because the main character is a strong female who is fighting the patriarchy and sexism in the police department.
It's times like this I'm glad I pretty much moved on from gaming. I really considered picking this game up but didn't because I just didn't have the time for it. The fanbase id be playing with makes me glad I didn't though. Didn't they also block some text that was triggering people?
The real outrage is that she is wearing pants like a western feminist whore.
Why are police offensive now?
Its not the shooting, they've been shooting people for 50 years.
What changed?
watching stuff like this happen is so amazing to me
it truly shows that a bored human is the most destructive thing on earth
Black Lives Matter is literally an American terrorist organization.
Also, can you even imagine the cataclysmic amount of butthurt if someone did a White Lives Matter movement?
what in the actual fuck are you talking about?
How sad is it that libtards were still entirely right about Trump and the right wing is already imploding? These people will rule the world in four years time.
>not being a technical death weeb
I fucking hate niggers.
>Another Sup Forums takes a clickbait article to push their own agenda thread
>korean police officer
Aren't these guys living like an ocean away from each other?
every woman wears pants
pants are comfier and warmer than skirts
>whiteys literally following black mentality like sheep
What went wrong?
Yes it is. Global rule #13.
Sup Forums.org/rules
>A fucking leaf
>Aren't these guys living like an ocean away from each other?
africans get oppressed by whitey through time and space.