Best character in HoTS, prove me wrong
Protip:you can't
Best character in HoTS, prove me wrong
Protip:you can't
Li Li exists
Recently started playing, been eyeing it for a while, that 20 hero bundle made me take the jump, bought the support bundle, I'm pretty partial to Lucio or the hammer healer but I'd like to get Arthas
Waifu-fags need not apply
>not even a skeleton anymore
at least HotS has skeletons
>not varian
>not wanting to forge a great destiny
That's not Varian, faggot.
That isn't Abathur mate, truly the most fun champion especially when played with people you know.
Liked better him in Dota 2.
Not even close to the best Warrior, let alone Hero.
Maybe if you're fighting a Cho'gall?
Auriel hands down
>my friend got that sleepy skin for abathur
>i got a fucking murlock announcer
life is simply unfair
>people actually play this garbage MOBA
If like the dryad, what else is fun?
I used the gems they gave after 2.0 for the skin and do not regret it at all as I love playing him.
thanks for the report, Doc
>tfw no femworg skin for Sylvanas
>tfw no zombie skin for Greymane
Life is unfair
Valla is pretty fun.
Blizzshills leave. Sup Forums is not your home.
>just want to play 5 games for the skin
>cant be assed to make friends and then try to corral them through games
I want to impregnate chromie and have manlet children.
You can't even get the skin yet
Blizzard is a shit company that make terrible decisions but their games can be fun at least before they ruin them. And whilst HOTS is the most casual MOBA it is enjoyable to play especially with people you know.
Pretty sure the D.Va skin is next week. Just ask in chat as I'm sure everyone will be doing it
No. Now get out.
Varian died
Funny, I started playing HotS casually a few weeks ago and he was my immediate favorite.
>friend who plays it more intensively constantly nags me to play a higher tier hero
fuck this competitive cancer
If you truly think i'm a "shill" after even saying that Blizzard is shit you truly are pants on head retarded, shit can be enjoyable to play even if the company that makes it is terrible.
Go back to /vg/.
>Friend bitching that you're playing whatever you want in casual
I have to deal with this shit too, tell him to eat a dick.
That place is a fucking cesspool which is somehow worse than Sup Forums, if people discussing shit you don't like on here is bothering you that much maybe this place isn't for you bucko.
oh thats good,ill have more time then
desu i dislike moba's but this game is fun so far
That's not Varian or Alarak you faggola.
Gul'dan is so much fun. Just vomit green shit all over the screen.
It's where you belong faggot.
how do you make leoric work? I like playing him but the enemy team just ignores you and rapes your backline
also hoped you completed this first week's quest with the genji shit because you have to do that before you can do the quest next week
HOTS is probably their most un-fucked game at the moment.
Wrong King, brother.
Leoric is good taste though. Top tier Warrior.
Oh boy
I sure do like moving at the slowest rate possible while having the least effects.
I just shit that guy with my ultimate. Wow it did 10% of his health.
He better watch out!
Awww you can use a curse-word aren't you a big boy, seriously how much of a new-fag are you that you still take pleasure from shit-posting in threads you have no interest in. You are worse than the console war faggots that have slowly been making this board worse and worse.
just started playing
was muradin a good choice from the starting heroes?
also got ulther from a crate
leoric is tanky as fuck and can constantly stay where hes needed. just always keep an eye on the enemies and respawn outside of danger zones when alone and in teamfights when needed. i usually take black kings march cause while entomb is great for getting pickoffs i find the insane hp regen you can get from march helps you stay alive
Crippling Swing + Double Skeletal Strike for max peel power, Entomb to catch assassins, and Drain Hope speed boost to stick to people while clubbing them with your giant damage stick.
Leoric is less of a tank and more of a LoL bruiser. Stick to their assassins/healers and don't let up.
im doing it right now,its just 5 games with a "friend" right?
>Level Alarak in quickmatch
>No idea what the fuck i'm doing
>Highest hero damage anyway
I don't fucking understand how to play this fucker but still manage to do top damage, what the fuck
yeah this first quest is 5 games including vs AI
but the next 3 quests you can't do vs AI
Muradin is the most basic tank. He might need a small buff but he's always good against pretty much any team.
He's actually defined as a bruiser.
Also, if the enemy team has a high-health tank, it might be worth speccing into a stronger Drain Hope to make them melt.
>Playing a quickmatch round of HoTS
>Deliberately drag team down so that not even the best of carriers can save it
>At the loss screen I type in "u all suck"
>Mine salt for days
What's more is that I was the only on that MVP screen, the rest were enemies
>haunts the battlefield
>is a king
>fights with a giant mace
>is a skeleton
>literally immortal
>rocks a sweet looking armor and a /fa/ cape
>probably listens to heavy metal
Is there a more based vidya character?
I've been loving Artanis lately. I haven't played him since release when he was complete shit. I came back to hots just for 2.0 and he's a fucking BEAST. He shits out damage and is almost impossible to kill. You can often go 1v2 and walk out the winner.
>Play Valeera
>Complete garbage
Great game Blizztards. Couldn't even make a good Riki rip-off
Such is the way of Alarak.
What? No. Valeera is great.
Why is Lunara a thing?
Were Dryads so popular they needed a Dryad character?
What about Brightwing?
Do you think market research said "Well, people just won't play this game if there isn't a faerie dragon hero"?
Same with Stitches, right? There's a cult following for abominations?
>Were Dryads so popular they needed a Dryad character?
They did something to HOTS so it's more enjoyable, i have no idea what happened but i like it now.
Also Kael'thas & Li-Ming bros WW@
>fucking exploding people with one combo + pyroblast as kael'thas
>mashing max range orb + desintegrate in teamfights as Li-Ming
>all those f-listers no one cares about
>no Grom/Garrosh
>no Blackhand
>worst of all, no Kel'Thuzad
>that one guy who picks Fury Blades on Varian
>that one guy who picks Monstrosity on Abathur
>that one guy who picks Tranquility on Malfurion
i seriously hope you guys don't do this
Kel'Thuzad has had a model for like 2 years now
>"Nah fuck it, let's add more literal-whos"
>no Alarak announcer pack
Do they hate free money?
You know exactly why they're adding "literally whos"
Do what? Pick the best talents?
I really don't
>still no Leoric, King of Khanduras skin
i just want my human leoric
They're trying to break into the Chinese market by adding heroes that superficially resemble Dota heroes.
Resemblance to Dota is why they added Stitches in the first place. One of the few launch hero is a brand new character with zero aesthetic or lore appeal?
>a brand new character with zero aesthetic or lore appeal
Are you pretending to be retarded again?
>We need to make characters, here is a list of the top 50 famous characters in all of blizzard's history and lore
Nice! Prioritize the most popular ones first
>and here are the 20 who we can still find the original voice actors for
Oh yes lets do those first
>and here are the 10 that can come to work
Well ok lets do THOSE first
>and here are the 3 that will do it free
but what about the other 47 empty slots
>the intern that voiced all the dryads in WoW is still working at the mail room
A minor boss that wasn't even the focus on his questline
Wow, such lore appeal
it is now, fuccboi
>despite the game being called "Dota 2" I will delude myself into thinking its an original concept and there wasnt a previous game with extremely memorable characters on a very famous blizzard game that blizzard can literally just reuse.
It's not like he was the only minor character among the launch cast
You are beyond deluded if you don't think that Stitches was created in direct response to Pudge's popularity
Pudge is still the most played hero of all time.
No matter the patch, he's always at the top.
It's the only representation they have of a well known abomination (w3 unit that later translated into a wow mob)
patchwerk or whatever could also count,i guess
Like brightwing, lunara or hammer. They are added because they are based off well known units (nostalgia) so i'm okay with that
>well known abomination, a a w3 unit
>Stitches himself fucking terrorized goldshire and became a legend because of the memelords kiting him there
if you weren't underage you'd know that, probably.
Next you're going to tell me Samuro ripped off Juggernaut
they made it not fucking impossible to level characters past 5 and added an incentive to do so
it now seems less impossible to grind out all the characters
You're telling me that Blizzard purposefully and independently chose to make an abomination hero over any of the other main characters in the WC universe?
>play varian
>pick taunt
>choose battles carefully and engage only at the right times, popping parry at ideal moments to soak damage and turn the tables with overpower
>play varian
>pick fury
>right click with lifesteal
What spells did the War3 abominations have, mate?
Are you retarded? Dota 2 came out in 2013, Patch 1.11 went live in 2006
Hell if i know senpai, far as i know "rts unit" has the same priority for them as big lore guys, but this was said by dustin bowder, the guy that isn't the main lead anymore. The new guy has a boner for overwatch
You think i remember? I played only Humans and Orcs senpai
name 1 (one) major advantage that Fury has over Arms
you're literally retarded if you think that a minor DPS increase is worth the loss of a "delete 1 hero from the game" button on a 20 second cooldown
They have a dryad, a medic and a siege tank you fucking mouth breather, so probably yes
>pick lost vikings
>"Hey just go around the map as 4 and I'll soak the empty lanes"
O... ok... I'll just be useless, then...
Strategy? adapting myself over the most broken hero in the game? Fuck that senpai, i just wanna die 10 times in the earlygame and deny the whole purpose of your character
I'd agree but then they released a fucking JAVELIN Amazon. Nothing can compete
People are so fucking retarded. Why would you want to lane if you had the option to roll around in a rape crew fucking everyone's shit up?
>getting the lightning down to 3 second cooldown
No best feeling
>minor dps increase
you fucking what
you get his passive every 3rd hit with fury. that's about every 1 or 2 seconds. thats an extra 90 damage per second. with high kings quest thats about +180 dps, and arms only nukes low hp heroes like casters and healers. while that is useful, literally ANY OTHER dps can do that, whereas fury varian with constant lifesteal can go toe to to pretty much indefinitely with most if not all tanks in the game unless they have crazy burst
fury is best, hands down
Their both pretty cool. I wish Valve hadn't changed the one true King, though
murloc announcer is the most expensive item in hots
No truer king than the Skeleton King.