Name a more regretful purchase
Name a more regretful purchase
Paper Mario Sticker Star and Color Splash
No mans sky and journey
Damn this hit way too close to home
I modded mine so i got most of its game for free.
Bought Bayo and Xenoblade X and Wonderful 101.
And honestly these ware the only games worth 50-60$ in it.
And i got it used for 180$
Everything else i am glad i pirated.
I don't regret anything.
the first year(s) were fucking awful.
The vita.
What the fuck guys, cmon you knew this answer.
Virtual Boy
Xbox original
2DS was pretty good. 3DS has a good library and the 2DS isn't any worse at playing them. Really, it was only the $99 N3DS and my 2DS suffering some strange damage which made me switch.
It's a good Vanillaware machine.
It also means that I don't need to waste time buying a PS4 for specific games.
>mfw bought most 1st party games and liked them a lot
>when hacks rolled around I just pirated all the games I owned
>nintendo games don't drop in value so I got nearly all my money back
Vita TV.
Part of me wants to do this, but another part of me is a collectorfag so I'm torn.
I can't name it because I didn't by the switch. checkmate
>People actually paid ninety-nine US dollars for a Vita TV.
The 3ds and I'm not even joking. I've spend more time on my Wii U and both are hacked.
It's hacked now on FW 3.60, basically the perfect handheld/console for retro emulation sans N64.
I couldn't stand it mushy buttons, which is why I never bothered with the DS lite. You get what you pay for I guess.
mines 3.63
Dawn of War 3 earlier today
I'm over my Wii U purchase (but still mad that we only got one MH game.
Even if hacked the memory cards are expensive as fuck, thank fuck for the switch
Xbox One and Wii U are tied for me. Both got played for maybe two weeks then collected dust.
Oh, and over Thanksgiving this year I booted it up for the first time in a year to play Mario Kart with my family and the disc drive is broken. Back into the drawer it went.
>all the fucking kids in the thread
I got a fucking SEGA saturn in europe without the means to import games.
Yeah laugh and point at me.
It's better than the PS4 for exclusives that are fun
Just hack it and pirate the games. You literally already paid for them.
Vita TV now supports USB drives as external memory through homebrew.
Vita, easily.
Lemme know when the Switch it's truly hacked. It's gonna be a paperweight otherwise.
No not really
It's surprising how so few people know what the actually WiiU console looks like. Such disastrous marketing.
Mighty Number 9
Yooka Laylee
Star Citizen
Broken Age
a hacked Vita can emulate a hacked PSP, making it the best portable emulation machine.
Not like it matters. Device looks like every other--a BLACK SLAB.
Design convergence is the worst.
You can hack your Wii U as well and play emulators on it. It's currently the best console for emulation. But these don't really make the platforms in and of themselves redeemable. Any PC and tablet can basically do this shit.
it's actually a lot longer in length than this picture makes it out to be
key word.
The original 3DS.
It's the flimsiest piece of shit technology I've ever bought.
>A button slightly pushed in permanently from holding it down in Mario Kart
>frame of bottom screen scratches top (sent in and still had the problem)
>cheap plastic that collects dirt and fingerprints like crazy
>shoulder buttons creak when pressed
>joystick can't be moved smoothly
>low PPI screen for 3D games without AA
Only saving grace is that it plays DS games, but they couldn't even bother making a device with four times the resolution (512x384 isn't that far of a stretch) so they scaled properly and the games would be nicer to look at.
I wish the damn thing could stand upright.
brought 20 of them most still in the box
have no idea why i dont this
The Nintendo Switch
I hope you're not serious, user.
Original fat PS3. I think the two games on dics on own for that fat fuck is Twisted Metal and Ni No Kuni. I use it to play ACI sometimes but it kinda sucks.
If I could go back in time and save myself the 450 bucks I would.
the 360.
not because it was "bad", but basically i was already a wowfag and i played wow all the time.
Ping Pals
I dont know what I expected, its just Banjo kazooee but with a stupid fucking lizard and bat with even more awkward controls ....
This thing is dead yet will still always have more worthwhile games than the ps4. sad
This is really the only thing I'm kicking myself over.
Not that I could have known any better three years ago, but I feel a little fucked over that owning it for Wii U doesn't give a digital discount or something.
the playstation 4
thank god someone bought it from me, I literally turned the thing on once every 6 months
I'm literally still playing my 360 right now over getting a ps4 or one or upgrading my pc. The library is fucking great now. You must have shit taste. WoW sucks.
library is great on paper but the games run like ass with terrible resolution and textures.
not that I didn't love my 360, played the damn thing probably tens of thousands of hours. can? It should've come with two little pieces that you can stand it up with.
lol you probably actually believe this
Hm. I'll have to look through my box again. I never expected it to be able to because I haven't seen a single image of it standing up.
not him but
tlou remake
what else?
should look like this
Persona 5
Gravity Rush 2
Yakuza 0
Kingdom Hearts Collection
Ah that's great then, much better on a shelf like that.
That explains the little handles on the sides. Thanks.
I agree with you 100% I'm just a poorfag.
Your mom
Personal regret, buying Space Channel 5. The game is good and different, but fuck, I suck at that game so much that I can only finish the first stage. Made me realize I suck at rhythm games, so I ignore them.
Why didn't you like the original Xbox?
PS4. Easily more regretful. I got it for Infamous: Second Son, which was alright, and I got baited by Silent Hills. Bloodbourne was really good, as was PT for a free title.
My WiiU had MK8, Splatoon, W101, Mario Maker, and Smash. It wasn't amazing overall, but I don't regret it much.
I think the only system I ever had less games for than my PS4 was my Game Gear, which came with 2 games in 2004 and I never found another game for it. Still a better purchase than my PS4.
fuck you. I'd rather take my niche console with my niche games, than bloated casualized 1 game tablet.
>muh niche games meme
I bought this fucking game (spoiler) twice
the wii u is over though. Eventually new games the PS4 gets will surpass your wii u experience. I'm with OP on this one, sold my wii u last year, loved mario kart and mario party, but then they dropped it. THANKS NINTENDO
My ps4
I already have a decent PC and the WiiU is hacked. Only thing my ps4 has been useful for is bloodborne and a couple fighting games.
Meh, I'm still playing Zelda on my WiiU. I can't imagine anything the PS4 gets in the future can match it, honestly.
How are you still playing Zelda, it leaked 2 months ago.
People don't realize it was the exact same as hacking a Wii. It's a great emu box.
>not supporting good companies
I've been playing it for a month and a half, and it's a fucking great game. I'm going for 100%, including the 900 bastard seeds. I'll finish it in a week or so if I use a guide when I get down to like 50 seeds left.
>>not supporting good companies
Why should I do that when they didn't support Wii U
>I'm going for 100%, including the 900 bastard seeds.
Why? Autism?
>enjoying a game is now considered autism
This is the level that shitposting has sunk to.
You're not meant to get all 900 seeds. You only need like half of them to max out your slots.
Your reward for getting all of them is literal shit
You're not meant to 100% a lot of things. They're just there for people who enjoy the game, and want an excuse to continue playing past completion. It's hardly autism to want to enjoy playing the game more.
The only time in Zelda I would call it that was with the Minish Cap kinstones, because they required random drops and so you were literally kill-grinding just for the 100% mark. I've not played BotW so I don't know if bastard seeds are similar or not.
It's a fun reward though, and exploring for hidden koroks is fun when it isn't tedious.
I hope you realize the Vita has emulators, is portable and it FUCKING OUTSOLD the WiiU
The "bastard seeds" are little puzzles. Like, if you see a ring of lillies "randomly" in the middle of a pond you can probably get a seed by jumping off a conveniently placed cliff and landing in the circle of lillies. If there's 4 little "offering bowls" next to each other, and 3 of them have apples in them, you'll probably get a seed if you bring an apple and sit it in the 4th empty bowl. If you climb to the tip of the spire on the temple of time you get a seed. If you see a tree stump with a strange symbol on it, sitting on it might activate a little "glide through the ring of leaves" mini-puzzle like what the Batman Arkham series has.
It's really like the Riddler trophies from the Batman Arkham series overall. There's 900 of the puzzles, but you only "have a use" for about half of them, because all they "do" is increase your inventory space and you max out about halfway there. Past that the only other reward is a literal pile of shit if you get all 900, and the shit activates a special dance cutscene on command.
Honestly I like the seeds which is why I'm still collecting them, the devs went on record saying that they would play the game randomly and explore, and anytime a playtester/dev explored somewhere and had no reward to show for it they would slap a seed in that location. It really shows in the game, you can just explore and you're bound to find seeds if you take the time to investigate anything interesting.
I built up quite a collection during Gamestop's "Buy 2 Get 3 Free" deal.
They're now decorating my TV stand, nice to have on hand for Breath of The Wild and stuff.
I love the Boo one.
Aonuma himself said you aren't supposed to find all 900. They only made that many to ensure that most players would find around 200-300 in a playthrough.
Whoa, when you put it that way...
wtf I love the Vita now!
Actually, sounds like finding them all would be fun. I don't see a problem with that, especially since they're based around exploring rather than just "kill everything" or "dig up everywhere" or "whack every tree" like random secrets in some games.
But it is tedious
It's all daijobu.
Some of them are as simple as "pick up a rock", but it's the sort of thing that will "click" in the game. There's never some massive field of rocks with a single rock that happens to randomly have a seed under it, but if you're in an empty area and there's only a single rock within a huge area, it's probably hiding a seed.
It's totally never "grinding" or "whack every tree", the seeds are always in areas where a knowledgeable player would go "huh, this is suspicious... must be a seed here". Like, the last one I found was one a new player wouldn't notice but is obvious for players that are looking for seeds: there was a "ring" of same-sized rocks with like 3 missing rocks in the ring, and there were conveniently 3 same-sized rocks near the ring. It was completely obvious as soon as I saw the ring it was a seed puzzle, and even though it wasn't anything special it felt neat to get the little "you did it!" when the game confirms there was a seed there. It's a little reward for thinking while playing, and keeping your eyes peeled for the obvious little puzzles they placed everywhere. With 900 of them you'll probably pass a few hundred just going through the main story, but if you aren't looking for them you might miss like half of the ones you walk past.
Bought it on release day, too.
And ? Aren't you sonybro praising a fucking high school friendship grinding simulator which only reward you with fake social interaction ?
Oh man. Poor, poor man.