Marie in this outfit is literally the sexiest thing in all of video games

Marie in this outfit is literally the sexiest thing in all of video games

This is not a debate

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm glad we got that settled

I want to smell Marie's armpits

I like this oe more
dem legs

I thought Wario in a thong was the sexiest thing in all of video games.

I guess there's no point to having this thread then

Post moar Marie pits.

You're getting raped every day for 5 years then strangled to death when you'll be in jail.

This is not a debate.

I want to kiss that cute tummy.

Could've just stuck this in the other DOA thread. It is about semen demons, after all

You should stop masturbating to japanese fictional characters. Marry and have white kids, no degeneracy.

Plebian taste


Get help

But we just had a Marie thread.

>not in X3

All my why

as a Swede I'm proud to have her represent my country

You could dress Marie in dog vomit and a vest made out of crocs and it would still look sexy on her.

Any SFM with this outfit?

Because it would've sorta made sense

>Sup Forums is circlejerking over this garbage again

The idea itself is fine and so are the characters, but those graphics are absolutely unacceptable. Look at her right arm, that circlet is literally hexagonal shaped, not to speak of this N64 -tier textures.


Why not just play a PC porngame, Sup Forums?

Oh, there's lots of room for debate.

>No tits
Commit suicide, pedoscum

>beta cuck is also a manchild pedo

Oh my, what a surprise. This is why your country is getting assraped by feminism and islam. Litterally not a single real man to defend it.

Tifa is Wife and Mother: The Character.

Titillation is better than outright porn.
Ecchi > Hentai

You got a problem with that, freud?


Marie in any outfit* is the sexiest thing in all of video games

You could google a dozen japanese porn stars right now with a similar breast size and figure.

Most mods of Marie with larger breasts make her look like she's had augmentation surgery. But when done right, it's not half bad, and might be a window to her look in an entirely theoretical at this point, DOA6

I want to hold that tummy against my face and lick her navel while she tries to suck it and pull away to try and avoid my tongue's ticklish tasting as she giggles and shrieks!



She represents what this country once was about. Hot blonde girls.
