>meanwhile, on bizzaro Sup Forums
Meanwhile, on bizzaro Sup Forums
Overwatch is shit. good thing we were able to derail those shill threads
mods are doing great at banning e-celebs!
Video games are actually good and not almost entirely creatively bankrupt yearly release franchises and remasters.
New Vegas is the best Fallout!
I like myself!
The earth is flat and a cube! Yes it is!
>something normal Sup Forums says
I'm enjoying Yooka Laylee even without Jontron's voice acting.
Dark souls is way too fucking tough, seriously can't wait for them to patch it
Good thing loli is now legalised everywhere!
you guys are all so heterosexual and manly
SJWs are ruining video games. good thing Sup Forums knows this and prevented a catastrophy
Im happy!
If I don't like a series or disagree with something the developer says I can just ignore that franchise and play something I do enjoy. Summer is a nice season with no strange connotations.
Im not addicted to posting here and the Website is totally crumbling under Hiro
I am the lizard queen! Behold my dick!
I can't believe the only good game to come out this year has been Mass Effect: Andromeda!
Are the Japs even trying anymore?
The earth is literally 2 dimensional feggit
I'm so glad Sony took a risk with a new IP involving a string female MC!
Why no one talks about botw
SWTOR was great.
>loli is legal in canada but illegal almost everywhere else
Best posters of this site get the best things I guess
Wow, this new bioware game has a rich cast of flawed and complex characters. And it runs well too, I'm glad I bought it
Ohya best girl
>Earth is 2D when you're 3D
URGH, Sonic Mania? We don't need another 2D fan game! We need a new boost game!
God I sure do love the A
WWII Allied Powers
Thanks god Sup Forums is the most redittor free board on Sup Forums.
Is that a fucking JoJo reference?
I hate Nintendo
t. freethinker
Gb2 r/roundearth nigger.
>tfw going outside and meeting my waifu at the grocery store
I'm so glad Brianna Wu got into congress. It's gonna be fun seeing what someone who actually fucking cares about vidya does with legal power.
Who else here absolutely loved Breath of the Wild. I couldn't get over how jam packed the world was with content. And the overworld music? My goodness it put Wind Waker and Twilight Princess to shame.
Guy user here. Seriously is Sup Forums nothing but slutty girls LARPing as virgin men? You girls know you'll never get married right?
Having a waifu is normal and healthy and acceptable by society's standards and having more than one is even better dasu.
Trannies are huge drama makers and attention whores. Good thing the people on Sup Forums know to avoid them!
I am feeling fine!
Undertale is a great game, i cant believe we all enjoyed it at launch and the hate only started AFTER tumblr got their hands on it.
Shitty tumblrs, dont they realise that Undertale is OUR game? Toby came to us and gave us the game specifically!
same. I don't want to kill myself at all
also i dislike cocks
I play video games.
I hate videogames
I enjoy playing video games with my good friends and my fiancée, but only every so often. There must be enough time for other social obligations.
I also encourage there to be discussion of different video games, including ones I personally do not enjoy, as this promotes a variety of viewpoints and conversations that we can all learn from and respect. Even if I do not agree with one's opinions, it's best to remember that we all have our different tastes and enjoy different things.
Don't ever kill yourself user, people love and cherish you.
What a great and original idea for a thread OP you da man.
God damn, do I love those springs. We need more of that.
Videogames are fun!
Both Western and Japanese games have their merits.
Ugh, does anyone have any viable Knuckles strats for PM? Wanted to go the upcoming smash con, but his falls are so slow.
I can't wait for Jeb! to lower tariffs on Japanese games
yeah well lets see how she deals with my toxic fumes
I love traps and one day I'm going be the most Perfect trap in all the world and everyone will love me because I will be the light! the ONLY light
What do you mean? He falls too fast. He's just like Lyn in that regard. He has some good combo potential with his grabs though, so I'd mess around with those, specifically his forward and down throws.
OP is heterosexual
What do you mean? He falls too fast.
this is a bizarro thread
Can you faggots stop hosting this game?
Breath of the Wild is an amazing game with no flaws.
\v\ orazzib no ,elihwnaem
The furry community is pretty cool and makes great vidya art.
I like SMT more than Persona.
Traps aren't gay.
>mfw I’m not Anthony Burch
Isn't it great to live in a world where every single platform is now well worth owning for their own reasons and we don't have to fight over which is best/worst?
>ywn be Anthony Burch or Randy Pitchford
>ywn be a badass
Why even live?
skub > anti-skub
I'm so glad Battleborn has gained such a massive following!
The game truly is badass!
Feminism is awesome xD !
Why do 80s goth girls look so fucking shit.
Sex with Pokemon is icky LUL
Dark Souls 2 is the worst souls game, but it is still a good game in its own right.
Let´s see if we can get more posters in this thread than there are overwatch players
I sure do love playing Bannerlord! ;_;
I just spend $60 dollars on a brand new game and it was only an hour or so long. Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained! I sold it back to gamestop for a $20 and spent that on some Five Guys after I went to the gym for a little while.
has anyone brought up overwatch?
i dont believe that conversing about tf2 would be appropriate
Brianna Wu looks like a fucking model
Whatever you do, do NOT send this to Randy Pitchford.
>went to Five Guys
>then to the gym
Why? Eat a salad you nigger, it´s great gamer food too
Bioware > CDPR
I can't believe how long the wait to get into a Battleborn lobby. Gearbox needs to get better servers to handle the millions and millions of new players that play non-stop.
Is this gain?
Dark Souls 3 is a good game
Bloodborne is shit. SHIT.
Vegas was never good
I sure do love video games!
Oh boy, aren't video games just so much fun?
Doesn't even matter which platform, since all games are so much fun.
>guy user
Dick or gtfo
I can't wait for the spamming of this shit movie to end. No one wants to fucking see it, like, just stop
Op said BIZZARO Sup Forums.
Kung pow is ACTUALLY shit.
>Super Mario Bros. was so bad, it killed Nintendo
Man this FX 8350 just rekts any game I toss at it! 100+ FPS at max settings!
I'm surprised they never did anything with Mario besides a few games, he was their only mascot worth jackshit.
you don't know the rules...
Man the Sega Jupiter is so badass, toshibatards still butthurt their system has no gaems.