Did Fallout 4 do anything right?
Did Fallout 4 do anything right?
It played like a decent 6/10 shooter I guess
A few things.
The silver shroud quest in full larp mode was the only part of the game that I would consider going back and experiencing again.
Meh... I'd call it a 7/10 but I guess I'm just generous because its weapon-crafting system is exactly what I want in pretty much any RPG I play.
the downtown environments were pretty top tier
thats all i remember
Made me appreciate the other fallouts even more
Well this is Sup Forums so the answer you will get is "nothing."
However, in the real world Fallout 4 is a solid shooter with an decent plot. Nothing amazing but still a good game.
With mods the settlement building can also be fun. I wasted probably 20+ hours building various settlements.
The environments looked cool and were fun to explore
The RPG elements (while bad) are nicely unrestrictive, which fits the game pretty well. If you see a rocket launcher you can pick it up and use it and do pretty well with it without investing 6 levels into explosives points.
The guns were fun to use and the crafting was super fun to do.
The Glowing sea.
Enemies are all pretty cool and fun to fight against.
The quick loot system was efficient
>solid shooter
>decent plot
Character customization was GOAT
it's the best game ever made
the sims mode was fun for awhile. the actual game itself was pure trash with the most generic, unimaginative perks that utterly dilute whatever modicum of rpg mechanics they didn't completely strip away.
>I wasted probably 20+ hours building various settlements.
>I wasted probably 20+ hours
Well, you got that right.
World building, level design and shooter gameplay was really good. Everything else, and i mean without any hyperbole, was absolute dogshit.
Power armor and that's about it
the art direction was very nice
the map was okay
Character customization, and even then it's still pretty lacking in a lot of aspects
>The Glowing sea.
Laughed out loud
Whole place is an empty cesspool
>Improved the combat
>Quality side characters like Nick
>Ability to exit dialogue whenever was great
>Good character creator
If you mod out the dogshit save restriction, survival is actually pretty good.
RPG elements that don't prompt a reaction from the world might as well not exist. Everything you do, from the gear you wear to the way you look or how you talk to people and how they react to you, needs to be reflected in the world at all times. That is the base requirement for an RPG, especially of the AAA kind.
the shooting feels way better than 3/NV.
Crafting is improved as well
Dunwich Borers was a pretty cool location.
Museum of witchcraft was almost great.
A few other quests had some really cool set-ups that went nowhere that had "orders from up high were to leave it as is to leave as much space for modders as possible" feel to it, like the Cabot house questline.
Fallout 4 is a game where Bethesda's reach exceeds it's grasp. The game attempts to offer so many things at once that it falls short delivering on many of its grandiose efforts.
Settlement building, insanely cool idea but lacking in execution. The settler AI is buggy and cumbersome. The physics of the structures are immersion breaking at times, and the tendency for settlements to take over as a primary objective over completing the story demonstrates an error in planning.
How about the game forgoing some of its traditional RP elements to be more like an action shooter? Well that deserves a little criticism as well. The lack of choices presented to the player takes away from some of what made New Vegas so great.
All in all, games not perfect, got some things wrong, still a fun game I've poured hundreds of hours into.
Weapon crafting and power armors. That's it.
>Crafting is improved as well
cut and pasted skyrim enchantment is not improved crafting by any stretch of the imagination.
shooting is serviceable, exploration is decent
Power Armor
Silver Shroud
Graphics weren't terrible
I personally enjoyed the setting
Thats about it.
It was cool empty cesspool
>The glowing sea
I guess the idea is pretty nice but in practice I fucking hated that shit. Extremely underdeveloped and just fucking garbage in general. That underground spying station or whatever was pretty much the only cool thing in the whole place, but the idea of the wooden shack being left untouched by a fucking several-megaton bomb is retarded. The anti-ballistic missile place seemed cool but was actually fucking empty bar a few ghouls unless you were questing for the institute I think. And then the rest of the place is just empty. Like for fucks sake, one of the markers in the area is "Crashed Vertibird". It's a crashed Vertibird. That's it. Nothing to explore, no skeletons of the crew, no loot, nothing. It's the same prop you see all over the fucking map except this one somehow deserves a location marker based solely on the fact that the glowing sea is a shithole they gave next to no thought to.
>decent plot
You have low standards.
>Crafting is improved
I can see why you say this and I'm mostly inclined to agree but then I remember how they had the absolutely perfect ammo crafting system in NV to work from and they decided to remove the idea of ammo variety altogether. Plus, the crafting element gave them an excuse to have next to no fucking actual gun variety.
For five minutes
such a shame that there is no mod to make it more lively, the only one was War of the Commonwealth or some shit and it was bloat as fuck
Oh, and The Glowing Sea is the coolest loacation in the entore Fallout series
Power armor immediately jumps to mind.
The glowing sea was pretty neat.
The graphics are decent, and pretty good for a Fallout game.
Far Harbor was a pretty good DLC.
On top of that there's no real danger in terms of radiation. The game hands you PA at the beginning, and by the time you arrive you'll have enough rad meds to stroll to your objective buck naked, anyway.
Literally no risk or danger is imposed - the suggestion by NPCs that you're a mad man for attempting the journey is just laughable.
Also it's 1/4 of the map.
It improved in every way on Fallout 3, but falls way short of New Vegas. If they let Obsidian make another Fallout using the FO4 engine that would be ideal, but we all know nobody gives Obsidian a second shot.
Silver Shroud.
The fact you get bonuses for not breaking character helps
The robots.
The weapon crafting sucked though
On my 2nd play-through, I discovered the USS Constitution quest. That fucking skill-check was staggering. It's almost like it's not even supposed to be in the game, like they overlooked it when they were ripping out all of the depth.
It took the series back to its roots
Ironsides should have been a companion.
You're referring to all the reused Skyrim assets, right?
not him
w-what? really?
I liked the weapon crafting and the power armors I don't like it how you can get one 15 minutes into the game though
No green or orange camera filter.
That was ok.
It ended
No I'm referring to how it's more like 3 again, which is what it should always be.
>The engine seems to finally not suck (as much), fewer things appear to be bound to the framerate
>Power Armor
>Servicable shooting and cover mechanics
>Settlement building (but only as a novelty since it serves minimal purpose outside of being a way to get resources over time)
>Weapon customization (in most cases, it's just upgrading to an obvious best model; only a few weapons would invite you to pick and choose for different purposes)
>The Silver Shroud
>The city and skyscrapers in the middle of the map are pretty fun to explore and fight in
>Bethesda.net in-game mod interface not being a hot mess
What skill check?
Not him but, to be fair the weapon crafting was an awesome idea it just didn't have enough work into it. But that's just my opinion.
But the fact that you don't get Silver Shroud dialog options throughout the entire game while wearing the outfit was a wasted opportunity. It should have been more than just one part.
Holy shit
Great shooter.
Beautiful world.
Pretty good character animation.
It's a shame it was all show and no content. They were so busy making a nice looking game that they forgot about it being an RPG.
The only way I could enjoy it was with some mods and playing it on survival.
I liked a couple of the new songs
You have to have build autism to really enjoy it. For someone like me, it had the best loot system in any modern RPG
One perk lets you flash step.
>Buy a new coil
>Or have 5+ on a shit tier SPECIAL skill
what a tough choice
2 Did it better.
Hell 2 did everything better.
Post characters.
It could have been cool if the art direction was more like Blade Runner, with The Institute controlling the Commonwealth from the shadows and all of that too.
Which is why I used the qualifer of 'modern rpg'
Fallout 2 was the Borderlands of its time period. Fallout 1 in the superior albeit smaller game
Best gunplay in the series but mediocre in the genre.
Worst rpg elements in the series and bad in whole genre.
Looks better than any previous Bethesda title from FO/TES.
And that's it.
>and playing it on survival.
survival is bulletsponge shitfest, boi.
Power armor, the weather and the gunplay. Everything else was fucking shit.
It gave Todd and company a chance to learn from their mistakes so moving forward they can make better games. TESVI is going to be GOAT
I can only hope the next Fallout continues the pattern set by mainline Fallouts and has a fuckload of cool content like 2 and New Vegas.
God damn, fix your UI color.
cowboy hobo with weapons w/o suppressor/10
I bet you roleplay for 5000 hours in every Beth title.
the next fallout will be a direct reskin of whatever the next tes game is. they didn't even try to hide that 4 was reskinned skyrim; didn't even bother changing the loading screens.
How the fuck is changing parts of your guns like enchanting beyond the obvious fact that it alters stats?
Are talking about the legendary weapons?
or the baby being equipped like a shield
shut the fuck up goy and but that season pass with sweet addons that are free on F4 Nexus
I actually do
At least the trains aren't hats anymore.
But V.A.T.S is now obsolete because it has been turned into clunky bullet time in a game where you can use regular bullet time with a damage buff.
>I personally enjoyed the setting
boring as FUCK.
They could go with Detroit and add cars that can be fully tu.. OH SHIT forgot that it's that shitty engine and lack of creative thought in bethesda.
Who did you roleplay as?
I roleplayed as a Veteran married to a lawyer with a newborn son who's wife is killed and son kidnapped while cryogenically frosen in the vault
I played as a synth with implanted memories of being a veteran married to a lawyer with a newborn son who's wife is killed and son kidnapped while cryogenically frozen in a vault.
I like to think that Nate ends up shellshocked after the whole thing with the Institute and Shaun.
I played as a guy who saw his wife killed before his eyes and son stolen from him then woke up to see the end of the world - so he had a mental breakdown and became a cannibalistic psychopath who wanted to get back at humanity.
i played a single female lawyer who was magically able to use firearms and power armor after waking up in a freezer that also contained the recipe to jet made before the war.
>decent plot
It's arguably worse than Fo3's.
Eh, the idea of weapon crafting is good, but Fallout 4 doesn't stick the dismount.
Receivers are all 100% cosmetically identical, and all they change is damage or add full auto (with drastically reduced damage), or 1-2 caliber changes.
The armor system (which is probably bethesda's best, I'll give them that) calculates the reduction of incoming damage based on the relative magnitude of the target's armor and the weapon's damage. If they have the same armor as your weapon does damage, the damage is reduced by half. If they have more armor than your weapon does damage, the damage can be reduced down as little as ~15%, and if your weapon does more damage than their armor, less of it will be blocked, so you might deal more than 90% damage to a weakly armored foe with a high damage weapon.
Since they've chosen to limit the usefulness of automatic weapons not by making ammunition so scarce that it's not worth it, but rather by reducing their damage, automatic weapons are mostly strictly worse than semi-automatic ones in Fallout 4, except against the weakest of enemies. Likewise, shotguns can't keep up.
So unless you're just playing gun dress-up, gun customization will mostly come down to picking the highest damage semi-auto receiver, and then deciding either to make a short gun for hip fire and VATS or a long gun for ADS, and picking the most expensive mods that fit the theme.
MGSV had a better gun customization system, where at least you could add shit like grenade launchers or foregrips or flashlights, or entire machine pistols if you so wanted.
It's yet another half-assed job.
At least it wasn't a rehash of 1-2.
It makes Sup Forumsirgins tremble with impotent rage so it has that going for it.
The crafting ruined gear progression, and Beth used it as an excuse to make fewer guns. NV's system serves the game better.
This. I actually like Fallout 3 more now that I have this pile of shit to compare it to
I don't feel the AK as a primary for your char my man, maybe somthing older
God tier otherwise
>fun to explore
Absolutely untrue. It looked good, yes, but it was a travesty to explore a barren wasteland and your only reward was suffering shitty dialogue with whomever you found and maybe a gun that was a slight variation on what you already had but maybe a star next to its name.
Far Harbour
>Just want to have my own house somewhere
>Even if I dont put down a radio tower- NPCs just show up to live in my house and I have to kill them
>The crops I grow can't be grown unless I assign an NPC to it
>The one and only place I can have my own house is the diamond city location and then you really can't build anything there.
>shit tier
Have you tried using the full auto perks when making said guns?
It is when Idiot Savant exists.