MGTOW games

What are some good MGTOW friendly games?


Gone Home


Bunny Must Die
Princess Maker series
Touhou Project
Fortune Summoners
Disgaea series
A Magical High School Girl
Finding Teddy
100% Orange Juice games
Magical Battle Festa
Fairy Bloom Freesia
They Bleed Pixels
Hatoful Boyfriend
Sakura games
Senran Kagura
Yume Nikki
Fortune Summoners
Hyperdimension Neptunia
Long Live the Queen


Zelda BOTW

>a guy going around listening to a woman


>Do birdo and rocky dungeons
>Never touch the game again
>Zelda and the other sluts locked away forever


Mgtow are just as stupid as feminist or even worst. I don't understand why straight men would want to turn into asexual faggots.

Please fuck my wife.

theyre just incels trying to pretend its their choice

Doll joints.

Already down that far, huh?

Because they feel they're above the feminist, even though they're just the other side of the coin of them.
Both sides are fucking stupid, with feminism gaining the edge because more people buy into it.

And feminism literally ruined western society.

i went from anime straight to wanting to be the gf

im not gay i just wish i was a girl

Wanting to be a girl is pretty gay

>a group that wants to change law is the same as a group that want to improve their life by going away from their main source of problems

This. I wish I could be a girl just so that I could get gang banged and drown in dicks. But I'm not gay, I don't want to experience it as a man.

Russian Roulette (with 6 bullets)

But you feminists say incels don't exist


I skipped misogyny and mgtow and went straight to traps from waifus.
Now I have a bf and plan on crossdressing for him.

your daily reminder

Feminism will die out, it always has and always will. When these new age feminist hit 30 and realize they fucked up their life, they'll come back to the social norms.

>got all the way down to traps
>bounced myself back to nogf territory
In retrospect, 2D traps are great but when it comes to 3D, girls are the only way to go. Also, MGTOW is retarded.

Girls suck dick, user. Sucking dick is gay.

Who hurt you, user? As a woman, I wish I could just make the pain go away and remind you that not all women are evil.

And then counties will import more refugees because their population is too busy not reproducing because muh feminism and muh mgtow.
Both need to grow up and learn the benefits of the opposite sex.

then they forgot the ones on her knees like the younger one has.

women are hard-wired to cheat on you the moment a better opportunity presents itself. this is why monogamy as needed. young men have never been more miserable in America.

Real gay only starts at 3D guys because otherwise you're just internet gay which is very much like being an internet tough guy or someone who talks about things that definitely happened for real on their tumblr.

So what if a MGTOW guy is not really wanted by women? Women still expect ugly guys they don't like to do everything they want.

Liking traps leads to 3D men I would know

That'll never happen, Feminism is too deep rooted in mainstream media to ever be eradicated.

>genetically inferior male

he's worse than mgtow