How is it that STR always beats out DEX in all but a few games?

How is it that STR always beats out DEX in all but a few games?

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That's literally dex (grabbing high speed limbs) vs agility (having high speed limbs).

Why are STRfags consistently retarded?


>tearing off limbs doesn't require STR

top kek

The spider is tearing off its own limbs with the high speed movement. You can clearly see that limbs are only removed when the spider dashes away while limbs are being held.

The flash can hit with the force of an exploding star, that doesn't mean he has super strength.

> Cha>All, just like in IRL
The only way to beat the swarm is to specialize in killing them and even then good fucking luck

they fight like they're in DBZ. T-Too fast...!
So...this is the power of antfags...whoah

Scorpions OP. Pls nerf.

Never seen the scorpion ever lose in one of these battles.

>specialize in killing them
Did you eve read my post. Ofcourse something that has specialy evolved to kill ants can kill ants. But no fucking way a scorpion can even beat 0.1 percent of the swarm


>specialized in killing them
>antfags are this delusional

Now throw one of these into the ring.

>antfags claim they're CHA
>no one likes them except other antfags
really makes you think

>Its prey is ants
>In order for the ants to not tear it apart in seconds it has to hide its sent
Nice try fag

>assassin bugs prey on other animals
Sorry antfag, you're not special enough except for anteaters.

>Ants are the only insects working together
Looks like Cha to me

Yeah man, what even are Bees or Termites or several other bugs.
You stupid motherfucker.

Do bugs feel pain?

>Litterly have to hide your sent so they wont notice you
What a fucking faggit, even worse then Dex fags at least they fight in the open
pshh nothin personnel...antfags

strength is dexterity

agifags are memelords

Bees and Termites dont beat ants in a war
Well maybe Termites do

>we're allowed to have a numbers advantage in the millions
>you're not allowed your advantages because they're cheap
>antfag damage control

>being a cog in a machine

lmao, does it feel charismatic when you go work in a cubicle for 9 hours a day?

Holy fuck you are STILL making these threads! How many have been deleted now?

Mods just fucking ban him for a day or something, please! A thread died for thi- Oh who am I kidding? This is Sup Forums there are no good threads here.

>ants prize themselves on population
>get beaten by one specific species of fish in population size
Antfags are you trying?

99% chance to dodge

>dexfags are this butthurt
>dexfags are this cringy

>those sound effects

it's "scent" you illiterate retard

beetlefags are the worst
>tanks of the bugworld
>can only take damage and not deal it
mantis for life

Well they're antfags, they're a bit special, give them a break.

>antfags are phoneposters
really makes you think

>that gif

It'll be one short life then.

>being this new

Yes because ants have Cha and therefore are actually going places

its like Pikmin...but in real life...

stupid antfag

>not posting the long version where scorpion grabs legless spider and starts eating its ass
You left out the best part.

dying after sex is better than no sex at all


RPG Games are made by neckbeards who don't know the difference between power and pure strength

Power beats pure strength everytime

You can powerful either by being strong or by being fast, or both

Spiderfags can quite literally, never compete against superior Scorpionbros.

>I did a grave mistake

millions of bugs were killed for our viewing pleasure, and they're never even know it.
[spoilers] what if we have overseers, looking down at us right now, ready to rub our colonies together? [/spoiler]

If you want a non meme answer it's because STR as a concept in games falls into the "hit or miss" category of mechanics (shotguns in FPS games are sitting here too)

They are always either too weak or too strong because said mechanics carry a downside. STR weapons need to be slower than DEX so to compensate we have to up their damage. This usually results in them hitting too hard.

It's a balancing act of making sure the weapon isn't too slow while also making sure it doesn't do too much damage. Same reason shotguns are always too strong or shit in FPS games.

Shut the fuck up autistic dickhead.

that shew is adorable :3
Numbers IS how you win
Cry about how you can pick off 0.01 percent of the swarm but in nature there are no rules there is no weight class. Your only hope is to specialize or to never meet the swarm

>ambush predator fighting the "1v1 me bro" of buggos
>it loses
wow whodathunk. This is as stupid as the beetle chopping the hornet in half

>antfags aren't even the most populous non-microbial species

what the fuck happened? The tarantula had a huge chance at 0:34

Is this tarantula not venomous at all?

>he doesn't know scorpions are ambush predators

Where talking about arthropods dipshit


cos no INT

>antfags are this stupid
Also, it's even more hilarious that antfags get cucked by fucking vertebrae on what they prize most

>I resort to checking his spelling because I have no real arguments

No they're not. They're literally always roaming from place to place looking for roaches and shit to eat.

They're just as much of an ambush predator as a big cat is. Tarantulas on the other hand hunt by staying put in place waiting for the prey to come to their holes.

You are the retarded, agility gives you dex points

>he doesn't know scorpions are just crabs with stingy bits

>dude you corrected my spelling that means I get to ignore everything else you sad
>antfag damage control is this bad

This thread is about arthropods

That's more of an STR vs VIT
Scorpions are clearly vit/dex builds. Tanking damage and critting in return with stingers.
Anyhow int > everything else. Why wield a weapon, when you can fireball the fucker?

why don't the insects just chill instead of fighting

Except Emperor Scorpions are burrowing predators.
Here's a spider in the second webm demolishing a pretty fucking large centipede.


Tarantula might lose but I still think this album is based as fuck.

"dude you corrected my spelling that means I get to ignore everything else. you sad"
antfags lose again :^)
This thread is clearly about STR superiority to DEX.
>not using technology
magic is for fags

because you get edgy when hungry

>>not using technology
>not using magitech

If you see these fights, there's these fucking invisible barriers insects don't seem to be able to overcome so they eventually bump into each others into their stingers and whatnot. I dunno who could be behind this wizardry shit


Your the one who started the spelling war
Also we all know this thread isnt really about Str vs Dex

Hahahaha, wow. Why use something that is man-made, when you can literally use forces of the universe? Magic users > anything and everything

I mean that kid just chopped through a fucking tree. Not even a clean chop. That's pretty STR. I think the other nigga is just VIT

>invent anti-magic force field
>mages unable to circumvent it without also using technology
That wasn't a spelling mistake, stupid antfag. :^)


he lost because those were strength weapons. Dumb cunt

Just levitate? I mean magic can do anything you know, its kinda like cheating

>mage jumps up and drops to the ground this is the power of mages

>anti-magic force field
> implying I can't pull something equally ridiculous out of my ass
Wew lad, it's like you don't know about my anti-anti magic field ring of magic

but that's CON

It's like you don't know about my anti-anti-anti magic field ring of technology or my magic-absorbing gun.

Never understood antimagic
Its basicly the same as magic anyways I allways thought of it as a form of magic

>dexfag can chop through a 3 yard thick tree
>strengthfag takes everything like its nothing
should be named
>spreading skill points when you should have been power gaming

>implying 95% of faggots have access to anti-magic field
If you're a mage and you've done something to piss off a guy who's powerful enough to employ an anti-magic field, then as a super badass batman mage, you've already prepared for this contingency 3 weeks ago

>magic-absorbing gun.
It's like you don't know about my spell of overloading magic-absorbing technologies, wew, just wew lad.

It's like you don't know of my gun having fuses but with magic that explode into shockwaves that absorb and negate all forms of magic.
>implying he hasn't prepared for your preparing

>implying I didnt mod my magic-absorbing gun with a circuit that reflects any spells of overloading magic-absorbing technologies

It's like you don't know of my spell that just lets me do anything and there is no counter for it

>imply I haven't counter-prepared for his preparation

>engineer technology that can manipulate the fundamental forces with a mere light-speed thought
>turn all mages into nothing more than a single atom in less than a googolplexth of a planck time
It's like you don't know of my tech that just lets me do anything and with no counter
>implying he hasn't counter-counter-prepared for it