Star Fox Assault was a good multiplayer game

Star Fox Assault was a good multiplayer game


>stupid faggot mod deletes game discussion again

Star Fox is video games

video games is not furry

Funny how we had a thread yesterday with nobody but shitty Wolf/Fox gay shipping from that atrocious "Fox in Space" garbage, but not one person cried "furfag". Not only that, but the thread got well over a hundred replies before getting 404'd. And yet when someone posts a thread about a VIDEO GAME we immediately have backseat mods like (you) to shit things up.

Why the double standards?

Nope, it sucked shit and so did Adventures, and So did Command.
Zero was a rehash with less content than 64.
Krystal didn't kill the series, Miyamoto did.
Star Wolf Trio is best team.

You can't get rid of gay shit in Star Fox.

It's Furry Top Gun.

It was a good multiplayer game. Not an amazing one, but a good one.

I thought he was actually making a cowboy bebop/venture bros style star fox cartoon? I didnt know he was making furry fantasy gay shit

who cares, check my 5

and this shit will further continue why nintendo has trashed star fox like the rest of their space franchises

That's the intention but there's a few bits where you can interpret it as gay stuff.

>People liked A Fox In Space more than Nintendo's official Star Fox short
Nintendo never recovered

Mad gay Starfox fans trying to get the thread deleted because they can't handle that their beloved devs are just clueless.

so was Krystal a virgin or is fox just a cuck

Why because of gay shit? Suiting BOTW just fine.

Miyamoto is the true cancer killing Star Fox, not gays and not Krystal

But Wolf has a gf in the series!

too fucking bad furfag, your franchise IS TRASHED now and there isnt a single thing you can do about it, so yiff away faggot

I'm talking about in General.

Krystal/Fox may be canon, Katt/Falco may be hinted at sometimes and Phox may be doing a Fara/Wolf thing

But that doesnt stop people from shipping Fox with Wolf or Fox with Falco.

>Yiff away faggot
Will do.

It was pretty good but you had to softban wolf or shit got pretty meta to counter the fact that this faggot could run FASTER than falco and take the most damage in the game.

>Snipe him
>He survives
>Pops shield and runs

Moot said videogames is allowed. See sonic.

Good way to spot an underaged user though.

Had no friends to play with though, seriously was adding bots that hard? I guess Nintendo is only good at making ai that walks in one direction and bounces in the other direction off walls.

Or Panther/Fox

Bots wouldn't have been able to unlock the hardcore meta that was ghosting a wolfen into a crowd with a cluster bomb attached for 3 kills.

>tfw i could've sworn slippy had some sort of butt wiggle taunt in assault but i can't find footage of it anywhere

Star Fox Assault was a terrible attempt as a FPS, and as a result, the same shit controls applied to nearly any all-range missions as well. While Star Fox 64 missions were designed with the Arwing controls in mind, the arenas in all-range seem like they weren't and so just maneuvering around was a pain. So was being on foot at any point.

Never played Command, so no opinion.

When you shoot people and or kill people you get a special taunt.

Slippy was hard as hell to play properly though because he wasn't too fast. Good dodge rolls though.

>Game takes place in 3rd person at all times

I don't understand?

As far as controls go
>not using dual sticks mode