Fuck, Marry, Friendzone, Anal
Fuck, Marry, Friendzone, Anal
Fuck Ann
Marry Makoto
Friendzone Futaba
Anal Haru
Fuck Makoto
Marry Makoto
Anal Makoto
Daughter-zone Futaba
Friendzone everyone else
Fuck Haru
Anal Makoto
Friendzone Futaba
Marry Ann
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact… same fucking thing… over and over again, expecting… shit to change.
That… is crazy; but the first time somebody told me that…I dunno, I thought they were bullshitting me, so boom – I shot him. The thing is, okay… He was right. And then I started seeing: everywhere I looked, everywhere I looked, all these fucking pricks, everywhere I looked, doing the exact same fucking thing… over and over and over and over again thinking: “This time, it’s gonna be different; no, no, no, no, no, please… This time it’s gonna be different.” …I am sorry, I don’t like the way you are looking at me… Okay, do you have a fucking problem in your head? Do you think I am bullshitting you? Do you think I am lying? Fuck you! Okay? FUCK. YOU! It’s okay, man. I’m gonna chill, hermano. I’m gonna chill… The thing is… alright, the thing is: I killed you once already… and it’s not like I am fucking crazy. It’s okay… It’s like water under the bridge. Did I ever tell you the definition… of insanity?
Marry Makoto
I don't care about the rest
Marry Makoto
Fuck Haru
Friendzone NEET
Anal Ann
Anal Anne
Fuck Futaba
Marry Haru
friendzone Makoto
Anal Haru
Fuck Haru
Friendzone Haru
Marry Makoto
Fuck Haru
Marry Makoto
Friendzone Futaba
Anal Ann
Fuck Sadayo
Marry Sadayo
Friendzone Haru
Anal Sadayo
Fuck Futaba
Marry Futaba
Friendzone Haru
Anal Futaba
Fuck Sadayo
Marry Sadayo
Friend zone Futaba
Anal Sadayo
Ann, she's got a great body
Makoto, she's best girl
Futaba, knocking boots with her seems wrong
Haru, process of elimination
Haru wouldn't do anal...
Great minds think alike
I ain't interested in her, fluffy as her hair may be.
What am I supposed to do? She's just gonna have to get over it while sipping down her elephant shit coffee.
I dont really care, fuck them all but i want to marry haru for her money.
Fuck Ann
Mary Futaba
Friendzone Haru
Anal makoto
Any other choices are wrong
I just want to cover every inch of her with my semen man leave me alone
You seem rather distorted, user.
I think you need a change of heart.
Really interesting thread, I read every post.
>Implying that Haru is fit for anything but light friendship
She'd make a great lighthouse or something
i could really use some money okay
Fuck Makoto
Marry Makoto
Friendzone Futaba
Anal Makoto
Switch makoto and futaba and its good
marry anne, fuck makoto, anal haru, bitch slap futaba
Fuck Tae
Marry Sadayo
Anal Sae
Friendzone everyone else
Also acceptable.
>Not wanting to marry someone who's loaded and will also fawn over you
You're all fools, if I marry Haru I'll never have to work a day in my life. also she's a sweetheart and would make great wife material even if she was penniless
>All this Haru-hating
Fuck Haru
Marry Futaba
Friendzone Ann
Anal Makoto
But she's balding
she's rich enough to buy hair implants like trump did
>wanting chocolate from a scat fetishist
I used to think Kawakami's cat face was the scariest thing in the game, then it was Akechi's insane face, now it's defiantly Haru
Fuck Makoto,
Marry Haru
Friendzone Ann ("Oh, uh, sorry, but I like pure girls")
Anal Futaba
Behold, the worst taste in the thread
Fuck Makoto
Marry Haru
Friendzone Ann
Anal Futaba
Kawakami with her normal hair is mai waifu, but cakes with pigtails is my fetish.
Fuck Ann because the only thing she has is a great body
Marry Haru because she is cute & pure and deserve tender love
Friendzone Futaba, because she is more a sister/daughter than a lover
Anal Makoto because she has the best ass
No other answer make sense.
Fuck Ann with the mating press
Marry Futaba
Friendzone Haru
Full Nelson anal Makoto
>Girl who literally eats shit
It's only appropriate she gets anal
Fuck Futaba
Marry Makoto
Friendzone Ann
Anal Ann
Haru a shit
>no chuuni shogi warrior
You niggas missing out
I want to anal Makoto and marry her.
Playing this game right now. It this what it's like to have friends in high school?
Yes. High school was fun if you had friends.
Worst girl and slink in the entire series, muh shogi, kill yourself
No way is she the worst Social Link in the series. The fat ass from 3 or the music club one is way worse.
Play 3 or 4 if you want the high school friends experience, everyone treats you like shit in 5.
>everyone treats you like shit in 5.
Only for the first dungeon because of your criminal record. After that everyone starts sucking you your dick like the previous games.
If that's true why aren't there any fucking school clubs in this game
Fuck Makoto
Marry Haru
Friendzone Futaba
don't care about anal
Her mother being Lilim says a lot about her slut genes.
Because P3/P4 were more about school life. P5 is all about city life and school becomes irrelevant about halfway through the game.
Fuck Makoto
Marry Makoto
Friendzone everyone but Makoto
Anal Makoto
Where will the next Persona game be?
the correct answer is nowhere because we're never getting another persona game
2nd best bro character can confirm
friendzone ann, that's the easiest decision
marry haru
friendzone futaba
anal makoto all day erryday
>Matoko Lover
>no anal
Fuck Makoto
Anal Makoto
Tease Makoto
Marry Makoto
Adopt Futaba
Friendzone Haru
Wish Ann good luck in her modeling career
I like butt but anal just seems nasty alright?
So long ass she shit's before hand and hasnt eat anything for a while it should be clean easy
Marry Ann
Friendzone haru and Futaba
Kill Makoto
This. Don't believe the shit you see in porn or hentai, if the girl doesn't prepare for it and you do it right out of the blue, you're gonna get shit-dick.
Enema my dude.
>not wanting to tease Ms. Student Council president after she gets shit on your dick
I thought they came pre-cleaned just like how tv cooks prepare dishes beforehand.
Everyone else
Now for the real question; would you drink the enema water from Makoto with a straw after she cleansed?