Are there any good western art games? They're either genre fiction garbage with great atmospheres/gameplay like Deus Ex, System Shock 2, etc or they're shitty non-games like Journey or Gone Home.
Are there any good western art games? They're either genre fiction garbage with great atmospheres/gameplay like Deus Ex...
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you are welcome
Meat circus is love
There are 2 of them are on that list
what's wrong with non-games?
The Void.
As good as psychonauts is it's really super entry level and basic.
They don't take advantage of such a unique medium and are often better executed in non-interactive mediums.
Pathologic and The Void are Russian, which is eastern. Planescape is genre fiction.
What the fuck is an art game? Those just look like games to me. Also, "genre fiction"? Fiction with a genre? Isn't that, like...all fiction? I'm so out of my depth here.
The Dark Project
holy shit you are literally the definition of a philistine
chart should be retitled arthouse games really
Aonuma was the lead director of Majora's Mask not Koizumi and there's nothing abstract about that game or Okami.
What's wrong with genre fiction?
and probably shouldn't have Drakengard, which is cool and weird and all but not really arthouse in the slightest except maybe the music
again with this meme
Aonuma has constantly stated he only did the dungeon design for OoT and MM. Koizumi directed the rest of the game.
Nothing, it's just that it's for children and by extension, manchildren.
Hyper Light Drifter. Enough said.
>it's just that it's for children
Says what authority?
>Not Koizumi
Koizumi is the very reason why Majora's Mask had such a complex narrative. In fact, him and Miyamoto/Koizumi heavily disagree with the topic of stories in games. In fact, they were pissed off that the Rosalina side-story was in Mario Galaxy. Also yes, according to wikipedia, Koizumi directed the game.
Good for me. That doesn't answer my questions.
>genre fiction
this isn't literature you total moron
who cares if its genre or not, the gameplay is what matters
It took several essays to prove that Majora's Mask is art, I think Hyper Light Drifter needs about the same seeing as it's also a zelda game with an ambiguous narrative.
1984 is considered to be genre fiction. There's a lot of bad genre fiction but there's a lot of bad in every genre.
>Nothing, it's just that it's for children and by extension, manchildren.
Jesus fucking christ /lit/ we've had this discussion before. You're using the fucking term genrefiction incorrectly and are a massive fucking faggot. Fucking hell I want you fucking degenerates to go crawl back into your alcoholic hole over on /lit/ and stop bothering people who at least pretend to be human beings.
Google the difference between Genre Fiction and Literary Fiction. In addition to that, an art game is one that provides more to the player than a waste of time, such as thought-provoking ideas and unique experiences expressed through gameplay and everything else in the game.
Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Hearts of Stone
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: Blood and Wine
Majora's Mask sticks out like a sore thumb on that list
>1984 is considered to be genre fiction.
In what way? It's as much genre fiction as Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
See how Koizumi's name is beneath Aonuma's? Aonuma was lead director.
>Google it
Isn't that just another way of saying you don't know yourself and just want to pretend you do but don't want to waste your time explaining it in your own words? You already explained the other thing, I could probably just look that up on my own, too.
Dystopian fiction.
you mean dark souls
Eiji Aonuma only did dungeon design. Also, critical thinking 101: Aonuma directed WW/TP/SS without Koizumi, and MM was directed with Koizumi, MM and WW/TP/SS are not half as complex or unique as MM, nor did they have a creative ludonarrative. We can come to the conclusion that Koizumi handled most of the work on Majora's Mask.
>Implying Dark Souls didn't reinvent storytelling trough the medium
I can accept your argument that Russians aren't exactly Western, but they certainly are not Eastern. Eastern is literally just southeast Asian. You know, the countries with the slant eyes who go on and on about honor and purity.
>Isn't that just another way of saying you don't know yourself and just want to pretend you do but don't want to waste your time explaining it in your own words?
Have you considered that the difference between Genre Fiction and Literary Fiction is so nuanced and specific that it would take too much effort to just outright state it?
>implying it did
>Aonuma was the supervising director, Koizumi worked on the sub-events and player-related aspects, Takano was in charge of the script, Usui was involved with the dungeons, and Yamada was the head of system management. Finally, Kawagoe served as the cutscene director.
Aonuma oversaw the work of all the directors and Koizumi did work on WW as an assistant director.
There is also nothing complex about MM.
>Posting the outdated image
tetris is the best art game
Puyo Puyo is better
The whole point of video games is the game part. The artistic merit of vidya derives from it's mechanics and immersive qualities, all other aspects like sound, style and aesthetics serve to reinforce the gameplay and how absorbed the player is into the world.
So I personally would say that Looking Glass games are often art, especially the Thief games.
Environmental story telling isn't new.
>all of them is japanese pretentious evangelion tier cringy "deep" shit
>except the western "baby's first wall of text" crpg
do you even read book?
never played it. i'll get around to trying it eventually
>Environmental story telling isn't new.
But Dark Souls perfected the technique and is the gold standard through storytelling of the such.
>Silent Hill 2
>Shadow of the Colossus
>still no fucking The Void
I know Pathologic gets a fair amount of either love or people pretending they know it's good but let's not forget its brother.
Not with that last fourth of the game it isn't. Bloodborne did it better.
well put lol
in the context of video games, the standard terms are eastern = japanese, western = everything else
What gameplay genre is The Void?
Potentially Special Ops The Line, for creating such a rift between player and character motivation. MGS2 does the same towards the end so if it's in there Special Ops might fit too.
But I know you're probably autistic so I'm not gonna argue if you rebuke me
That's wrong and stupid
You really need to broaden your horizons if you think Ds "perfected" it. Tdp did it much better.
Literally the entirety of Ds story comes from item descriptions.
Oh, and I forgot another great "artistic" game.
Well to be fair Bloodborne is the game that should be on that image because yeah Lost Izalith is objectively bad.
Except the actual gameplay is nothing special so who gives a care?
Wow, another anti-war work. Wow, soldiers are affected negatively by war. Even if the story were brilliant it's not like rift between character and player motivation is something interesting or good. Fallout 4 does it unintentionally. Spec Ops is just treated as some deep masterpiece for no reason
Hell if I know. Action-Adventure, aka "pretty much everything where you don't have a gun or level ups" maybe? Might be Survival.
I love DaS1 but how is it art? The devs went MUCH harder on making good music and good looking stuff with BB and DaS3.
>It's abstract! It doesn't need to look or sound good!
Yeah, but then how is it abstract art? Is it about what the storyline is, and the tropes it encompasses? How does it do it better than so many other games?
How isn't it? It's art in the same way that all games are art, to varying degrees of quality. You judge the artistic quality of games by their depth and game feel.
The entire image is bait outside of MGS2, SH2 and killer7.
>It doesn't need to look...good
Are you kidding? Dark Souls is fucking gorgeous, except for Lost Izalith of course.
By that logic, Planescape is a tragedy and not genre fiction. You're misusing the terminology, faggot.
>Excludes Majora's Mask, Pathologic, SotC, and Ico.
Awful taste.
Everything. I'm an editor for a living and I fucking hate genre fiction and the people who write it.
But then what defines the degree of art that makes DaS an art game, and candy crush not an art game.
I didn't say it looks good, I used it in greentext as a possible answer against "The graphical aspect of the game was much more taken care of in later games"
Also, there are games as old as DaS who were much richer graphically - Not that I mind.
I'll fix it for ya
The Witcher (First Gamed the best)
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine
i wouldnt use the term art game, thats fucking stupid
>didn't say it looks good
didn't say it doesn't* looks good
I need to go to bed, it shows up in my writing. Mind is most likely too blurry to understand what you guys see.
probably its presentation and the way things like level design and gameplay mechanics inform the mood and story.
miyazaki's interview about wanting to recreate the feeling of him being a kid reading English fairy tales but only half understanding them, like you're walking through events that you just can't quite piece together or that work on a logic that you can't quite follow.
>Fedora's Mask
The only time that game comes close to being abstract is when you're at the Moon and you talk to the Moon Children.
I humbly think Nier Automata should be on the list because it utilized the medium to tell its story in such a way that could never be replicated by film or literature in their mediums.
So is horror, Sci Fi and fantasy, which rules out OPs entire list. He's either baiting or totally retarded
reminder: stories in games don't matter
But at that point they're literally just unhealthy childrens toys.
>utilized the medium to tell its story in such a way that could never be replicated by film or literature in their mediums.
You can say this about all of Taro's games, sounds like you've only played Automata.
Sup Forums gets a lot of their book opinions secondhand from /lit/, one of which is that 'all genre fiction is irredeemably awful and not real lit anyway'
they forget of course that /lit/ is to books what Sup Forums is to video games, i.e. loud, opinionated, and usually wrong.
Fucking knew it lmao
It is the only Taro game I've played. Nonetheless it really shouldn't be ignored.
OP here and I'm not him so you were wrong I just wasn't autistic enough to initially reply to you
do you think architecture is unhealthy childrens toys since its an artform without a story? what about abstract painting? what about beethoven?
>this fucking thread
NieR Automata is recommended by the image by extension for the fact that one of Yoko Taro's games are on there and people who like Drakengards artistic merits would like his other games, especially Automata. The point of the image is to make people work for their good art by providing the most entry level games by god-tier directors.
>It's another weeaboo circlejerk thread
Fuck you.
No, I think videogames without a story are unhealthy because sitting still and looking at digital screens deteriorate your body, while creating architecture builds your body, abstract paintings provoke thought (which by the way, abstract art is by definition a story telling medium), and music naturally heals your mental, spiritual, and in some ways physical health.
Nothing wrong in trying to correct them though. anons act like idiots but they (mostly) aren't actually.
I wish my farts smelt as good as yours apparently do
who fucking cares about the health anyway? it's art, the point is not to get fit
>while creating architecture builds your body
we're talking about consuming art you fucking idiot
>by the way, abstract art is by definition a story telling medium
>who fucking cares about the health anyway?
The human body is the greatest artistic medium as it is both the marble and the sculptor. It's why /fitlit/ was the most patrician board of all time.
Objectively, those who sit around and play videogames all day have worse colons than those who actually build.
Architecture is also healthy to feel and look at.
>Essential Autistic Games
This sounds like some New Age bullshit, what the fuck are you talking about
>This sounds like some New Age bullshit
Actually it's as old as human civilization itself.
Which is what every bullshit New Ager says
It's when you're hired to paint rock textures and design crates while the public thinks you're Mark Rothko.
Thanks for the (You)s.
Defense mode activated
>Studying history, being an intellectual, and maintaining mental/physical/spiritual health = "new age bullshit."
This is either further proof that humanity is currently stagnating and thirsting for revolution or you're just retarded.
Everybody says that about every era of human history you stupid hipster
yeah but see, you sound like a fucking ponce, and that outweighs anything you might have said
Replace dark souls with Bloodborne