4x4 thread: best of the best edition
post your faves and rate each other
4x4 thread: best of the best edition
post your faves and rate each other
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3x3 you mean
anyways 8/9 sonic DX is terrible but kudos for being brave enough to put Live and Reloaded up there. I loved it.
well It was a childhood game, same with psychonauts. it will always be good imo, I started with the original first and got DX for my birthday in 04 or 05
try putting some games that everyone hasnt seen 100000000 times already.
post your list then faggot
>only x amount of people are allowed to like a game before it's bad
Fuck off
once the point of 3x3 threads when its the same couple of games being posted over and over again? dumb nigger!
but if you make the goal of the thread a diverse selection of games, instead of your favorite games, then it's just aimless
your favorite games can be diverse
>he was a PlayStation fag
gross user.
>sports games
>worst MGS
>everything is sega shit
I'll give you F-Zero but that's all your getting.
I was grown as a dreamcast/saturn child then turned into a sonybro
they can, but arbitrarily forcing it for the sake of diversity is asinine and ruins the point.
Maybe you should have phrased your compliant not as "0/10 it's shit" but as "man, you niggas need to play more games."
i implied it
your own fucking fault for posting sports shit
only acceptable sports game is MLB Slugfest 06
thats it
you clearly havent played nfl 2k5 then. its the perfect mix of nfl blitz gameplay & the realistic sims that EA offers with madden.
No you didn't. You said "try putting some games that everyone hasnt seen 100000000 times already"
You implied arbitrary changing of favorites, not playing a wider selection
6/6 good taste my dude
What about my least favorite ones?
you implied wrong
viva pinata OG
I like you user
It's actually trouble in paradise but I couldn't find a picture I liked that made that clear
They're both 10/10 games though
here is the last row I forgot like a moron, now its 4x4
1/2 meme games
how many mainline smt you played?
3/3 I need to get around to playing dude sex already
6/6 godlike taste
19/23, counting MG games individually
>meme games
What is that even supposed to mean, given the games he chose? The majority of them are basically never mentioned here or elsewhere, ever. How's that a meme?
fuck off
Maximum weebery coming through
>Viva Pinata
good man
I like you user, welcome to the kool kids klub
im glad there's still people around like you.
Sup Forums is way too dudebro lately.
What's the girl with the skeleton vacuum in the bottom row?
It looks like a cut Skullgirls character
It's Marie, she's the final boss of Skullgirls
Oh shit that makes sense. I've actually only ever played verses with a friend, I've never done the single player.
>P3 AND P4
P3 has a good story after 50% of the way in but the gameplay is so fucking awful, had more fun with SMT 1 and P4's combat is decent but everything else is garbage
I prefer SMTIV my self and I need to get around to playing Nier
>Football game
Nigga you serious?
Which prime game is that? I only played and beaten the first one but I loved it
Replaying Nocturne right now.
I liked me2 but ME1 is better imo customizing guns and the skill system is just way better
At the last level of FE4 I wish they would go back to big maps. Awakening was my first but after playing the older ones I couldt replay it again. And Conquest I got bored of it and idk why exactly. Maybe the writting/story didt pull me in enough. And here is hoping DSJ is't ass
P5 is the only nu-persona game I can say I like
am a faggot
I only put one game per franchise to be fair
>Wind Waker
>Hit and Run
Your taste is surprisingly NOT shit, OP
nice and varied taste.
conquest has god tier gameplay, but the writing and story is by far the worst in the series.
its pretty much the smt4a of fire emblem.
post the link, fags
Rayman is amazing, nice taste OP
my 4v4 trying to remember them made me miss a lot of them
1/4 zelda was ok
4/8 I like souls thats about it.The N64 games are alright. Havent played MG.
4/4 crazy taxi boy, f zero boy, windjammy boy. Have you tried disc jam yet? I personally think its an improvement
2/5 cant go round with the duece ex, I like the prime, not gonna say nothing but HR and W3 no thanks, but not saying anything.
3/5 Morrowind, D2, metroid
2/3 I've played more isaac than I care to admit but man I wish the core gameplay was better.
0/1 gears
3/3 havent played burnout
5/12 Souls, colossus, doom, morrowind, zelda
4/9 cant believe dead space, bioshock, mass effect 2, or witcher 2 are on there but thats just me.
3/5 putting draken gard in your top 9 is just asking to be called a hipster but thats just me man
i cant do this. mars matrix
8/9 not a final fantasy fan
2/8 sorry +viewtiful and zelda
5/6 temple of elemental is an odd one in that list but good game
>I've played more isaac than I care to admit but man I wish the core gameplay was better.
I bounce back and forth between Isaac and Spelunky as my favorite Roguelike-like. I have more time in Isaac and it has way more variation from game to game, but Spelunky's core gameplay just feels a lot better.
Fuck, every time I make one of these I switch between those two, I just can't decide
>worst cave shooter
Are you retarded?
Well, I've never made anything other than a 3x3 before. So why not.
7/8. Lot of games I loved as a child in here. And Futari is THE shit.
1/1. That doesn't happen very often.Spyro 2 is real good.
2/4. I really wish I liked DeSu. I should give it another try sometime.
4/4. I really appreciate you posting art alongside the actual name of the games. You're thoughtful.
10/14. I tried and I tried, and I just don't enjoy Okami. But props on Catherine and God Hand. You're alright.
I'm not doing this but you have REALLY good taste. Except that you put Etrian Odyssey Untold instead of the original EO.
7/12. You seem to like games that I both love, and those that I very much do not like as well.
5/5. Kind of makes me want to check out The Darkness if your taste is this good. What's EMIT?
I really like the Drakengard franchise.
+Psychonauts, Persona 3, Persona 4, TLoZ:WW, Sonic Adventure, The Last Story, Fallout: NV, Destroy All Humans
-Conker Live & Reloaded
+Conker's Bad Fur Day, SM64, TLoZ:MM, Dark Souls, MGS2, Nier: Automata, Chrono Trigger
+The Darkness, Crazy Taxi, Windjammers, MGS4
+Drakengard, FO:NV, SMT:SJ, System Shock 2, Dark Souls
>worst cave shooter
are you retarded?
fucking 9/9 list right here
Or at least it would be, if I had a PS4 so I could fucking play Automata already
>You seem to like games that I both love, and those that I very much do not like as well.
I'm curious, which ones do you not like?
i like it because it was the first shooter that i really got into enough to go for the 1cc. i love the way moving and shooting feel and it has fantastic patterns with a good variety of both wide movements and precision dodging. For me its mushifutari, the best cave shooter.
I've been playing starward rogue, the gameplays there, but the items arent near the level of isaac.
Everything in the top row and then ZHP. ZHP I wanted to like, but even a fan of roguelikes and NIS, it just fell flat for me. Viva Pinata I'm pretty indifferent about, since I only ever played an hour with a friend (but I didn't enjoy it, either). BoW and W101 I don't enjoy, but don't think they're all that bad, either. Just not for me.
BoI I think is actual garbage, but I think that stems from my love of shmups, dungeon crawlers, roguelikes, and horror games. And yet, it does not a single thing that I enjoy. I played the flash demo, then the original version, and most recently Rebirth. I'm convinced it's just a bad game, but everybody trying to shove it down my throat just makes me hate it even more.
>Or at least it would be, if I had a PS4 so I could fucking play Automata already
Oh nigga, you really need to get on that shit. Platinum did a better job than I would have ever expected. They really managed to make it feel like a sequel to Nier, and it wasn't the CUHRAYZEE bullshit I was worried about before the game's release.
Not to say that Platinum makes bad games, because they don't usually, but most of them are pretty wacky and off the walls crazy. But they managed to chill the fuck out for most of Automata.
>Except that you put Etrian Odyssey Untold instead of the original EO
It's Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold, and I've only played the classic mode.
Also, 10/10
Gotta wait until I finish moving to Japan so I can justify dropping the cash on a quadruple. I'll get it eventually.
Auomata could have used just a touch more CUHRAYZEE, imo.
Also better shmups sections. They're all pretty bland and repetitive.
And the bosses are pretty forgettable for the most part. Original NieR had far better bosses somehow.
Interesting. I guessed before you responded BotW, ZHP, and Isaac were the most divisive (W101 is solid gold though, you're crazy)
As for Isaac, the thing I love the most about it is that of all the roguelike-likes that I've played, it's the one that changes the most between runs. Most just drop you into slightly different level layouts with one of a half-dozen slightly different weapons, but Isaac can feel like you're genuinely playing a different game, which I really enjoy. Its actual mechanics though definitely aren't the deepest and there are more than a few rough design decisions.
>And the bosses are pretty forgettable for the most part.
Hegel was memorable for all the wrong reasons.
I think I was spoiled, because the first roguelike I played was Nethack, back in middle school. And I continued playing it all throughout high school and occasionally in college. ADOM is fun too, and I also love Baroque, as in my image. So I have an incredibly unfair standard set for roguelikes. And as someone who LOVES shooting games, it bothers me that the shooting never feels satisfying in Isaac, even after upgrading, and the enemy attacks are neither interesting nor particularly fun to dodge. I'm not asking for bullet-hell style attack patterns, just something FUN. The only times enemy attacks do branch out, they just get annoying and unpredictable. And the aesthetic of the game I think we can all agree is pure newgrounds. Though, I guess that's because it is just straight up a newgrounds game. Some people might like that, and that's fine. But I think it's obnoxious from beginning to end.
I was content with the amount of CUHRAYZEE in Automata, although the first game probably had more because of the boss finishers.
And the shmup sections could have been better, but they were better than the dragon sections in Drakengard 3, so it was good enough for me.
And I liked most of the bosses. Fighting Adam and Eve underground was pretty cool and so were their final fights, and the final boss fight was kinda cool even though that mostly comes from a story standpoint and less so a gameplay standpoint.
>the last of us
I dont think there is a more over rated game that came out that year. Shit was so god dam boring and the story has been done 100 times over.
This is a joke right? You have awful fucking taste.
Fair enough. I generally agree with you, but to me it's kind of like Deadly Premonition and to a lesser extent BotW. There are plenty of issues with the game, but the one thing it does well it does so much better than every other game that I can't stay mad at it and just keep coming back time after time.
Somehow even after 500 hours on PC, I've managed to drop 50 hours into the Switch version just this month
You're forgetting 2013 had both Bioshock Infinite and GTAV, making a giant three-way tie for the most overrated game of all time
Not him, but sometimes these threads feel like people just posting generic Sup Forums taste. Like, tastes will obviously overlap but shit like just makes for a post you might as well scroll on by.
6/7, original Zelda is great
What are the 7?
You are right. Bioshock infinite was boring, Last of us's gameplay was shit. I had fun with GTAV but it ist all that. But I can see why normies would love it. Don't know how The Last of Us got so much acclaim though.
>I can see why normies would love it. Don't know how The Last of Us got so much acclaim though.
These statements back to back, I'm just confused. Can you really not see how TLoU would appeal to the same people, especially with its story?
How the fuck do you make these?
Infinite has alot more game play to it then last of us is why. The last of us gameplay/shooting is't there and its broken up by long segments of nothing talking, getting rafts, or ladders and stuff. I got the game in a bundle with my PS4 and it was very slow, something I can't see the general populace liking so much.
But then again P5 is half VN and is getting alot of mainstream attention so maybe I am just dumb
Alright, let's do this.
You have astoundingly good taste overall. But I did not enjoy:
R-Type Delta (I know, I know. I tried.)
NGB (It's just boring)
S&P2 (I can't help but think of how much better the first one is every time I play it)
Rayman Origins (overrated)
KIU (Doesn't satisfy me as an action game nor a rail shooter)
But what the hell is Stephen's Sausage Roll?
And should I play For Answer if I love Bulk Slash? Because it fucking looks a lot like Bulk Slash.
awful taste
>not liking nocturne
You are a massive faggot
>Dark and Demon's Souls
>Snake Eater
your taste is 100% memes and attempting to fit in
I think you mean
>not liking Nier, Drakengard, Automata, Dark Souls, Demons Souls, SH3, Ico, Nocturne, or MGS3
You are a massive faggot
t. got filtered at Matador
>Monster World 4
>Sonic CD
My negro.
If you don't like recruiting demons with amazing designs and fusing them to perfect your jrpg party you gotta get out of my face
The only possible meme games there are the Yoko Taro games. The rest are widely beloved by everyone who's played them
+ HL, Zelda
- TF2, Melee
+ DeS, SH3, NieR, Automata, DaS, Nocturne
+ CiV, FONV, Warband
- Sonic
+ FONV, Strange Journey, DaS, SS2
+ DaS, Bioshock, Dead Space
Would putting the entire Souls series in one tile be cheating?
Generally you just put your favorite of each series, since it's pretty obvious that if DaS is your favorite game ever, you probably are pretty fond of DeS and BB too.
>Unironically liking II and III
You're at a 3/5 already
>literally all three current epitome of meme games
>the most memed SMT game
>the most memed MGS game
>the souls meme
>clearly wants to be seen as discernible so he puts Ico over SotC
100% concentrated meme, no joke.
I change my opinion on my favorite all the time, and not everyone would think I like them all if I put BB on there, like this guy
What is a meme game? A popular game, a game you dont like or a popular game you dont like or like to shitpost?
>>the most memed SMT game
That's Persona 5
>>the most memed MGS game
That's Rising or MGS2
>>the souls meme
This is just a flat out shitty opinion
>>clearly wants to be seen as discernible so he puts Ico over SotC
I'll give you that one
+ SM64, DaS, SMT4A, Automata
+ Crazy Taxi
+ RDR, DEHR, ME, Metroid, RE4
+ FONV, BB, SMB3, VC, Chrono Trigger, Super Metroid, Diablo 2
+ GoW, Resistance 2
- Heavy Rain, RE6, Gone Home
+ HL, Spirit Tracks
- Zelda
+ DaS, GTA:SA, FONV, P5, DMC3, Halo 3
- Dark Crusade