Point 3 problems in MASS EFFECT 2

Point 3 problems in MASS EFFECT 2
>you simply can't without shitpost

>Shepard's death is embarrassing and lazy
>The plot is largely irrelevant to the overall Mass Effect story
>there is a fucking gay ninja in it

>mac walters
>arrival was fucking horrible
>irrelevant plot
Bonus one for you:
>barely used legion

>75% increase in chest high walls to show a fight is coming
>Story doesn't matter
>"Upgrade" from infinite ammunition to limited bullets

itt shitposts

>Awkward controls regarding sticking to cover or moving around
>Movement felt on rails as if Shepard were a train
>Tons of cut content due to >two discs

> if you manage to unironically kill shepard, you deserve a crappy death.

> irrelevant with the Reaper threat maybe, but perfect at universe and character building.

> that was in ME3.

I'm pretty sure he was talking about his death at the start of the game that he was brought back from

1. The story - ME1's story, themes and atmosphere were better.
2. The combat - ME3's combat was infinitely better.
3. The Villain - Harbinger managed to be a massive downgrade from Sovereign and Saren, who proved to be great villains that built up the tension nicely. Harbinger's over exposure, and one liners, turned it/him into little more than a Saturday morning cartoon that never managed to feel threatening or even relevant.
4. The ending. The suicide mission is great, one of the best endings in the series, until it falls flat on its dace and destroys everything that it built up with . . . people being turned to goo to make a giant terminator that you have to fight by poking it in the eye a lot. It's just one of the most misguided and lazy things I've seen. It's even worse when you see the concept art of what they originally intended to do.
5. Legion. Yeah, I like Legion too. I get it. But he ruined the Geth, and the Geth/Quarrian storyline from the moment of Legion's introduction takes a nose dive. I wouldn't want to be without him either, but his introduction is a shift in the tone of the Quarrian/Geth storyline that sabotages all their efforts beyond. Maybe with better writing, overall, it wouldn't have mattered, and Legion could have been made to work but . . . that's not the world we live in. We live in a world where Legion was an enjoyable character, that was wasted and misused and whose impact on the geth/quarrian storyline muddied things to the point that in ME3 wrapping things up never feels good, no matter who you support, nor even if you make peace.

ME2's main selling points are that it introduced a bunch of great characters, had the largest variety of companions to suit anyone's taste, and that it had the single best DLC of any ME game - Lair of the Shadowbroker, which would have made a better main story than ME2's actual story.


You have serious nostalgia goggles if you don't think 1 had the shittiest writing.

Shepard's death at the beginning of the game manages to be one of the more pointless and lazy things they did. being stuck into the Cerberus plotline, no matter how hard you fought against it, was another terrible aspect. I could understand if you actions in ME1 lead to Cerberus (Renegade) or the Alliance (Paragon) rebuilding you, and moving from there. I could understand if Liara and a third party rebuilds you if you stayed more middle ground in ME1 (which was actually possible in ME1).

I cannot understand, and cannot defend being stuck to Cerberus after the events of ME1, for the majority of characters, though. Cerberus is an extremely well understood group by the end of ME1, and certain Shepards NEVER would have been okay with that, no matter what they were told.

>Cerberus is an extremely well understood group by the end of ME1
It's the exact opposite, they know next to nothing about Cerberus

Mass Effect 3 is the best in the series.

The gameplay wasn't as fun as 3 and the change in heat sink mechanics from 1 was silly.

>Adept went from the best class to the worst class by having the shield and armor restrictions.
>Skills for Shepard are different for others, as in fire grenade from Zeead doesn't have any animation and always hits, while Shepard must throw and have it land.
>Upgrades for guns are hidden in missions that you cannot redo.

There, I win.

the only problem i had was that literally everything you did was in the name of Cerberus. in the first game you could ignore the council and the alliance and explore remote science bases and abandoned freighters. i miss that kind of exploration.


I find myself wanting to replay it more than the others.

Is the Engineer a fun class? I'm about to finish up my 3 game Renegade Sentinel playthrough.

1 is where the writing was strongest. It introduced the most alien Aliens, the story set out to do what it meant to do, and managed to feel properly wrapped up. The themes and atmosphere were thick and ever present, helped by convincing villains, unlike Harbinger in ME2, and the setting feeling larger. No companions in skin suits in environments that should kill them, everyone in space suits, everything described and set up, built up, building the ever growing threat steadily as it crept up your spine.

ME2 was a mindless action flick. So was ME3, but at least it had better combat, and its skill trees were deeper, arguably where ME2's skill trees should have been.

You interact with them repeatedly in ME1. Everything your Shepard needs to know about them to never want to work with them is absolutely solidified. There's no explanation they can give you in ME2, and none that they do give you in ME2, that changes that for any Shepard but a Renegade Shepard who was always pro-Human.

I liked Renegade Shepard in 3 the most. He was simply a Machiavellian badass instead of a psychotic asshole.

What the fuck were you smoking when you played these games, I've never seen a more biased and uninformed post

all of these

>Jacob's mission and questline
>Miranda in general
>Shepard's doing the same shit as fucking Fable when you go renegade

>Joker get's Shepard killed
>He's still fucking there

I get what you are saying about ME2, but ME3 was not a "mindless action flick".

>without shitposting
You fail

>Ilos ramifications are reduced to Anderson and the council going "nothing's there, NEXT QUESTION"
>biotic powers now useless against shielded and armored enemies without .ini modding
>piss-poor weapon variety

>forced loading screens
>can't fuck Samara or Dr. Chackwas
How did I do?

>throttling PC loading screens so they take the same time to load as the console release regardless of specs.

It was pretty telling.

Literally sub-1 second loading screens on my PC, are you sure you aren't just playing on toasters?

>It was made by the people that made ME3
>It was published by EA
>It's in the same series as ME3
Do I need to go on?

I like Miranda.

>Soverign handwaved away despite taking the effort of the entire citadel fleet to take down.

>Dr. Chackwas
I see you are also a man of taste.

Most people probably don't know you need a mod for those nonexistent loading screens

Okay. In ME2, ME3 and MEA, name more an Alien introduced that was more alien than those introduced in ME1.

Name me any amount of tension in ME2 that equals what ME1 built up, because you can't, because M2 is a brainless saturday morning cartoon where every slight hint of greatness (like the suicide mission) is ruined by a bottomless pit of stupidity like humans being turned to goo and the giant baby terminator nonsense.

Explain how Harbinger was in any way better than Saren or Sovereign, rather than the shallow saturday morning cartoon he was.

Explain how ME2's combat was in any way better than ME3's combat.

Explain how ME2's paper thin skill trees could in any way compare to ME3's which are arguably where ME2 should have started and ME3 should have further expanded upon.

Explain how ME2 in any way felt as large or ominous as ME1.

Explain what about ME2's story was so much more grand, because the only time ME2 ever felt like what it should have been was in the Lair of the Shadowbroker, the one part of ME2 I always give a pass to, because it is arguably a part of what ME2 in story and . . . . everything . . . should have been all along.

I'll grant you that ME3, outside of its beginning and ending, managed to deliver on what the series always promised in the Turian and Krogan sections of the game.

They probably patched it.

ME2 is a groundbreaking and exceptional game in the sense that it manages to turn a game that wasn't CoD into CoD without ruining what made the original what it was. Every single other attempt at this that I've seen has failed.
It did PARTIALLY ruin ME1's shit though, but it was acceptable. Unfortunately slippery slope is in fact not a fallacy.

I don't have any mods

>in the sense that it manages to turn a game that wasn't CoD into CoD without ruining what made the original what it was.

Patched or a modded pirate copy.

>I'll grant you that ME3, outside of its beginning and ending, managed to deliver on what the series always promised in the Turian and Krogan sections of the game.
That's fair.