T-t-this is just like with the Wii Mini and GBA Micro right? The 3DS STILL has one year tops before dying right? I want to live in a world where Handheld gaming has disappeared and the only way to play on the go is with my Smartphone. (The Switch doesn't count since Nintendo themselves say it's a Home Console)
Nintendo 2DS XL
Handheld is great but the two screen meme has gotta go.
The 3ds still has a high selling price so, I doubt they'll end support anytime soon.
Nah it will be 2 years maybe three.
The install base is too big
Does the 2DS XL have an optional 3D effect?
No because
Why? Did you finally realise the only good games in the past decade have been on handheld and now you want them?
Wow that sucks, are they trying to kill 3D?
>The Switch doesn't count since Nintendo themselves say it's a Home Console
You know a system is good when the only criticisms of it are semantics based.
Just wait until the Switch 3D
>switch doesn't count as a handheld
>Even if your playing it on a plane
>It's a home console when your on a train somewhere
Ok buddy.
>Why? Did you finally realise the only good games in the past decade have been on handheld and now you want them?
I want Handhelds to die. PSVITA is dead and next is the 3DS. The last generation of handheld consoles how beautiful
Try to explain that to Nintendo user
Nintendo literally calls it "handheld mode"
I-it's just a handheld console, user. I-it's not a ACTUAL handheld! D-don't be stupid, user. hahahah
All things considered atleast we have one nintendo console that has games and isn't a pile of shit, and this is it.
OP is a jaded nihilist who wants the platforms with the best games and most comfortable way to play to die off
If he can't have fun, nobody can
Everything should burn
If anything this makes the Switch irrelevant.
OP here, i have a 3DS and even if i do enjoyed it, i prefer Handhelds in general to die. WE MOBILE NOW
I want Nintendo's home consoles to die, their last good one was the GameCube.
Home consoles will never die tho and the Switch is doing quite well so i doubt it
The 2DS is just a way to unload all the decade-old DS bits they've got lying around.
That's why it's a "budget" product, so nobody complains after a year when the bits wear out.
Nintendo's home consoles need to die, they haven't been relevant to me for years. Their handhelds give that vibe that I had back with the SNES which is why I love Nintendo's handhelds.
will the 2DS XL have the console-like dpad and buttons like the original 2DS?
I hated the clicky buttons and dpad of the regular 3DS
yeah but the public will always see a gameboy as a gameboy and a nintendo console as a nintendo console
psvita failed to capture the same essence the original psp had
the reason the 3ds did so well over the years was because of its exclusive nintendo handheld titles
sony is going to kill their handheld off but nintendos handheld is still running strong and won't likely die off anytime soon.
what everyone fails to realize is that nintendo isn't just a manufacturer of a game console but they create games as well
that are only playable on their systems. this creates a closed off ecosystem to their brand, you won't see a nintendo game on
an xbone or sony console, hence nintendos everlasting success/struggle.
Is the 3DS the console with more revisions of all time?
>what everyone fails to realize is that nintendo isn't just a manufacturer of a game console but they create games as well
>that are only playable on their systems. this creates a closed off ecosystem to their brand, you won't see a nintendo game on
>an xbone or sony console, hence nintendos everlasting success/struggle.
Isn't that the same with microsoft and Sony tho? You don't see Gears of War or Uncharted on the PS4 or Xbox ONE
>they haven't been relevant to me
>need to die
Yeah, they really should have considered your feelings, as the protagonist of the universe.
>I want to live in a world where Handheld gaming has disappeared and the only way to play on the go is with my Smartphone.
>Want to live in a world with touch control
Mcfucking kys yourself
Doesn't change the fact that their home consoles are shit. With the 2DS XL, who the fuck is the Switch's audience? There is no reason to buy the Switch now.
Umm games you mook
The 2ds is a mobile platform.
the switch is a home console.
You will still have your shitty home consoles and PC. We all win
>the switch is a home console
That's the problem, I originally wanted a Switch because I thought it was a console/handheld hybrid but it's just like the Wii and Wii U, a weak gimped ass home console that will eventually lose all of it's third parties because the system is a joke in comparison to its competition. The Switch is just another gimmick machine, nothing else.
yea but Nintendo has a shit ton more exclusive games like pokemon, mario, every other nintendo specific game franchise
im not saying that Microsoft and sony dont have their own exclusives but nintendo definitely has a strong sort of cult following amongst
its older crowds that have grown up with them (nostalgia factor) and their younger kid player base
why would u want fewer ways to play games?
You get your inventory or map open at all times though. What's not to like when it easily folds in half?
Forgot to mention hereSwitch also has paid online, no VC, no games, is $300, and can only be played for 2 hours when undocked, while having a Tetra X1, it's really not worth it.
Wanting less choices =/= we all win. Nobody wants your gay touch control.
Can you not take it out of the dock. And leave your home?
Then it serves its portable purpose.
Being a hybrid will limit its power.
It can't be gotten around. Wtf did your dumb ass expect?
Only massive manchilds use handhelds nowadays
wait, so this thing just looks like a 3DS XL, but it IS a 2DS because no 3D? i might have to get one
>There is no reason to buy a system with two of the greatest games of all time because a revision of a system everyone already owns is coming out
A true 3DS successor not another home console successor.
How long do new firmwares usually take to get cracked? That's really the only factor for me between this and the slab models
Its a 2 month old console silly tear the vc is coming and you know this. It's 25 a year which is less than half the competition. Do you want good infrastructure or not?
2 hours is plenty for the most demanding games. Its not purely a mobile platform. Besides when are you more than 2 hours from some sort of power source?
Nintendo will continue making handheld consoles.
Their primary demographic is Japanese elementary school children, who don't have phones.
The fact that there are also creepy old men like you who also play with this children's toy is something of a historical accident, but you benefit nevertheless.
Did you forget that children exist? Seriously.
There will ALWAYS be a market for handhelds.
You can get all that shit on Wii U.
Reminder that the PS2 was underpowered compared to the GameCube and succeeded because of CD transition.
Reminder that the GameBoy was underpowered compared to other handheld consoles of the day, and succeeded because of affordability, battery life, and better games on average.
Reminder that the Switch is still a console/handheld hybrid, and that you're kinda a dumbass.
>Their primary demographic is Japanese elementary school children, who don't have phones.
Not for long. Yokai Watch main games are coming to mobile this year
It's literally okay when Nintendo does it the post.
They all use tablets and phones.
>Being a hybrid will limit its power.
Not significantly. It has a far superior version of Mario Kart 8 and also a superior version of Zelda BOTW, and those are 2 of the most impressive games on the WiiU.
>(The Switch doesn't count since Nintendo themselves say it's a Home Console)
They're saying this because the 3DS still has some life in it and they're on the tail end of it selling, while the WiiU is dead and done.
The Switch is basically everything the Vita wished it could be. It's the handheld that will let Nintendo focus on handhelds and not have to deal with competing against Microsoft and Sony.
>Did you forget that children exist? Seriously.
Are you being serious right know? It's been years since i last saw a kid with a handheld. EVERYONE uses smartphones. Last night i saw a 11 year old with an Iphone 6 and my sisters friends all have smartphones
Wii U is dead.
Who else has done this?
>Implying there aren't manchildren playing on PC and PS4/XBONE.
>Implying anyone gives a shit about what you play at home
LMAO at your insecure life, man
Just give it time
Japanese devs are already jumping onto the Switch train en masse
And with the 3DS and Vita in their deathbeds, soon there won't be any competition
>Reminder that the PS2 was underpowered compared to the GameCube and succeeded because of CD transition.
Nah it was because of the games
>Reminder that the GameBoy was underpowered compared to other handheld consoles of the day, and succeeded because of affordability, battery life, and better games on average.
What did you expect, the GBA felt like a successor to the SNES.
>Reminder that the Switch is still a console/handheld hybrid, and that you're kinda a dumbass.
It's a fucking home console, a weak ass home console with another shitty gimmick.
I wish Nintendo would do the same to their home consoles.
Microsoft and Sony do paid online
the only massive man-child who uses handhelds are the ones who uses them out in the most normie of social experiences. playing games in the middle of a family dinner or something like that.
theres nothing wrong with playing a handheld at home, on long trips/flights etc.
get a grip faggot, what about people who play games on their phones theres a borderline difference
Yes significantly look at the form factor packing power in to that would be expensive and difficult. It would also destroy battery life.
I am happy with its power but there are some in this thread that seem to want xbone power and that won't happen. Not cheaply anyway
>tfw when monster hunter is stuck on a small screen 240p cramped controls system for another 2 years at least
why even live
3DS probably won't die until 2019 then they'll announce an actual successor.
Bitch. paid online was going to haopen. Infrastructure needs to be paid for.
I never even condemned sony or Microsoft.
Fuck off you dumb twat.
They are not going to sunk their 3ds boat by calling it dead right away they are trying to profit from it as long as possible until the switch can sustain them
>"play on the go"
>actually playing games in public
Yeah, I had a friend like you once. He was 32, and always carried his boglins around with him. Everywhere we went, he'd take that boglin and play with it.
Everyone liked him because he was so cool, sitting there on the train, a grown man playing with his boglin.
Stop the false flagging mock submissive bullshit, god im sick of these threads. I love my 3DS but god damn I'm so sick of you marketers, I hope one of you accidentally pisses off a fucking terrorist and your buildings all get blown to pieces.
>implying I take anything I can't fit in my pockets outside of my house
And I refuse to wear those ugly ass cargo pants/shorts
Did you forget that children would rather play with tablets?
I'm not sure what their intended market is for this, but to be fair I actually intend on buying one. I never felt like I could justify paying like $250 or whatever for a 3DS to play the few exclusives that actually interest me and I could never justify buying a 2DS because it's retarded.
At least 3DS has free online.
>Nintendo themselves say it's a Home Console
But they still market it like a handheld and expect Japan (the only market Nintendo really cares about) to use it as a handheld. They only say it's a home console to perpetuate the lie that the 3DS isn't being replaced by it, just like they tried to say the DS wouldn't replace the Game Boy product line even though it came with a fucking Game Boy cart slot.
They're planning on doing the handheld/console hybrid thing permanently, but they're hedging their bets just in case it fails. As long as Switch is successful in Japan the 3DS will be replaced by it in due time.
Which will almost certainly be a reduced cost version of the Switch built to hit that same $150 price point.
Maybe as with the 2DS they'll jettison some premium features that most games didn't really use.
Picture the Switch but smaller with the 2DS's wedge design, and slide pads instead of thumb sticks and some of the 2DS XL's design cues.
And I'm getting a 2DS XL.
I just want another Kirby and Mario and Luigi game.
You can get fucked as well
Where did you come from?
I honestly hope this happens till then Switch isn't worth it for me for right now.
Aren't there like 3 Kirby games coming?
Reminder, Nintendo's initial plan was to make switch the next handheld, but recent marketing may suggest they will either keep the two split, (with the next handheld to be announced in a year or so), or 3DS is going to run off in like a year or so.
Thats not going to happen.
No one owns a Wii U and no one would be stupid enough to get one now
Like you already are with the Switch?
I question this myself.
>I am happy with its power but there are some in this thread that seem to want xbone power and that won't happen
Then they should buy an xbone. Nintendo isn't all about power, we're lucky we got something capable of 720p in handheld mode after the 240p 3DS.
Then there's no reason for me to get a Switch.
Still not buying a weak ass gimmick console for 2 games.
>Nintendo won't follow the Nintendo handheld playbook
So what do you think they'll do?
The >NEW< hardware is effectively what a 4DS would have so it can survive as its own thing.
The switch is not a handheld
You dont actually expect anyone to care do you?
From my iPhone
No not really
One of them was just a freemium mini-game but there are 2 other coming, yes.