>this story will never be finished
Why even live?
This story will never be finished
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I really enjoyed it even if it was only half finished. And now, thanks to fucking capeshit garbage we'll never get the intended follow up.
There is nothing worse than superhero trash.
It was mostly just due to general Square Enix fuckery, if the rumors are to be believed. Squenix went all in on the idea of Breach being the future of Deus Ex.
Whatever went wrong during the game's development hardly matters anymore. Eidos Montreal is stuck doing Marvel garbage and even worse, Tomb Raider shit, for the foreseeable future.
I doubt the sales of the game alone were what prompted Square to kill the franchise again, getting ahold of a lucrative license like Marvel was almost certainly a much bigger incentive to hand it off to one of their internal studios.
this was the first half of an incredible 10/10 game. What was there felt like an amazing first act. The whole bank level, golem city, finding your way through the sewers and apartments of prague. It's a testament to the game-play and level design that they only released half a game and it still came out as a 7 or 8 of 10.
>Acquire Marvel license to literally print out money
>Tomb Raider games selling pretty well on pseudo-exclusivity and diversity
>Deus Ex requires significantly more dev time and effort to make, even creating a whole new engine
>Force your devs to shoe-in a leaderboard mode similar to your other games (Hitman and Tomb Raider)
>If it succeeds enough to print money, the franchise can live until it no longer does
>If it doesn't, nix it so more time can be spent on more profitable products
Nothing will ever be more depressing to me than the fact that this kind of reasoning is the drive behind shit like the DEU Trilogy getting cancelled, and what's worse is there's no arguing with it. Why bother making passion projects or good games that take more money and more time and return significantly less? From a business standpoint it's nonsense, so it won't happen
>Tfw love deus ex HR and MD
>DE1 fags are glad MD failed
fuck it's hard being a fan.
is it good though? All i heard was it's buggy and short
>Marvel completely destroys something good again episode
This is getting old
who do I blame for making the story in ME just filler instead of concluding it? SE or eidos?
SE. They literalyl told eidos to make it a trilogy and focus the last few months making breach mode
what's there to finish? clone Jensen finished off the juggernaut and was then never heard of again ~THE END ~
but for real though where the hell were they going with that?
Really good. The level design, combat, and the augments are all perfect, and the storyline actually kept my full attention all the way through, at no point was i just slugging through a mission just because i needed to progress. But it is pretty short, left me wanting more that will now never come.
I didnt see any bugs while playing it though.
Its pretty cheap to buy right now, so id definitely suggest picking it up, its a good few hours of entertainment at the very least.
What's really frustrating is that Square Enix DOES understand the need for some passion and putting in the time needed to realize a vision. The problem is that they only let their internal Japanese studios do it. Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest can take all the time in the world, but god forbid they let IO actually finish Hitman before releasing it or let Eidos Montreal do Deus Ex the way they pitched it.
I think it's possible that they return to deus ex at some point.
they specifically said they wont.
>DE1 fags are glad MD failed
I don't get why anyone would be, I get it has dumb shit microtransactions and breach, but they're not invasive or necessary by any means, and having gone back and fully played through DE1 before MD came out, it's a fun game but it's got some of the same problems that people like to lobby at the new DE games. Namely, being far too easy after a certain point in the story, quick saving negating most of the difficulty, non-lethal vs lethal being less of a choice and more of how much you want to gimp yourself, shit like that.
They're all great games honestly, except IW which I didn't play, and the Fall which is fucking trash on every level
It's not buggy from my experience in the game, think I had about 40-50 hours, maybe closer to 30, and as for being short, not really. It's clear the story was cut short, but it wasn't half a game like people love to meme, it's longer than the vast majority of both AAA and indie games and has some pretty high replayability with bringing a fully upgraded Jensen into the beginning and sequence breaking a bit.
SE, publishers love to stick their hands where they don't belong, and as has been discussed countless times before, good fucking luck getting a publisher to let you make a game proper, they forced the game out early
The trilogy of titles wasn't something thrust on the devs out of nowhere, and was announced several years ago, it's not that MD was going to be three times as long and was cut into one third size to ship on time or to fit into the trilogy. I've seen this perpetuated a lot as well and it's just misinformed, unless some employee came out and claimed otherwise and I didn't hear about it, the trilogy thing was planned a long ass time ago, and isn't directly related to MD being cut short.
I get if I totally just come across as a shill trying to defend it but it's a legit good game that people don't give credit
>DE1 fags are glad MD failed
Doubt it. I'm a big fan of DE1 and I thought MD was even better than HR.
It's not particularly buggy and its just as long as HR (and it has a shitton of great sidequests). The problem is the main story isn't that great and just as it starts to get interesting the game ends. Level design is the best its been since the first game though.
Who and ever? Haven't seen it
hmm ok. i did like HD very much so i might get it next sale if my gtx760 can handle it
The problem is that you can't really do much with the main story since it's a prequel, so we got a bunch of fags complaining that the story in MD sucked because you didn't do shit to Bob Page.
>clone Jensen
You people are retarded. They were not implying he was a clone, they were implying something sinister had happened to him when he was in a coma, what that was was revealed near the end, implanted memories and subconscious directives. They even expanded on it in the serial killer sidequest, albeit obliquely.
No they didn't. They specifically said they would come back after the marvel project was done
Yeah, you're much closer to it, I guess being a primarily Japanese company, they probably don't give anywhere near as much of a shit about their western studios since they likely don't directly interact with them at all. It's just a shame, Nintendo of Japan is guilty of this as well, screwing over their Western side and making NoA look like jackasses at times because out of sight out of mind I suppose.
Turn down settings and I'm sure you can hit 30 FPS, also make sure things like Contact Hardening Shadows, AA, Vsync and other performance hogs are turned off.
Also to be clear, not him, just showing you that it's a long ass wait, but you are right in that they may come back to it, who fucking knows with them though
Not ever, I guess but they specifically said they don't have plans to return to it for now. Considering how long and lucrative a deal with Marvel could be, it'll be a long time before we can get a new DX game. It'll probably be another mildly unrelated game like HR was to the original 2 DX games too.
I suppose we can at least be glad that they continue to fund their Western studios since I'd say IO and EM have done some excellent work lately. It's so frustrating that Square insists on rushing things out and pushing obnoxious monetization bullshit into games where it doesn't belong (but then, that's every publisher, at least when Square does it, some good games manage to claw their way out of the filth).
If they end up doing another reboot, I'd rather they just make a new cyberpunk ip. Either continue with Jensen or end it because there's nothing more you can do with the property. IW killed any prospect of games set after the first game and making more soft reboot prequels would be stupid.
Maybe they'll finish Jensen's story with another novel or\and a comics?
MD was fucking great.
I'm a big comic fan too though, so the Marvel games being similar to DE:HR/MD is a good thing for me.
That said, I still would like more Adam.
but the possibility that it could be a clone is what's eating away at me because we won't have an immediate answer
I guess its better than nothing but christ that would suck.
Since Eidos clearly has a love of the original game I would think they would realize that it was established in DE1 that clones take a substantial amount of time to grow and that making a brand new Jensen in just a year would make a whole lot less sense than Jensen being brainwashed.
Not to mention Jensen being a clone would serve no purpose in the story. Just a meaningless twist.
>Vsync and other performance hogs
>we'll never get the connecting thread because those fucks wanted to half-ass one game split up into two
>we'll never get a proper Deus Ex 1 remaster in the new graphics engine but still retaining all the old content
>we'll never see what happens after Invisible War
No one gives a shit about Jensen as a character. The gameplay is what makes Deus Ex good, and trying to push Jensen as some kind of hero is way off the mark.
I like Jensen.
MD killed my interest. Too many hamfisted current events parallels. HR at least had some interesting conspiracy to mask it
Why? There's nothing to him beyond the trenchcoat and "I never asked for this". Sarif had deeper motivations than Jensen.
>I get it has dumb shit microtransactions
Who signed off on those. I wanna see the sales figures for them. They have to be the most pointless micro transactions I've ever seen.
His personality is malleable since the beginning of HR. He's a bit corny and was pretty easy to immerse myself in the decision he had to make as a character.
I would like to see his narrative end, or have an open ended ending.
Yes? Vsync can reduce performance in a wide variety of games regardless of what your current framerate is, and in games which allow you to triple buffer or double buffer without enabling Vsync, that distinction is evenn important
Honestly I gave up on good writting after IW, I liked MD but it's too much style over substance for me, I'm not glad it failed, just indeferent.
Microtransacs in singleplayer games is such a dumb fucking concept. I sincerely doubt even the normiest of normies would draw a line when they have to spend $60 on the game and be greeted with the option for meaningless microtransacs.
That's good right? I mean we piece together most of the story anyway from subtle clues around the game. Why have them spell out the rest of the story in the hamfisted way video game story tellers do.
Style is the one thing I loved about HR, things just look and feel cool. And with the experimental architecture and general aesthetics, its just enjoyable to look at stuff. Its not exactly IMMERSION but I don't mind dropping my dollarydoos to support a company that makes something visually striking.
Because a lack of closure means that no matter how much you piece together everything, they won't lead anywhere.
>Its pretty cheap to buy right now
Its $60 on Steam