NES Classic Mini General

so this... is the power... of Nintendo...

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what did user mean by this

I bet you PS4s wouldn't be able to survive this.

Any vidya-related car crashes, Sup Forums?

this is the type of god-tier content I come to Sup for

lol, thought it was some retard trying to run over his nes, this is pretty funny.

That poor Honda Prelude

Did he died?

I wonder what he was playing.

rad racer

>someone dying is funny
I wish it was you in that car instead.

Honda Prelude... to a crash

wow, was the nes THAT bad?

likely person dying was white, so I couldn't care less

Would you download this car, Sup Forums?

Only if bug fix mods are available.

You do know that with all the white hate, liberal ass sniffing, refuge foolishness and shit skins getting too loud, is only a means to let tensions rise so white people will have an excuse to invalidate your race card and attack?
You do know that, right?

We will show you no mercy.


What exactly happened to in this story?



We lost one of our own today men. ;_;7

There's your answer



Why would they use nintendium for the nes mini and not switch? Will there be a nintendium switch?

The Switch is actually pretty tough

I bet if he drank Coke he'd still be with us.
When will people learn?

Lol, sure white virgin. Come to my neighborhood to "attack" and see if you even last one second.

coke is for plebs, user
pepsi is better

dr. pepper is patrician

Fuck, he was so young...


For anyone curious, here's the other car, but it's not quite as vidya related.

thats a truck, user

Get off my property Uncle Rico! GOSH!

The fuck is that and why is it video-related?
Just droppin this here for dumb niggers thinkin they can stand to the white man ;^)
You best be praying that the (((media))) funded gravy train stays like it is.

Canned Pepsi is better than canned Coke.
However, fountain Coke is better than fountain Pepsi.
Pibb is better than Dr. Pepper.

fuck me how fast was the driver going, looks like he wrapped it into a tree

>Console in car
>Not a nignog
You're a real shitty nigger if you know nothing of your own culture.

The driver maybe died, I mean look at the fucking steering wheel. It's bent in half.

Though I suppose it could've been bent like that with the jaws of life, to give the person some some room so the firefighters wouldn't accidentally break his/her fragile neck because they had to forcibly yank them out of the wreckage.

>No blood at all in the scene.
He is alive and well, when a crash is fatal there are human bodypieces and blood anywhere to be seen.

>not mixing pibb and dr.pepper for maximum contrarianism

step it up senpai

There was blood.

Looks like no one wanted it. ;_;

That shit is now cursed.

was there two nintendos?

He means that we got picture evidence of the murderer returning to the scene of murder. You don't fuck with NES.

Scalper btfo.

Here's another angle of the car. If you notice, there's also a 3DS charger and an NES Mini controller. Hope the guy didn't lose his 3DS also.