ITT: "Fuck you, I liked it"


Who are you quoting? Some faggot?

Advent Rising.

Inside especially.

>ITT: Games Sup Forums hates but pretty much everyone else likes.


DmC: Devil May Cry

more like, ITT: I'M A REDDITOR

>implying that Sup Forums is a one person
>implying that Sup Forums is a one person
>implying that one guys opinion collectively represents the whole site/board




More like
>fuck you I didn't like it stop telling me it is great

Never got around to beating it, though.

I wish it played like a real RPG.

>I want recognition from strangers on the internet

Aw cool
>it's actually a visual novel with turn based combat segments
Eh, alright
>the combat is actually strategic board game
Oh, that's not very cool
>the boardgame requires you to literally have the psychic power of precognition
[pic related]

Sounds fun desu

You need to get outside Sup Forums more bro

I kinda liked it for a few hours, but dropped it. Combat got a little bit annoying, especially in huge ass levels like a park, you spend like five turns even getting to the ghost.

Lol this was all me

But it was not

and then you run out of time because you spent all your turns stumbling around blindly and whiffing on every attack because you never have enough money to afford enough traps and barriers to actually corral the ghosts efficiently

Low level bait these days.

Castlevania: lords of shadow 2

baka, try again in three years kid

At least you liked the better game of the two more.

Limbo blew it's load with it's fucking title.

Inside not so much but still kinda, the blob just wanted to work on his tan.

Ok, I'll be back in three years. See you then!

Actually no, I won't leave. Why the hell are you acting like such a looser on an anonymous site. Like come on faggot you are being a literal idiot.

Hi. 3 years from the future reporting in.

Lol, just got back to redaet or 9gag or whatever garbage bin you came from you preplacenta scum. You are bait here. You are like a child in a pool house here. You are a crying piece of cum candy. HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL? So just run on home kid

Banjo Kazooie nuts and bolts is a good game released in the wrong time

Get s load of this fag XD

Lol, sorry to rain on your paraid but even I know emoticons have been dead for years (which is practically centuries in Internet years). So don't even try to fit in here because it WON'T WORK. I bet you thought you were so clever too...

Every MGS game.

And I mean every.

Not only Sonic / Shadow levels, fuck you Sup Forums.

Tell me about Nintendo.

Every souls fag liked it
It's the worst souls imo but I love every soulsborne game

there is only one acceptable use of XD and it's pokemon XD

I know this game aged like shit but I still have fun with it.

Scream "LE MOVIE XD" all you want, this game is great

I agree with you

You dont know how good you have it right now...

Imagine being this fucking fat lol



fuck you