Trilogy gets announced

>trilogy gets announced
>third/final game never gets made
what's her name?

4! means 4*3*2*1



As for OP, Saints Row might as well count for what you're talking about.

Zero Escape

What are some games where the antagonist's plot is foiled before it has a chance to begin?

Dude I wish.

ITS 24

Is there just something profoundly wrong with the way we do math if no one can fucking agree on an order of operations?

> Can't recognize a factorial

Dude chill, some people see math differently and no one is wrong. I think you have a lot of maturing to do with that attitude.

Everyone agrees on the order of operations. Fucking video games.

Star Wars Battlefront 3
Still hoping that the new one would feature space-to-ground battles, but it doesnt seem like its happening

Don't start with this shit.

So half life 3 is ACTUALLY coming out soon, right? It's going to be one of the VR games and the new Cloverfield film is going to be a tie in


I would still prefer ZX3 to Legends 3 or X9. Also Viewtiful Joe.

BF2 didn't feature that without mods, why would nu-BF2 do it?

Viewtiful Joe


There isn't anything wrong with the way we do math, it's just idiots that don't know shit about math. Also the division symbol there is rarely used in math. It's more often displayed as a fraction.

Half-Life 3 is the most popular example
>yfw There people in this board who don't know what factorials are

Zone of the enders. Who exactly do I blame in this situation, Konami, Kojima, or the MGS fans?

Considering nobody does math this way I think we are okay. Is the education fucked up though? Probably.

Has nothing to do with order of operations.
Factorials my nigga.

PSP battlefronts had it

Make that a one hit wonder

It's caused by a lack of parenthesis notation being taught in elementary schools. PEMDAS is retarded.

everyone that knows shit about maths agrees on the order of operations
the only people who disagree with the pic are retards or americans


It has no brackets. It's written left to right.

Therefore the answer is 24.

Not really announced, but I'll still go with this.

I actually enjoyed the first one as a charming, cheesy game, and the second one felt like an improvement in almost every way with motherfucking Michael Wincott voicing the protag.

There were hints at future games featuring other horsemen and the studio wanted to make more, shame they got shuttered.


Yes, and 24 = 4!


You do realize that 4! and 24 are the same thing right?

Megama ZX3 is the only right answer.

come with me, human. there is much to be done.

Shiggity shiggity shwa

d-do you know what a factorial is?

4! = 4*3*2*1

4! = 12*2

4! = 24 which is that the equation equals if you do it correctly.


my first thought
>cant even play the PC release on a multi core at normal speed

Shenmue was suppose to be like 16 games or whatever the fuck it was

The answer written is not 4!

The answer written is 4.

Therefore the answer is wrong.

how the fuck can you not smell the bait? He fucking said read it left to right no brackets as if he is ignoring pemdas, giving him 4 anyway.



Welp, this thread is derailed to shit.

>can't recognize obvious bait

Yes, if you read it left to right as it is written and follow the standard order of operations the answer is 24.


it literally is 4! though



I guarantee you this is exactly what the OP wanted.

Darksiders isn't really a story-heavy game though, so it's not too bad imo. Certainly not as bad as KotOR/Half-Life/nu-Deus Ex


The exclamation mark means factorial

Factorial is multiplying counting down from said number until 1

So in the case of 4!

It means

4x3x2x1 which is 24


As a storyfag, sure, I can see that.

Darksiders was a quaint game though that took ideas from others and blended them in a very specific way in a very specific universe. I'm not going to get that elsewhere.

It's kinda like if Saint's Row ended at 2 despite hints at 3, and the studio shut down, where would I find a game that is GTA but smaller and sillier?


>americans need mnemonics to remember the order of operations

You have a 33% chance to crit.

Darksiders 3
half life 2 episode 3

the division sign used there is a farce
all division can be written as a fraction
a fraction is just a number
so its actually 40 - 32/2 = 4!
which is 40 - 16 = 4!
24 = 4! which is true

The problem is a lot of the questions like these are arranged super ambiguous, especially where division is involved.

Take 6 ÷ 2 + 1. It can be interpreted two ways.

I think logically whenever ÷ or / is used in a singular line you should interpret as just a singular fraction and not a more complex one like in the second example.

As for this, 4! is a correct answer.

There is nothing ambiguous about 6 ÷ 2 + 1


Literally snowflake mathematics.

how is 6 ÷ 2 + 1 ambiguous? if you mean something else then that's on you to reformat that shit

never heard of a fucking factorial before and I took algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics.

is this some calculus shit or something?


Why does Sup Forums always post the hardest math?

Probably just an American thing. Those crazy yanks.

It's like algebra 1 level shit.

I learned what it was in 4th grade.

It's not exactly super important because writing the actual number is usually not much of a hassle. Maybe it gets used in higher level math but I stopped studying math after High School.

6 / 2 + 1 = 4
6 / 2+1 = 4

6 / 1 = 6
6 / 2 = 3
6 - 3 = 3
3 + 1 = 4

What's confusing?

but we already do agree on an order of operations you dumb nigger

>leafs need to shitpost to feel better about their pathetic existance

there is nothing ambiguous about math, there is literally only 1 way to do an equation

If it was meant the second way then there would have been parenthesis

Brackets/Parentheses go first
Then Exponents
Then Multiplication and Division
Then Addition and Subtraction
And the order goes from left to right for same operation orders.
It isn't hard unless you're utterly retarded.

standard order of operations retard. Division before subtraction, it's written 40-32/2 to fuck you up on purpose. 4! is correct.

it's actually interesting that left to right evaluates to 4 and order of ops evaluates to 4!. neat.

I think it's funny Americans consider this a trolling attempt instead of a basic elementary school problem.

factorials? that's 11th grade math

we aren't a clever people, sorry.


tried turning core affinity off for all but 1 core in task manager? that usually works with games that run too fast.

>snowflake mathematics

>took all math courses up until pre-calc
>never learned about factorials
but desu, they seem pretty useless

6 / 2 + 1 is the left example
6 / ( 2 + 1 ) would be the right example

They were in an exam for my entering my elementary school. Teacher explained it and I'd never once seen them again in my life until this bait image started showing up.

how can americans be so fucking stupid

seriously this is the most basic shit in maths
get an algebra book you cucks

why wouldn't they write the answer as 24 then? instead of 4!

Even if it is a correct statement

Because the question is written in a way to get dumbasses to reply. A proper mathematician would make an equation as clear as possible. You see this shit on Facebook pages that try to get comments to boost their pages popularity. If everyone understood BEDMAS/order of operations, then this wouldn't be a problem.

The factorial just gives it away.

Because the person who answered the question is a smartass.

>Fail at Algebra in college
>Drop out in shame
>Spend 5 years in the rat race
>Take algebra again.
>Buy this calculator
>Have the highest grade in the class atm.
>Best $100 bucks i spent.

you can do it to anons

> xenosaga gets announced as a 6 game saga
> namco saw the massive success of the first game that made it to the greatest hits list
> namco got greedy and took the creator/writer/director of the series off the 2nd game just to save money
> 2nd game tanked
> namco then brought back the creator for the 3rd game, but it was too late to save it
> series never made it past the 3rd game because of namco's greed

True story, during an exam in my undergrad Complex Variables class, I got so excited about figuring out a proof that I finished an equation with an exclamation mark.

My teacher thought it was a factorial and promptly lobbed off a chunk of my grade.

I'm still angry about this 6 years later.

What sort of algebra did you do in college that needed a calculator?

It's normally taught in Discrete, but since it's frequently not a required course a lot of people never learn it until it's needed in calculus or some statistics equations.

i cant factor equations to save my life. Got it just for that, but its been able to carry me all the way through Algebra 1. May sound really crutch-like, but its sure as hell putting me through college.

>people still fall for this bait

You deserved it.