>spanish speaker joins
>uses :V
Spanish speaker joins
>german speaker joins
>uses ^^
>spic joins the game
>algien abla espaƱol?
>russian speaker joins
>adds )) after a sentence
Wait, they do this shit intentionally? I always thought
Was just a typo
What do it means
>american speaker joins
>uses XD
>spanish speaker joins
>types "jajajajaja" when anything funny happens
>French player joins
>randomly goes off on French tangents with obvious swear words that leave you wondering what he said
>random previously silent player responds in lively french
>favela monkey joins
>Brazilian joins
What the fuck is wrong with Chileans and why they type shit like "tisjkskkr" at the end of a sentence?
Chileans are super cute though
>Russian player joins
>Ruins the game
It means they're sperging out bruh
t. chilean?
I'm chilean and i don't understand either. You shouldn't really care though, we are going to die soon, that or the other countries will fall to the earthquakes first and we will become neo-southamerica
>that guy who
>types chat mess
>ages like this has
>joined the
Why are you dying soon? I want a cute Chilean bf
I use it just to be a faggot :V
It's our "laugh". Aparently writing "jajaja (hahaha)" is not enough for us and we really must make sure the fucking thing we saw was so hilarious we have to ram our heads in our keyboards to express it.
Don't worry user, you're a faggot even if you don't use it.
But being a bigger faggot to annoy you is greater :V :V :V
Apparently it's their version of a smiley fwce
>italian speaker joins
>uses xd
but ESL euros do this the most
>anime girl joins
>uses :>
I raise your faggotry with my superior rage inducing scribble
>Japanese user joins
>Writes in moonrunes followed by 'wwwwwwwww'
>join the Sup Forums server
dejen su glorioso pacman :vvvvvv
>user joins
>has no typing quirks and is ignored by everyone
>tfw use "www" unironically as a way to express laughter instead of using the generic "lol"
ive fallen too hard for the weeaboo meme