Go to steam

>Go to steam
>Look at some beautiful, well-crafted, unique western games with ACTUAL GAMEPLAY elements like Physics puzzles, Platformers, CRPG/open-world RPG, RTS, etc..
>Review scores: Positive, mixed, Mostly positive, etc..

>Look at "quality" Japanese games of either the "Waifu visual novel rehash No.727194" brand or the slightly better "Rehased point-and-click JRPG No.19013130 edition"
>Featuring: One-sentence text-boxes. Clicking on whacky blobs drawn by a 5-year old from Sakura Kindergarten with really high numbers appearing at it's corner, state of the art RPG experience.
>Review scores "Overwhelmingly positive, Overwhelmingly positive, Overwhelmingly positive"
>It's the same, on all the thousands of them puked out of some autistic Japanese studio over the years. The "games" are all the same, too.
>The "Reviews" all have little anime figurines on their profile pictures

This is why developers simply don't bother anymore.

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People like waifus. What're ya gonna do?

pc gaming is garbage

deal with it

Most of these waifu sims are PS4/Vita ports


visual novels and jrpgmaker trash are pcbro territory


That newly released Warhammer 40k game just got shit all over it specifically because it's not an RTS anymore, it's some dumbed-down ASSFAGGOT for the dota/LoL audience.

How about Senrans? Neps? Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyballs?

Isn't the Sakura series made by Western weebs aping anime VN style?


>It's yet another eastern vs western games thread

>unique western games with ACTUAL GAMEPLAY
name em

Don't pretend these aren't the most entertaining

They don't exist because the west developed their idea of games around Dungeons and Dragons while Japan developed their idea of gaming around arcades

Kusoge is exactly what OP is talking about and most of it is Sony's fault

i see the same shit with shmups. jamestown looks a trillion times more stylistically unique, but shit like crimzon clover ends up being the meme shmup of the century.
it's all either scifi shipshit or touhou maidwaifushit.
i don't play shmups but that's it looks like a similar weebshit situation whenever i see them on steam


The Talos Principle
Neko Para.... fuck!

I admit I was thinking more about the Starcraft franchise, but there are still plenty of decent western RTS releases like Cossacks 3. Offworld Trading Company, and so forth.

Call of Duty WW2

What I played of Jamestown was boring as fuck. Granted, I haven't played a lot of them, but it was easily the worst.

>beautiful, well-crafted, unique western games with ACTUAL GAMEPLAY

is just a fucking rehash of battlefield 1


Note: They're all western, even though it isn't specified.

yeah maybe. i'm not sure how you fuck up "shoot enemies in a vertical line" gameplay, so to me it's only style that separates them, and the weebshit always ends up being the preferable "style" despite being the most generic/boring looking.

lol yea your anime steam games are worse than console kusoge is what im getting at

The only people who buy the 'same looking weeb pandering' games are the ones who like that shit in the first place.

AAA/'well crafted' Western games get hyped the fuck up, millions buy them, and then only a small majority of them like it.

go back to play senran kagura and pretend its a fun game

Show me an anime steam game worse than Senran Kagura

>instantly throw away any game that has a "waifu" character

There. Problem solved. For example, I throw away trash like Splatoon, Bayonetta, Senran Kagura, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Zelda, etc.

If your game needs tits and waifus, it's automatically a bad game. It's an olympic runner who needs crutches and steroids, and without them couldn't walk to his mailbox without having a heart attack.

any western indie crafting sandbox survival game automatically has shittier gameplay than Tittyninjas.

Even western indieshit is miles ahead of any moonrune-clicker.

This War of Mine, Yooka-Laylee, Factorio, Don't Starve, The Swapper, Primordia, I could go on forever.

All of these bring something new to the table and actually have a real genre and playing style. Meanwhile, "Shizu Bo-Kokorriri 32" does not.

>early access
>with titty ninjas
it'd be the most popular videogame ever made

Well of course, since it would actually have gameplay. Most tittyninjas aren't even "games" though, they're visual novels and glorified Tamaguchi's.

How do we end the ironic weeb meme?