What would you do to fix the state of modern gaming journalism?
What would you do to fix the state of modern gaming journalism?
I wouldn't fix it. I'm trying to get in. I've been emailing every company I can for free codes and gifts in exchange for good reviews.
Bring back PC Zone
I want to see her shit in her own mouth in that position.
Wow she can literally shit in her own mouth.
gaming journalism never existed dummy.
Stop making it about politics and start making it about games.
The only fix for modern journalism in general is a second shoah.
why do you even care
>gaming """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""journalism""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Just imagine her shitting into her own mouth
>implying feminists are jewish
it's always been shit but at least back then it was fun. at least fire all the stupid SJW slags
Magically make catering to core gaming audiences profitable. If that were to happen we'd get more in depth reviews and discussions about video games, developers, and notable people in the industry.
Give the core gaming audience an attention span greater than ten seconds.
Too bad clickbait is easiky digestable, and thus king.
Kill them all
>swn look at you like this while you are forced to drink her piss out of a brandy snifter
wow could u believe it if she shit in her mouth like that??? throw up to that would be nice qmd fucking sexy I'll slice that slut up
remove all politics. return gaming journalism to just fun things about games. done
Pls don't post Anita Downonherkneesian
with her legs in that position it would be crazy if she shit in her mouth
ignore it
The community is why journalism is shit
>Review a game and give it a bad score
Get death threats
>Review a game, give it a bad score, and be a woman
Get doxxed and people knocking at your house
It will never be good unless somehow all the 8-28 year olds grow up
I wouldn't, it isn't necessary anymore so what's the point in saving it?
you forgot the part where the game is given a bad review because it doesn't parrot the agenda
The top ones are.
>Get death threats
Name me one (1) game journalist that has been murdered for having opinions about stuff.
You get death threats for posting "lol faggot" on youtube comments, they're literally meaningless.
The dude who wrote the call of duty modern warfare patch notes got DOZENS of death threats, years before Anita, and nobody cared.
Only caring about something when it happens to a non-male is sexist, nut you'll never see a "feminist " complain about positive sexism, wonder why :)
>Name me one (1) game journalist that has been murdered for having opinions about stuff.
The one who didn't bring her child tendies
No real way to fix it at this point. Clickbait draws attention and ads, so any controversy real or fake is a goldmine.
Besides it's not like you really need reviewers to tell you what's worth buying anymore, you just go onto YouTube and look up some gameplay footage.
as opposed to the average gamespot """"""""review"""""""""""" for aaa garbage
+ amazing thoughtful story that really makes you think
+ stellar character development
+ thought provoking ending that will be remembered for generations
- not actually a video game
9/10 "essential"
Anti shilling policies.
If 3 major (and it would have to be major ones) journos would absolutely refuse to stand by producer's rules (no reviews until release, everything has to be a secret, no gameplay critique, no quality spoilers) then maybe it would be easier to believe that reviewers were actually being HONEST instead of trying to stay on ____'s good side. I mean OBVIOUSLY, Ted Sonyguy from OPSM.com will have reviews that may in fact be skewed heavily in favor of Sony games (and really shouldn't be critiquing anything outside of that until he cuts his ties from the mother ship). Meanwhile X-boy and Jentendo should keep their views console-specific.
Furthermore, social/political agendistic articles that use a game (or many games) as their click-bait should not be used for critique of gaming nor any individual game. It's too often that we get the Jack Thompsons and Anita Sarkise-a-i(?)ans of the world who want to shit all over a hobby because they think it'll elevate them or bring them fame. None of THOSE people are game-(anything)s and should never be treated as such.
when did games turn into glorified visual novels instead of games
when did story matter more than gameplay
why the fuck wouldn't you just read a book if you care about plot so much
why is everything so awful
I used to be a mod on a game server and people would constantly send death threats and attempt to send pizza to my house.
Stop selling video games to people without a college degree.
I'd deeply and firmly embed my erect phallus into her anal cavity and then shit in her mouth without pulling out.
That's wrong, or at least only part of the problem. The journalists themselves have a responsibility to bear for eroding their own trustworthiness, whether it's accepting perks in exchange for positive press or ad revenue in exchange for a high-end minimum review score. There's also the advent of journalists created with and by the internet, who too often see the trade as about promoting themselves rather than the games. 'Growing up' would be good advice for everybody.
Gaming journalism can't be saved because its filled with "hobbyists" who tried to use gaming journalism as a launching point for their real careers, only it never happened and now they're in their 30s-40s and onward and still writing about fucking video games.