Comfy Dragon Quest Thread

What's your favorite number game?

Side game?


What are your thoughts on future localizations?

is that goku, bulma and trunks? fucking japan artstyles, all samey


The art's by the same dude who did Dragonball, of course they're the same.

holy shit i thought he just retired or made insignificant projects after dbz

still, he couldve tried not re-making goku with a different hairstyle in his new stuff

Favorite is VII, absolutely love it from beginning to end.

Started VIII awhile back but dropped it. I feel like unless it's your first or you really love the simplicity it can be hard to get into if you played older ones. Skill tree is okay but compared to stuff like the job system, larger parties, and monster collecting of the previous titles I can't help but be a little disappointed.

His style of art has become iconic. japs expect them to look like that and he's more than happy to not change anything.

8 is amazing and i'm a huge fan of dq3

legit terrified of how dq11 could turn out.
right now dq11 is basically 2.5 games. a huge budget ps4 game. some sort of chibi demake on 3ds. and a classic snes version on the 3ds's bottom screen.
i'd rather they have put all their effort in 1 version and not have to juggle anything.

Who is the best dragon quest protagonist and why is it this guy?

just started playing VII the other day, and ordered VIII today.

Is VI or IX any good? I've got them but I've put less than 2 hours into both of them like 5 years ago.

Really enjoyed IV and V btw.

because he had a hard life.

Six is great and nine is fantastic if you appreciate a more... mmo type approach? I don't know how to explain it, it feels like a mixture of ffxi and dq3 to me. Not game play wise, has the traditional dq battle system.

I don't exactly know how its development works but here's what I imagine.
A Team, consisting of the 3 OGs, Hori, Toriyama and Sugiyama are working on the PS4 game with their modelers, programmers, etc
B Team is a separate team of modelers, programmers, etc that receive the 'transferable' assets for the game, like the script, music and character designs.
I don't believe it's being strained at all.

now, I know that IX had a big emphasis on the whole online interaction bit, will I miss anything major with the DS online service being down?

Everything we've seen so far looks fairly promising though. Strange that they're being so quiet about the switch version.

honest question why is VIII so bad

why is it that before i could even enter the cave, or move through the castle, I have to spend 10-15 minutes winning easy fights so I can grind to the right level

why is this considered "game design"

I'm playing VIII right now.
I just got the boat, but i have no idea where to go?

if you're grinding in dq8 then you're doing it wrong. tension exists

Argonia. I think you need to find a river to dock at on the other continent

Have you never played a dq have before, save dq4 and dq6?

The waterfall boss killed my party instantly every time I was underleveled

that boss was 'buy potions' tier.

>The waterfall boss killed my party
Can you even lose to that guy?
I think you just suck dude.

I can play much better and harder turn based games fine

I doubt that since you fucking died to the tutorial boss.

There's no nuance to the combat at that point. You have no skills or options in combat.

Eh, I don't like VIII but I wouldn't call it bad.

VIII was a return to more classic DQ, things like classes and monsters were done away to focus more on simpler stuff like the skill tree. This attracted a lot of newer fans but as someone who played VIII later on I couldn't help but be a little bored by this approach.

What would happens if i hire an artist to make art for my gayme, but the gayme get popular and brings in lot fo monies and suddently the cunt want more and more ?
Can i hire some studio to draw in the same style without him having a leg on to sue me for imitating "his" style ?

I hope i'll become a good judge of character, the best would be getting some loyal meek cunt that's content with being my eternal wageslave.

like you could afford to

Not a bad game, but deffinitely regret putting so much hours into it, even when i stopped it enjoying middle game after the story went full retarded.

I think it could be because they focused too much in creating a detailed 3D open world for the first time, so they put way less focus on dungeons, characters or how the story progressed, there is a point where the game simply starts feeling bland and never recovers from there.

>What's your favorite number game?
>Side game?
I can't decide on one, I really like Yangus and Angelo, and just from playing DQH I really like Alena, Kiryl, and Terry, even though I've yet to play IV and VI
>What are your thoughts on future localizations?
I hope the games keep coming over to the west, its truly a great series.

I'd fucking kill for a remake of DQIII in this style.

>What's your favorite number game?
Hard to say. But I really really enjoy 3 a lot.

>Side game?
Maybe 8 or 5

Can't pick.

>What are your thoughts on future localizations?
I hope it keeps improving.

>Tfw cant decide between Jessica or Medea
>Girl whos been with you the whole journey and clearly likes the hero
>Girl whos a horse for the whole game but adds a layer of guilt because of the history of the characters

Enjoying VII greatly as well, imo, it adds that something other games of the series lack. I also have a pretty much similar opinion about VIII and played it nearly to the end back when it was released for PS2, and was pretty much my first DQ game.

Seeing we have similar opinion would be interesting to know, what is your second favorite DQ game? I plan playing the other games after i am done with VII.

Medea of course.

Don't project so wildy, negress.

you can walk to the tutorial boss without a single random encounter and still win by using tension
seriously, just start using tension

Second has to be IV. With IV I quite like how fun it is changing characters around. Each character has a very obvious role but once all together its fun being able to make a combination I want and then switch next dungeon. Also I just enjoy the build up each character gets. Though I guess it depends what you like about VII really for me to recommemd another.

Happy to see another VII fan. I heard mixed things so starting it I was kind of unsure what to expect but ended up loving. I feel it has a real "saturday morning cartoon" vibe, each island almost being an episode. I really loved exploring each island and seeing its story unfold. Class system was also fun, it feels fulfilling to me to see mybcharacters slowly but surely grow and become closer to their planned final classes.

VII was too long for me honestly. Long games aren't bad, but it ended up feeling like a frog to continue.


ayyy bb wana some fuk under teh sanctity of marriage for teh purpoze of procreation???

I'm good. Thanks.

I really want that metal slime 2DS but I know we'll never get it anyways so

>realizing that the Switch can't get cool LE like this because of its design

>We will never get another Dragon Quest villain as god tier as Orgodemir
Feels bad man

>will I miss anything major with the DS online service being down
If what you mean by that is multiplayer, then yes. But if it's wi-fi exclusive items, you can unlock it through cheats/save editor.


Truly, an user with highest pedigree of taste. I too would kill for this. DQIX tried to emulate but wasn't as satisfying as III was for me...