I'm struggling to choose which one of these characters sucked more

I'm struggling to choose which one of these characters sucked more.

probably Haru seeing as she has minimal involvement in the story at all

at least Ann was one of the founders of The Phantom Thieves and helps out now and then. Haru was basically just there to open the door in Okumura's palace (which the party probably would've found some other way of bypassing without her)

Ann's personality tho


Ones a fatty with a fat forehead
The other is a pure twintails waifu

It's perfect.


Sucked more what?


Ann. She doesn't change at all over the course of the story. Her Confidant is shit too.

Well it's certainly not Ann she's the best girl in the game

Theyre both equally forgettable so both.

All female characters in Persona games suck because they're just various "girl" stereotypes with very little expanding traits added onto them. Occasionally you get an Aigis or a Naoto or a Futaba who's given some deeper characterization but everyone else are boring and one-dimensional.

She gets absolutely no memorable scenes after she awakens. Makoto and Futaba get the most screen time of the bunch and even ryuuji gets a great scene at the end of shido's dungeon. She just kind of falls off. At least Yusuke gets some funny scenes throughout the game.

Futaba is literally the only character that changes at all from the time she's introduced. That includes you shit tier wait Makoto.

Sutpid fucking phone auto corrected waifu to wait

It's fine, you don't need to like Haru because I love her more than a hundred of you could.

>dating within your squad
Dr. Bae Takemi master race

God yes. The fashion modeling shit is absolutely not where I thought her character would go. Fuck Atlus

The girl on the left is a cutie.

Why are those Japanese students allowed to dress that way?

Because they are main characters.

cos for the same reason any character in a school setting gets to dress that way - they're the main characters

If only she were that fat in game, she'd be more interesting and memorable and hotter

obviously the answer is makoto

>be more interesting and memorable

>Haru is introduced late
>to make up for this she announces a bunch of the revelations
>pouts when you friend zone her
>get engaged if you don't
She also has one shot kill, both gun passives, and heat riser, hot damn.

Literally every one in the cast has that problem expect Futaba and Morgana. Yusuke is save although because he's genuinely funny.

Ann did a great job sucking off Kamoshida to ensure Shiho's future.

Kay I'm done going at the low-hanging fruit.

Thoughts on her actually getting fat?

I love Aigis but c'mon user, the trope of the robot that becomes "human" is old as fuck and Aigis is not particularly well executed. Don't get me staarted on Parroto.

Ann has some good moments, and at least has some personality.

lads I dont want a cartoon gf
I want a real one that hugs me and sends goodnight texts
pls help

The problem with Haru is not only is she introduced very late in the game but also she is too goodoe goodie as a person, which is fine for a waifu but crap for character interactions. She takes the incident with her father too well, not even suspecting or berating the PT for their fuck up.

holy shit, you just named all the most one-dimensional female characters other than Yukiko and mitsuru

makoto and sadayo

Real ones suck anyways. It's not worth it.

I know that feel bro.

she always ends up a support slut for my team
>amrita shower
>both phys and magic wall skills
joker has a WAY better setup with
>summon mara
>joker use charge
>ryuji attack up
>makoto sucks joker off or casts mediarama or whatever
>morgana crits
>baton pass to joker for attack up
>one shot kill 2000 damage every time

My only thoughts are arousal
As well, inevitable. Being the heiress to a fast food joint

>have irl gf
>she's depressed a lot and sleeps excessively, even when we hang out

at least the naps and cuddles are good

Just get a body pillow, you'll be fine.

3D women are not important.

You see this? This is my critical machine. Say your prayers because Morgana is putting you to sleep with these criticals.

How does Ann get away with such flagrant violation of school uniform rules?

>that crop

the full pic is godly, hope more p5 fatty art gets made we can post with

Haru does anal and has a lot of money. Why would you ever choose Ann?

Technically it's not Morgana but Mercurius who's the crit-machine.

WHO is summoned by Morgana.

>Futaba is literally the only character that changes at all from the time she's introduced
Fortune, Tower, Sojiro... I could probably name more but I already proved you wrong.

>implying I don't have Null Phys

I love Haru!

I like Ann too.
I guess between the two of us, we've got at least 200 anons' worth of love for her!

Makoto is also just as shit. Fuck you makoto stop trying to butt into someone's relationship.

>have Ryuji smarten up for real in a tangible way much sooner in the story
>have Morgana's confidant rank ups actually match when anything important happens with his arc
>Have Haru questioning the phantom thieves after her father dies happen on screen and matter, ideally introduce her sooner, too.
>Do more than nothing with Makoto and Ann becoming friends after Makoto joins, that one scene between them was completely pointless.

Saved. Yusuke and Futaba are fine.

Haru's voice is worse, so her.

In the end I had the last word.

Obviously talking about party members, user.

S-source me b-bro.

delete this

According to all the Persona threads lately, the girl on the right did the most sucking


>Last word
>Morgana literally lives with you now in your hometown
>Telling you to go to bed daily
>Watching you as you fuck Ann
>Not to mention picking WORST girl

I'm on December 7th Haru is rank 4, makoto/yuske 9 hanged man and star 7

Do I have enough time to max them? I also have to go into mementos to finish hanged/star quest to progress

Haru literally levels up every day.

>Levels up everyday

What a desperate slut.

Delete this. Haru is not a slut!

I just got to a part where everyone has a hert to heart and Ann got up to say something and I actually struggled to think of the last time she contributed to a major conversation. Jesus she feels a bit underutilized by the time Haru comes around.

Use Chihaya skill to increase your bond. If you already finished the boat dungeon you have more than enough time.

Haru could've been my favorite if she didn't joined too late.

she doesn't seem to be available Wednesdays and sundays I think. I have shit all to do wednesday morning besides mementos. waiting for hanged to become available so I can get his quest and go.

How many days does it railroad me once the palace is over? I hear the last day is like 22 or something but i'm worried it's essentially when palace is done/

She's available 4 days a week, but she'll always rank up, at least if you have an empress persona and give the right answers. Just always go with Haru on days when her availability overlaps with Makoto/Yusuke and you should be fine.

had one at one point as long as theyre not compleyely insecure they are fine.
how do we get out of this bro?
I need positive physical touch again

I'm doing the dungeon today and plan on finishing it on the 7th.

I use chihaya, I was dumb because I ignored her once I got her quest so I could level others and do most quests at once. I assumed the boost took up time in the day and was only if I had nothing better to do/more advanced planning.

Dunno but I heard that if you finish the dungeon and don't fight the boss they won't hang out with you. so you need 2 full days to finish the palace

You should. I don't think Haru has a mementos portion and know Makoto and Yusuke don't. If they rank up every single time you spend time with them, and somebody is always available, then you have 9 days (one spend in mementos), and 6 nights. So you'd finish by the 16th. Don't remember what the deadline is, but obviously if it's longer than that then you're safer. If you don't have time or might cut it close, maxing Makoto and Yusuke and having one incomplete link is better than focusing Haru and ending up with two or three.

Gaijin privelage probably

dude there is like 4 more dungeons left when she joins, she doesnt join TOO late

No railroad after palace. Be sure to finish it in a single day and remember you can't date party members between finding the treasure and sending the calling card so send it right away.

shes hot as fuck


More like 3 and a half

Let your bro have Ann

honestly most worried about hanged man he's only seems to show up like once a week.

fuck I'm doing the palace on wednesday I better not miss a hanged man link to send the card.

you can't get a massage after sending card right?

she doesn't, but what the hell does the group do together in the time after she joins until the very end of the game (other than be Phantom thieves)? hardly anything

This is true. Party members start to hang again after beating the boss. Non party links work as normal though.

Goddamn I know Haru's confidant starts late but it's the only one I haven't started yet. Please tell me it goes up every meeting like the Sun confidant or else I'm going to have to invest even more money in Chihaya.

Also why the fuck can't I read books/play games/watch dvds at least on evenings during midterms and finals. I want to complete shit.

They aren't even shipped at all. Fucking YusukeXFutaba is pushed more.

School festival where she is default if you dont have anyone

He can have her.. when I'm done with her.

The game railroads way too much and too many links are auto. Fucking cat makes you rest even when you unlock massage ability.



Ann sucks more than Haru. Why? Because Haru has an excuse for why she's fucking bland and nonexistent.

I think the only day you can't get massage is after beating a boss, but I'm not sure. The day you send the card you can't go out at night IIRC, but you can still make coffe, curry, tools and anything inside the cafe, I think.

This shit is giving me was too much stress. I didn't use a guide or expect to max social link at all and now i'm in a grey area. New game plus would be comfy as shit if all I needed to do was books/games and catch the fish.

the only interesting bit is when she makes you eat poop, and thats somewhere around rank 4-6
her s-link is on the same level as oyhas.
Oh, she also freaks out if you friendzone her, which comes completely out of left field when her entire s-link had no hint of romance to it.

At least Ann's cute.

What's your excuse for being so bland and nonexistent?

You can actually kiss a girl in these games now?

Don't bully Haru.

And Sempai sucks even harder because she is a literal prostitute.