Describe your dream game, Sup Forums. The game that exists only in your mind that you've always wanted to make but never will.
Describe your dream game, Sup Forums...
Dungeon crawler with a persistent, but incredibly massive, dungeon. Lots of classes, races, and general character combinations. All the characters and monsters are little miniatures on bases, and there's virtual dice you can roll around the battlefield.
fps rpg medevial game with huuuuuge battles and stuff. i have played mount and blade but its different
The game that I'm working on now in 3D.
counterstrike without sniper rifles
A Judge Dredd open world game or a new Bushido Blade (like that Deadliest Warrior game a few years back).
I have some absolutely amazing genius ideas but still only doing early worldbuilding. And it won't be my dream game, just something Sup Forums will gush over. And I'll actually make it, but probably not on the scale I'm currently thinking of.
A online Megaman Battle Network game that has expandable story packs with sets of chips included.
But the game also has a physical variant where people can battle in arenas with their navis against other players physically face to face, like an actual eSport, with an audience watch and cheer the players on.
Basically, the Talos Principle, but with more varied puzzles, and much better dialogue trees where you can engage with the characters with a greater variety of responses and actually get in deep on the philosophy discussed where the general plot changes on the basis of your beliefs and it's consistency.
looks like it might be neat
I'll just post a picture to sums things up instead of doing a huge post.
A racing game like NFSU2 with a massive map and no loading screens at all. One that feels so seemless it feels real
A sequel to Chromehounds 2
Metal Gear Rising but not rushed to make a release deadline, not suffering from icky modern design choices like walking cutscenes, wiggling the stick to get out of a dizzy state, etc.
The same can be said about Bayonetta, I still maintain that DMC is the golden standard just for being a bit more refined without too many mechanical elements bogging it down.
On that note, a not shit DMC5
An American Civil War AAA game ala Battlefield with a lot of content.
Runescape, but it's good without having to rely on nostalgia. Just a fuckhueg generic fantasy world with tons of quests, items, dungeons, and skills and a playerbase that sits around 100k most days.
Alternatively, a time machine.
>Alternatively, a time machine.
At this point I wonder which one is more plausible.
I just want a turn-based RPG that has an insanely broad degree of features at your disposal, but almost no party members who are story-relevant beyond temporary inserts.
>Temporary or permanent combat allies come from a variety of sources, either being summoned in-battle, created from raw materials and upgraded on the fly, recruited from a variance of enemies, being copied clones of enemies, etc.
>Learning new abilities and skills requires resources per ability, and not just leveling up, so you're going to be far more likely to scan your pool of potentially learned techniques before you start getting new ones. Same with upgrading them into higher tier equivalents
>Enemies don't scale, but your stats climb extremely slowly, with the game encouraging optimizing the use of your abilities and turn-management versus just "Great Fireball" on your enemies. Preferably either press turn or something like what Bravely-X had, where you could stack up extra turns and do multiple actions in one volley
>Obscenely large pool of missions and/or sidequests, each of which has its own pool of very specific incentives to mastering beyond more money and general resources (for example, following a quest chain about pursuing a giant rampaging beetle tearing across the countryside will lead to the country folk giving you a Mysterious Egg, which is influenced by a hidden metric that modifies itself based on what you battle next, and if that modifier gets high enough, you can get anything from a regular chicken to a pocket deity)
>Every enemy has all manner of trophies and other incentives to fight them repeatedly, so you're encouraged to battle things rather than just hit "run" until you're at the end of a dungeon
Openworld hero based mmorpg roguelike metroidvania
Fast paced 1st person shooter in space, can move in 3 dimensions with both jet packs & grapples
Did you play Shattered Horizon before it died? It didn't have grappling hooks but it was an fps in space with 3D movement
I want an RPG that's massive in scale. Ideally it'd be continually updated to add more missions and areas but failing that I'd take a game that takes a minimum of 200 hours to beat the main story-line. I'd like the map to be around 100 square miles of strongly fantasy-inspired locations. Enough detail that you could just randomly wander around and be entertained without feeling like every biome looks the same. I fucking hate games that make the brightness way too low even at max. Like I don't mind if you're down in a cave and the lights low, but I hate missing out on detail because it's too dim to see it, even outside during the day. I'd want each "day" to last about 20 minutes with 5 minutes being night and 15 being day. There should be no classes, but you're able to level up and upgrade abilities so you can be a fighter or a wizard, but it's not set in stone so I could change mid game if I wanted. I'd want a few hundred weapons and a few hundred spells. There could be like "tiers" of weapons but within each tier I don't want there to be like a defacto best weapon, each might be better depending on stats or who you're fighting. I want fights to be mostly avoidable (no Pokemon/ FF VII where you're doing annoying fights every 10 steps) but not to the point where you can always avoid a fight. Fighting would either be like FF VII where it's turn based but also a timer so you have some pressure to think of what's best to do in each situation, or else like Mount and Blade but much more finesse. I'd also like a huge cast of characters and an overarching story line. Think like GoT.
Forgot to mention, also want there to be at least a dozen factions, each one with their own compelling storyline and interweaving arcs. You'll be able to join one, but also you can do shit like be a spy in one for another, or help bring any two factions together, etc. Also I want there to be a huge overarching war going on throughout the whole game with each faction being arguably morally grey or if they're more straight up good or bad, at least a decent reason for it, and don't make them 100% always good/ bad
I know it existed but I never played it
An Ork game with a ton of of loot.
Basically Borderlands 1, but with Orks.
Orkz ya git
resident evil revelations raid mode but with a lot more enemy types and more gameplay options, such an in-depth shooter with such large encounter variety would keep me going for years.
>Describe your dream game, Sup Forums.
MMO fighting academy with a ridiculous number of classes professions toolkits etc, each game runs over the course of about a week with a max playtime of say 10 hours per day so people don't kill themselves. At the end of each day there's a different sort of tournament whether a FFA, or base defence, or some other sort of thing, and points are distributed to the highest ranking players. On the final day, the top ranking players face off against each other in a series of 1v1 fights with the matchups decided by seeds in order to determine the final winner.
The concept means having to balance out leveling, gearing up, and being ready for pvp, allowing for the importance of a blend of strategy and tactics.
It'll never happen because no-one has the time to either make or play something so intense.
A closer to life-like scale Tamriel, staying true to concept art, with VR support, room-scale and the like.