TW Warhammer

Can we talk about this game?
I suck at TW games, they require a brilliant level of autism that i cant seem to fully grasp.
Help me stratbros

The battles happen so fast i cant coordinate in time to compete with AI, even when using slowmo.
Whats the basic setup for real time battles?
Do i need a frontline of shit units? Should i put ranged units up front? when the fuck do i have time to mess with my heroes and lords?
This is some fuckery. I sucked at Shogun 2 as well but at least i could diplomacy jew my way to close victory.

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You might want to try Facebook games instead

if you're not a troll, consider finding another hobby

Yea TW is pretty weird big battles are a mess


Just because a Unit is made up of hundreds of dudes doesn't mean it's more than just one unit.

Do you have trouble managing 20 Units at most in RTS?

my biggest problem is the placement of units during real time battles, and which units to employ in the first place.

trying to get gud with Empire

TW is the average/dumb man's game in comparison to Grand Strategy games, even in GS there are games for idiots.

Doesn't make them bad at all though, TWW is one of my favorite games in a long time.

Consider medical attention if you really can't understand modern TW games, you might be clinically retarded.

Lol wut

Total War battles are simple so long as you aren't playing funky shit.

Sit in place with artillery and wait for the AI to come to you, getting douched by ranged units the whole time, before you receive an uphill charge/ charge downhill into them while you have other units attack them in the flanks and back.

With people you have to be more clever but total war AI is retarded.

I recommed playing with Dwarfs first to understand formations then with Bretonnia to understand how to play with cavalry.

Bretonnia aren't a good early faction to play compared to everybody else. Their starting positions don't leave them with much to do and they're probably the most micro-intensive faction in the game for battles.

Bretonnia are best left for when you have a good understanding of the game both on the campaign map and the battle map.

You are a fucking retarded mongoloid dumbfuck. Unit positioning and orientation in TW games actually matters while all RTS garbage is based on battles of the deathblobs. Go hang yourself, shitstain.

Age of Sigmar > Fantasy


Empire or Bretonnia to learn the use of Cavalry.

>The battles happen so fast i cant coordinate in time to compete with AI
Use the pause button. It won't help you learn how to play MP, since there's no pause option there, but at least you will have fun in SP. Sooner or later you'll get good enough and stop using pause.

>Whats the basic setup for real time battles?
Each race has its own strategies, there are no universal setups apart from the basic infantry line up front, archers/crossbowmen behind them and cavalry at the flanks. Pick a race and try to play some skirmish battles with an army composition that seems fun, then go from there. Alternatively, just read some guides online, literally any of them will do including the Steam one.

>do i have time to mess with my heroes and lords?
If you're a new player, I would advise you to build your lords with a full focus on combat efficiency. Give them attack, health, armor and damage bonuses on lvl up and they will be good enough to BTFO AI lords.

Infantry in the front
Riflemen if you have them in front of them ready to beat feet as the enemy line advances
archers behind everything
Cavalry to the sides
Flyers wherever

your Lord and heroes should be in one of those groups

No, it sucks. Let's talk about better TW games.

Did you ever play the first medieval? That was my favorite and I can't stand the campaign map of warhammer.

This. I just cant wait for TWW2 it will surpass TWW in all ways.

TW Warhammer is a bad total war game to learn first because it's the first one where you can have functional army without any line infantry.

I've played them all since first Rome.

So you didn't play it then

Nope, not the first one.

there BEST be Tomb Kings so I can go up and slap Mannfred's shit and remind him who the real big dick OG necromancer is

>The battles happen so fast i cant coordinate in time to compete with AI, even when using slowmo.

Dont feel bad about this. They made battles into 5 minute arcadey skirmishers because their target audience is ADD riddled casuals who dont actually like strategy games but still want to play with Warhammer armies.

I don't like sieges it TWWH. How do we fix sieges? There are so many modded siege maps, but devs still don't allow them to be modded into campaign.

Check the workshop you dope.

First tip
Play a better total war

Second tip
Don't support games workshop

>Play a better total war

I wish there was one but all the others are vastly inferior. But hopefully WH2 will be an improvement.

It's just gonna be more of the same shit.
Play napolean, Shogun 2, medieval

Why would I play inferior games?

I have to pause it to issue orders. I suppose i get that from dwarf fortress.

Grand strategy games aren't real-time tactics games.

If you play on higher difficulties you can't pause though. So if you ever plan to step up you should take the time and get good. Playing a few online matches will get rid of that habit.

Medieval 2 with Stainless Steel mod is the best Total War experience
>no heavy nofun autism like EB mod for Rome 1
>still not casual and arcady as vanilla
it's a perfect mix

No, they're not, hence TW not being a GS game. Total War is only real time in battles, that's half the game, albeit the important and focused on half.

How the fuck are you supposed to play Skarsnik?
Its fucking impossible

When you get your army to 20 go in to Badlands if there any single settlement factions take them over.

just bumrush down to Greenskin territory, don't even bother with your starting area, and start taking Dwarf/Greenskin tribe (not the actual Greenskin faction) settlements down there. You should be able to confederate with Greenskins pretty quickly then Karak Eight Peaks is pretty easy from there. Maybe stop at the spider-rider goblin outpost on the way

then proceed as normal

Use the Human settlements as your personal piggy bank until you can afford trolls, then steamroll your way down

I though they suck

Only compared to other units of their type (Minotaurs, Crypt horrors, etc), and they're hideously overpriced in multiplayer.
On the campaign, they're great for breaking lines apart and getting your Skulkers into position, and most importantly have armour piercing.
The fact that they regenerate will negate a bit of the damage Skarsnik armies inevitably take.

>napolean, Shogun 2, medieval
All trash with the same 4 reskinned unit types.

You can press P to pause the battles and issue orders, dummy.

Are you that dense, too? A strong centre with flexible flanks. Think Hammer and Anvil or look at some IRL medieval and roman battle deployments.

Fuck range units off, only bring like 3 max to counter the enemies ranged units.

I've gotten to the point against AI where ill have 2500, they have 8000. I win and lose only a few hundred men. The AI is shit and easy to lure into traps.

Don't give flawed advice just because you cannot into range, it can be entirely viable or even optimal to bring a lot depending on faction.

>he doesn't bring 10 peasant longbowmen to every engagement
it's like you don't even want to have fun

Warhammer is literal crap. try Napoleon with Darthmod or Medieval II for a patrician experience.


Warhammer is GOAT though

if you're going to recommend mods, then at least recommend good ones
LME shits all over Darthmod.

My only gripe with the game is that the Strigoi feels way too weak compared to other lord units.
Why did they make him so weak?
The health-regen cap feels way too low - which usually is what ends up with him getting shrecked because he has no armor and too little melee defense to compensate.

Isn't he a caster?

Dude, M2 is outdated. It was really nice when it came out, but it's been superseded. If you're gonna recommend history games it's S2 or Attila.

Not more than any other lord.
Hell he gets outclassed by other casters because he can't get Arcane Conduit or Master of Black Arts.

Strigoi is there to support harassment units

But he can't deviate from the main force, otherwise the enemy can just single him out with their own hero and he'll get absolutely murdered.

>they require a brilliant level of autism

wtf nigger just git god

Heavy infantry/shocktroops in the middle and up front, archers/siege artillery in the back and spearmen/cavalry on both flanks to repel enemy cavalry

mass units and auto resolve

My game keeps crashing in co-op campaign on CPU elf turns (Torgovann, Wydrioth). What do?

Use them to murder infantry, they're really fucking good at that. As you said they don't have the armor and m.def. to duel combat lords/heroes.

kill yourself you superfag

>The battles happen so fast i cant coordinate in time to compete with AI, even when using slowmo.

what.....? it literally takes the hostile army anywhere between 3-5 minutes to walk towards your line if you play on normal speed unless you are being retarded and playing as vlad and vanguard deploying your entire army right next to theirs and wondering why you engage so quickly

IIRC, he's quicker than any non beastman foot hero.
Granted, he's shit out of luck if they're mounted, but mounted heroes tend to suck at chasing down other heroes.

But I wish they had - everytime I field a Strigoi he just gets assassinated by a lord on a flying unit - regardless of the Strigoi being on a Terrorgheist or on foot.
And then I have no lord and shit's crumbling.



Why don't you have a dedicated melee hero to deal with that?

Get mods to reduce tower range and basically most things in the most downloaded on the workshop

Because I'm a retard and I just want the Strigoi to be as good as he looks.
Have you seen how awesome he looks?

But they're among the very best at killing infantry and has good spells. They can't be good at literally everything. Not having a hero or two in your army is just stupid.

>reduce tower range
if you're worrying about towers in a siege you're doing it wrong.

>They can't be good at literally everything.
But other lords can, which is what annoys me.
Mannfred cost like, 500 more if you absolutely want every single spell he has to offer - but he brings increased mana-reserves, more spells - and on top of that he can hold his own against heroes - and wreck units of various nature.
It just seems the Strigoi is the weakest of the lords. Sure summon Ghouls/Crypt Horrors is strong - but 1 cast and you have no mana reserve.

This guy knows whats up. The thing I that made me the most excited when they first announced that a Total War game with Warhammer was being made was the hope that the Tomb Kings might be in it.
If I could have a TWW with sand bleached skeletons, then that would go a long way to help me forget that Age of Smegmar even exists.

>cost like, 500 more
If you're expecting TW MP to be balanced you're only practicing self-harm. Also Mannfred is a LL, and they're supposed to be stronger than ordinary lords.

Kangs are almost certainly in the next expansion

I fucking hope so. I miss my light chariot units, lost ark facemelters and other skeleton goodness so much it hurts

start with Vampire

Well consider me sad then.
>just want to rip and tear

You're fighting for dominance over the Empire with your Middenland competitor when this guy crosses the Sea of Claws and bitchslaps your Nordland vassal, what do you do?

>Today won't be the day

I love it

I've found Strigoi extremely strong in specific conditions.

They do have high damage, AP, regeneration and poison. Many lords are no match to them. In comparison, Strigoi are the only Vampire Count Lords with AP.

They are however, weak to ranged fire.


Where the fuck is Old Friend?

Why are they delaying its release?

Auto-resolve. Fuck that shit.

It better be KRELL

>more VC

I mean, I wouldn't mind, I love them, but holy fuck, can the Empire get a bit of love?

It's probably Middenland for real, though.

Boris is an old friend of Karl's.

install the mod that makes AI recruit their armies better

It's going to be LL Boris and Krell.
Maybe Gotrek too, but that's a stretch given Skaven are coming out this year and that's a more appropriate time to add him


Chaos dwarves are fucking CUTE! I love their Hellcannon arty. Do they have even better arty in the lore or is the Hellcannon their top arty unit?

Not sure which one is better but they have this, Earthshaker cannon.

God specific chaos armies fucking when?

Whats the best FX for TWW?

Final expansion, probably