>Bully 2 is indeed in development and is supposed to be the next game after RDR2.
>Bully 2 is indeed in development and is supposed to be the next game after RDR2.
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I've never played Bully but I see a lot of praise for it and I'm just curious what it is about it that makes it hold up so well?
its pretty much a power fantasy for all of Sup Forums, the complete opposite of sad highschool life
one of the few games that i wanted to explore and do everything
losers in high school living vicariously through video game characters
Not sure how it will work out in this political climate
Will they have hipsters and SJW's in highschool? Probably, and they will be the "good guys" in the game, no making fun of trannies etc...
I'm honestly surprised if they did go through with it
I can't see Bully 2 selling that well
What the ever fuck happened to Agent
You are obsessed
>mfw Bully sequel set in inner city chicago with guns and car theft
Seriously though what's the bet you play as a minority taking out nazi boys?
Rockstar is the last company that would fall for that stuff, not even in GTA V they fell for it iirc.
>Always kissing that redhead at every chance
Yeah, Bully was fucking great.
Really, how else will they make a game in this political climate?
They will be restrained, walking on egg shells, probably will make fun of "drumpffff" and stuff
They won't be allowed make fun of anything fun
I sincerely hope this is true, Bully was a charming satire with fantastic music and a lot of events that were actually fun unlike most GTA games. A real novel concept made into a pretty great game.
Just please keep the same musical style. That soundtrack is the best feature of that game.
GTA school edition
>stuff nerds into trash cans, lockers, or give them swirlies
>grab girls butts
I can see SJWs being one of the factions
There won't be any SJW shit because the game is going to be set in the 80s or earlier and avoid it entirely.
GTA in school and you're a kid and can't kill. Seriously bad ass and you missed out when it was new in 2006-2007. Among the most memorable games I've ever played.
Bully 2 has been "in development" since 2009.
>In November 2009, The Gaming Liberty interviewed musician Shawn Lee, who scored Bully, and was asked if he was scoring any more games in the near future; he responded, "Yes. It looks like I will be doing the soundtrack for Bully 2 in the not so distant future..."
You sure are sensitive
Did you even play GTA 5?
>being PC
Rockstar have never cared.
the only way they can avoid that is avoid a contemporary setting and have the game set in the past
>sequel rumored for nearly a decade
it's never going to happen
the leaker has like a 75% accuracy. plus bully 2 will sell like hot cakes.
Am I stupid for hoping for a new IP from rockstar?
>>inb4 Agent
tfw, the best Rockstar games are The Warriors and Manhunt and there will never EVER be a sequel to Manhunt 2 or a spiritual successor to The Warriors...
>nu-Sup Forums wants another game from the cucks in Vancouver
Fuck off you shill leafs. Nobody likes Canada, you're a joke. All your games are leftist propaganda and your president is a Cuban bitch.
Bully was a faggy gta where you couldn't kill people because "mug feefees" fuck off it doesn't deserve a sequel.
I live in the rice fields
>It sucked because you couldn't kill people
>Seeing leftist bogeymen, in Bully of all places
>Sperging out over an entire country
>Dissing Prime Minister Speed Weed
I don't know if you should go back to Sup Forums or to Sup Forums
set it in the 80s, make protag a metalhead, listen to Master in the early days