Why are blacks and mexicans attracted to fighting games?

Why are blacks and mexicans attracted to fighting games?
Why are whites attracted to FPS?

I'm Mexican-American and my favorite genres are 3D platformers, stealth games, open world games, and FPS.

I don't know, quit asking!

Who isn't attracted to fighting games, white bread?


You forgot Asians

For the longest time, consoles have been very expensive in Mexico, so the lack of consoles made arcade machines very popular, back in the day Neogeo was very popular because you only needed 1 cabinet to have up to 4 games in any given store. naturally all the NeoGeo fighting games became really popular, especially the king of fighters.

Fighting games are basically digital cock/dogfights with stupid characters instead of roosters/pit bulls.

They like Starcraft and MOBAs

good at starcraft. NEXT

This. Fighting games are for poorfags who can't bet big money on prize fights


It more or less became a culture thing with the Mexicans. Can't help it.

Why are germans drawn to simulators?

Exactly. Why?

Can you imagine what it feels like to be someone who plays or had tried to play Starcraft professionally, or any RTS for the matter?

They dedicate all their autism into this one game and this one genre, only for what is essentially a dumbed down version that require them to find 4 other friends with equal ammounts of autism in order to properly function. All those years practicing proper openers, strategy, scouting, micros, macro and more than I can even imagine, going right down into the drain because of MOBAs.

I almost feel bad.

It's not autism it's devotion.

that's an oxymoron, the wall is coming and you will not be on the right side of it

being dumbshit-racist is now cool, okay.

you are about 14 years too late

reddits that way spic ;)

same reason that white people play mtg, dark people play yugioh

>invade someone else's country
>wonder why they hate you

My dad came here legally and I was born in this country.

Because whites use technology to kill. They evolved to use tools. Nigs and mexicans just kill in the most simplistic way possible.

The former has a large relevance with prisons. The latter with school shootings.

Still doesn't make you a real American. Real Americans are white Anglo's. You are a parasite trying to destroy the American national identity.

that's why mexicans have tunnels

Ehh, you are American. The difference is many of your Pablos aren't and you get grouped with the faggots.

More like they're too gay and weak to use their bare hands. Who created martial arts? Definitely not pussy whites.

>white Anglo
Yea, the same self-loathing individuals who are bending over backwards for people who hate them.

It's funny that you say that considering that all Americans are immigranters from Europe etc.

He's a stupid fag, I'm sure he thinks tater sucking Irish people are 'real Americans.'

>Mexicans were literally here before whites
>Native Americans are basically the northern cousins of Mexicans
Sup Forums is literally retarded

cause niggers and spics get into fights and crackas shoot niggers and spics

they also shoot up elementary schools too

>Nu-Sup Forums can't understand FGs: Volume 345

nigga please, y'all crackers do all the mass murdering




work at work
work at home


autism to one specific genre = devotion to one specific genre



it's easier to find (((friends))) in asian countries than in western countries because people are pressured to meet up and tolerate each other.




Spics and niggers don't have the mental capacity and skill required for marksmanship.

What does this even mean. Is having friends a jewish plot now


everything poltards can't have is taken away by the jews, so it's (((friends))) (((money))) (((purpose))) (((car))) etc.



>Mexicans is a race

Just say spic, Fighting games are fun faggot. Both are skillful genres. It if makes you feel better I have more interest in marksmanship in real life than I would in a game. Weapons are just cool in general tbqh, kendo and archery are great too.

Anyways I grew up with fighting games in arcades, dunno if it's a culture thing, probably is.

Im white and i hate fps games. Tried a few, they suck.

You don't have anything else you want to do? Nothing you are looking forward to? No dreams to keep you going?


you mean conquerors, right? you mean the very people who built this country and then had to constitution written FOR them, right?

you mean the terrorist nation?


im still scratching my head trying to figure out what you just said, is this what its like being a 3rd worlder

this was literally settled almost 200 years ago when the potatoniggers came

your own current president is not even anglo-saxon

BARACK OBAMA is more anglo-saxon (half) than the current one is (german / celtic)

stop being a cuck bowing down to identities you dont even understand



You'll lose that chance if you're gone. Have you sought it out or are you waiting for it to arrive? If your need of love is from companionship, it takes work from both people involved. It shouldn't go one way otherwise you run the chance of it being unstable.

If your need of love is from attention, then maybe consider learning to draw to provide whatever content for people. That's not the only thing you can do, but consider one possibility at a time.

Or are these things not what you want? Do you want to be someone's hero?

>native of America continent

Nah I can draw pretty okay. I used to draw a lot of fetish porn. A mental issue of mine has destroyed pretty much everything I used to love. It's not a big deal but it can alienate people who don't understand. Having friends or a partner again is literally enough to pull me through but I'm in such a hole there's no way to obtain that in person now. Might as well attention seek on v, I honestly have nothing left to lose. No firearms in this country so my only option is the train station.

For the most part, I'm not really good at this kind of stuff. I'm not judging you for what mental issue you went through and I'm sorry to hear that, but the least I can guarantee is to lend an ear to listen.

>butthurt irish detected

You've always been the niggers of the white race and if you are an American with Irish blood don't be offended because you're not fucking Irish, you're a burger you cunt.

Seriously user, if you believe that the Europeans (especially in the beginning) sent the best of them to colonize the American continent then you are in for a bad surprise...

american slav actually, fuck the taigs

not sure what that has to do with anything? pretty sure a bunch of white dudes decided to move to some land, then waged war and slaughtered all the pathetic natives and took the land as it was done in the age of conquest.


I mean... they are. Are you retarded or something? The only thing that happened was the Spanish taught them Spanish and turned them all catholic.