Why won't they just make the damn game?

Why won't they just make the damn game?

>no Ape Escape 4 announced


Me on the right.

Because nobody gives a shit about ape escape and nobody ever really did. The only reason people remember it is because it was the first time they used a dualshock

It's the company's responsibility to make people care. Ape Escape was one of the most innovative video game titles of all time. People remember the name. They should make 4 and revitalize the brand.

Aren't you hyped for Knack 2 user ?

why won't you grow up?

Are 2 and 3 good?

I only played the original (and remake of it) and it's in my top ten.



I first played it on PSP and loved it and that was long after I had first used a Dualshock

3 is the best in the series. 2 is solid. Million Monkeys is a nice change of pace. Don't touch Pumped and Primed.

>People remember the name.
A handful of autists remember the name. People as a whole forgot it a long time ago. Very few people will give a shit if a new one is released.

I played the shit out of Ape Escape games especially the 3 and I really enjoyed it. Is Ape Escape not popular enough to get a sequel?
>mfw Ape Escape 4's levels will be based on the historical events
>tfw it will never happen

The original Ape Escape is A E S T H E T I C as fuck

>will never get an Ape Escape that looks like this in-game

Bullshit. I played the game starting with 2, then the PSP remake of 1, then the original 1, then 3.

Ape Escape 3 is the best godamn game made up to this point in time.


>Ape Escape 3 is the best godamn game made up to this point in time.
This nigger gets it. People who never played Ape Escape 3 will never know the satisfying feeling of getting a new morph. Ninja morph a best

>Gotcha! *Pwwrrrpp schwing*

How come they never localized that one after 3?

It was too intense for western audiences.

Nah it's dead. Literally the only Sony IP that debuted on the ps1 and is still alive is gran turismo

Crash? Tomb Raider? Rayman?

>tomb raider

None of those are Sony IPs, Tomb Raider and Rayman were on Saturn too

I feel you, bro

I'd gladly skip every other game to ever come out this year if that was what it would take for Ape Escape 4 to be announced

Most bought a ps3 hoping for the next AE yet all we got was move crap.

>Omega Boost sequel never


>Tomb Raider
Square enix

>Tfw you'll never play Ape Escape 3 because Sony is so damn slow with putting PS2 games on PS4

And people gave Nintendo shit about the VC.

>mfw catching the monkey in the trojan horse
>mfw catching the monkey in the field of skewed heads at a Roman party
>mfw catching the monkey flying Benjamin Franklin's kite
>mfw finding dead monkey bodies in the unfinished Great Wall of China

I haven't played through Ape Escape in 10 year. What games should I play?

Ape Escape 1
Ape Escape 2
Ape Escape 3
Jackie Ch--FUCK