My brother gave me a busted ps4

My brother gave me a busted ps4.

His girlfriend broke the HDMI port somehow and so he fucking dismantles it and pretty much just ruins it and buys a new one then leaves me with the shitty hand me down fuck heep.

I put the plastic frame back on and it wont turn on I'm sure i just need to go in there and plug some wire to the mother or some shit but i'm too lazy and to under qualified to know what i'm doing

What are my options

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I need serious options here guys, idk what to do

Kill him and take the new one for yourself

Kill him

Post a picture

Kill Jester

Whelp, looks like you gotta kill him.

Why did he give you a broken one? Is he some kind of smartass?

You might be better off buying a new one.

They just came out with one that's 1TB you know



Ill have to take several

Fuck your brother and his girlfriend

Just a forewarning: if you aren't interested in using a soldering iron, you probably won't be able to unfuck it.

This is the HDMI port the whole reason he even decided dimantle it in the first place

OP is a jobless youngling, hence brothers cast off and wanting to fix.

Also all the screws are missing

Im trying to get a job ;-; im a lazy fuck

Stop being a lazy cunt and open it up.

If you don't see any obvious damage or unconnected wires then look up some repair guides and common problems.

Then assuming you get it to turn back on try the HDMI port which probably won't work. But try it anyway.

Then check the connections on the HDMI port, it could just be a loose wire.

If there is any issue that requires soldering to fix then sell it on ebay and forget about it.

Soldering is easy if you aren't an idiot

We are talking about OP though.

You've got me there

electronic engineering dude here i bet it can be fixed you need to take it apart and take pictures of the board if he didn't rip the solder pads off the board then it can be fixed easy.


here is a guide from you tube
your lucky the ps4 is easier to take apart than the ps3 also you can get new screws on ebay so don't worry about that.
op if your still here this is your problem the pins got pushed out the back of the connector. take it to a place that fixes phones.

As others said, if you aren't afraid of soldering, you can salvage it.

If you are, take it to a shop that does repairs.

You could also salvage the Hard drive itself and use or sell it.

If you have money, consider taking it to a professional. If professional charges $100+, buy a new on instead

Pretty sure there are shops who can fix it for you, it's better than just throwing it away. I took my ps3 last year and they did a nice job. Also keep in mind you could try and kill your brother!

1. Buy a new HDMI port.
2. Get yourself some soldering iron and some solder.
3. Throw all of the above shit away and just kill your brother and take his PS4.