>Xenoblade is second-party
>Xenoblade is second-party
Other urls found in this thread:
>People use the term "second party" when talking about devs
There are people who have argued that Xenoblade is second-party.
Who cares?
Man you are really bored
>Said nobody ever
What's the point of this thread?
People were retarded enough to say that after smash?
All of those people just got BTFO by official word from Nintendo
t. Sonnygger that said it was second party
Gamers are retarded
Best armor in the game.
>make 3x3 grid
>only have 8 items
Fuck, everytime someone posts a picture of this game it makes me want to replay it so bad.
Gotta get back on that backlog though.
But it actually is a second-party game as it's not developed by Nintendo, you dingus.
The same way Kirby, Pokémon or Earthbound are second party games.
Pathetic, really. You've got a new console and a whole year to release your games yet you can't even manage 9 releases a month despite countless studios working under you
>a month
Sorry, A YEAR
Smash isn't really an indicator for that, Pokemon is 2nd party despite all its reps.
Fire Emblem Warriors is supposed to come out this year, isn't it?
I certainly expect it to release before fucking Xenoblade 2. Get out of here with that lie of a year.
>Almost all the games announced for the Switch are ports
>$300 machine
Truly pathetic.
They included Fire Emblem Warriors in the slide with the third-party releases because it's developed by a third-party even though it's their IP.
Even Nintendo themselves calls it first-party and you're STILL arguing that its second-party. You're the dingus, not me.
But what makes you think that's a bad thing? I mean, those games are Nintendo exclusive and always will be.
T-They'll be dumped j-just like with N-Namco
Sony always w-wins
Why have Nintendo counted it as first-party?
Nintendo fully bought out Monolithsoft long ago, friend.
Except Monolith is wholly owned by Nintendo and the examples you listed are developed by private studios.
>look back at ps4 ports and releases in the first year
>it's far worse than the switch so far
really makes you think
Monolith has already been under Nintendo longer than they have under Squaresoft and Namco. They've found their home.
>thread turns into some shitty fighting game dick contest
Can't you make a thread dedicated to these pointless arguments, rather than ruin an otherwise chill atmosphere?
>Sony always wins
Sony water tastes just like Yoshida
Wroong thread. I'll delete that. When it allows me.
Sup Forums use "indie" to describe any non AAA game these days.
Me to but i put a lot of hours in playing so i got burnt out on it i'll replay again eventually.
And it was ridiculed to hell and back for it.
If Switch came out in 2013, their lineup wouldn't look as bad.
aw yes
Post more armors please.
>tfw Shulk is more "Nintendo" than Kirby, Pikachu or Marth
Here i don't have any screenshots of my own game and most i see online don't really show the armor that good.
>party game
>party game
>mini games
Why have Nintenbros been buying the same thing for 20 years?
>XB2 coming in 2017
Good fucking luck.
This and the links on the page. Any combination of these and even more colour variants, and other casual wear such as swimsuits, fundoshi/sarashi, tanktops, jumpers, jackets, bunny suits, and more tanktops.