Best game of 2015 was an indie game

>Best game of 2015 was an indie game
>Best game of 2016 was an indie game
>Best game of 2017 is thus far an indie game

Really sets the brain aflame.

What's the first one ?

Crypt of the Necrodancer

AAA can't compete without hundred million dollar marketing campaigns

2018 is Frozen Synapse 2

Is it wrong that I genuinely believe the creator of Hollow Knight is actually shilling on Sup Forums?

Wrong. GOTY every year is Team Fortress 2.
Goes to show how art style>graphics whoring

indie games are hipster trash

well I agree, but not on principle. just for this specific image

The creator of Vallhalla literally does shill on Sup Forums so I wouldn't be surprised

>Best game of 2014 was an indie game

Sup Forums has always liked metroidvanias in general and Hollow Knight was done really well.

Shilling wouldn't surprise me but the fact remains that it's the sort of game that's right up Sup Forums's alley.

Hollow Knight is really fucking good, it's a shame it isn't getting more attention. Not enough anime waifus I guess.

He is from the game dev generals from here

Man, I'm so glad I'm not a nostalgiafaggot hipster cancer so I don't have to force myself to pretend this garbage is good. Phew, dodged a bullet there at least.

>Crypt of the Necrodancer
I really couldn't get into that game. I'm not going to say it was shit, but damn, I don't understand how it had such a widespread appeal. The rhythm thing really threw me off.

Do you guys not notice the other games there? Furi and crypt are better than hollow knight

>my subjective opinion is that these other games are better than this game, therefor you should stop talking about this game


literally first time I even heard the name at all

I'll have a closer look now though

I enjoyed Rain World than Hollow Knight. Still a great game though and provided a sanctuary within the sea of Zelda shit at the time.

Yes, thats right. Neo/v/ at it again with its no taste

t.desperate pcbro

>shame it isn't getting more attention
Only so many people like Metroidvanias.

b-but it's coming on Switch too, and has the usual cancelled wee u version

whats the third one?

>Man I love playing AAA western games with no gameplay
Enjoy Uncharted!

doesnt even make sense. they are on most consoles too, all three

I don't know about the first and third game but Furi really was my GOTY for 2016 it's a shame like seven people played it and got some bad press

never seen any of these """games""" before

Still trying to shill Hollow Knight lad?

This entire board only give a shit about Furi because it was free on PSN

Absolutely no one would know, or care for the game, if that wasn't the case.

In fairness, 2016 was an absolute shit-tier year for gaming so there wasn't a whole lot of games worth playing.

Thats because they dont have a multi million dollar marketing campaign and they arent tumblr games like Undertale
What they do have is good gameplay

I was going to buy it after the initial reveal on the PS block myself, first trailer was had me convinced

but then it turned out to be "free" before I got a chance to buy it, so hey

ps blog*

They all have great music too.

>GOTY every year is Team Fortress 2.
not ever since overwatch is out.
Team fortress 2 sucks so much

Keep deluding yourself hipster shit.

How do I beat the star on furier?

no psychedelic light drifter


>hollow knight
Furi is ok though.

Nice argument
Name one game made by a AAA western dev that had gameplay as interesting as any of the 3 games in OP, assuming you actually played all 3 so that you can actually have an opinion about them

>the reason it's not popular is because of how good it is
Alright class, open up your Denial 101 textbooks and go to page 45, Chapter 3: 'Delusion'.

>Marketing=good looks


>mystery dungeon
Shit taste

>Metroid 2002

fucking nier fags i swear to god
>gameplay matters unless taro made it!

>shilling on an interactive mongolian mahjong CS5 script = good looks by virgins
everyone knows shilling on Sup Forums is just budget marketing

You couldn't have worse taste if you tried.

Nier and Automata both have good gameplay though. Their gameplay isn't their strongest asset, but several games on that list don't have gameplay as their strongest asset.
I don't think you can claim from that list that the person is saying gameplay saying gameplay matters. Not when Solatorobo and a walking simulator (OneShot) are on it

Hey biow*re

>Sola to Robo
>Freedom Planet
>One Shot

>every exploration is a new experience
>have to prepare in advance before going into a dungeon to make sure you're ready for the trials inside
>forced to learn to use items you find properly since enemies are vastly above your own level
>music is fantastic
>plot is fantastic
>humorous dialogue
Super is a good game

nintendo gay shit all over the place

nier and automata have serviceable gameplay. almost every hack n slash i know of has better gameplay than nier. also most hack 'n' slash games i know have better stories than nier. taro has zero nuance.

for the most part you're a fag, but Stronghold is on this image so you're still fine.


The most fedora word out there, and we're talking about neir which is already fedoracore

>being mad over the actual GOTY

>Xenoblade Chronicles taking 2012 despite a western release in 2011
>Pandora's Tower taking 2013 despite a western release in 2012
America getting them later doesn't mean they get qualify for later years.


>the greatest game of all time was am indie game
nothing new here

>The most fedora word out there
ok maybe you will prefer it like this: nier and automata are melodramatic as fuck. for instance in nier the daughter was like a fucking caricature of what a 'sick daughter' is. nier himself was your typical boring stoic character. everything was one dimensional.

have you been living under a rock? 2017 has been a Jap year. Zelda, Nier, Nioh, P5, the best games released this year thus far have all been Japanese.

why do people always mention nioh? it's lords of the fallen tier and barely holds a candle to mainline souls games.

You think they'll come through on the official lewds if they hit the target?

There are large quantities of games with worse gameplay than Nier. The Drakengard games and any musou has worse gameplay. Senran Kagura has worse gameplay. Nier's gameplay was just Zelda with some genre shifts mixed in to make up for the weaker combat. It also had some Shadow of the Colossus-esque boss battles in the sense that some bosses used the level design as part of the fight, most notably Wendy.
Nier's gameplay was good

The only indie game i ever actually enjoyed was Holics
The rest are just crappy rehashing of old games, with nothing fresh to offer

Woah another 2D action game I'm so blessed as a g4m3r

But Nier isn't even stoic; after the timeskip he becomes much angrier and brooding, having suffered being without his daughter and friends for so long. He becomes much more unforgiving to the Shades. Also as the story progresses he grows a love and fondness for Kaine

That whole image is based on American releases

Kaine's a terrible character.

Don't you have some skinny jeans to try on you pretentious hipster piece of trash?

Honestly I haven't played it because I don't have a PS4 but I"m taking other people's word for it that it was good. Point still stands that it's been a very jap heavy year so far. No western devs have made anything of note aside from Horizon Zero Dawn maybe and I hear that wasn't that great with its SJW agenda and it just being boring compared to Zelda.

The only thing noteworthy about Mass Effect was how utterly mediocre and disappointing it must be to fans.

She's alright, Weiss and Emil were better tho

Weiss/Kaine banter was unreal though

Thing is most 'big' Western releases usually arrive in the second half of the year closer to Christmas.

How can you say that when her whole personality is justified and given a backstory for why she is the way she is? That her edginess is all a front that she was forced to take on to get people to leave her alone

Furi is way too simplistic and not very replayable. Bosses are hit or miss, and considering the game is all about them, that's unforgiveable.

I love how losers call anyone who look after themselves names

Enjoy your cargo shorts and baggy t-shirt you fucking waste

Skinny jeans are actually shit though

Bet Sasuke is your favourite Naruto character too huh user

hollow knight dev go home

Maybe but wtf is coming out this year from western devs?

Battlefield of Duty and Ascreed yearly installments notwisthstanding.

I'm pretty sure what you think are skinny are just form fitting regular size you fat fuck

What horseshit.

If Zelda doesn't win GOTY this year, you'll know that the gaming press hates Japan.

Zelda is the Skyrim of Japan

>not even the best indie games from those years

Whatever user. Enjoy video games.

>hating skinny
Overweight insecure redneck spotted. Get some fashion sense

Crypt has a DANK tier soundtrack but the game is self is mediocre.

I get what you're saying - you didn't play Breath of the Wild.

>dont dress like a faggot
>lol youre fat

Regular fitted jeans are fine, skinny jeans are cancer and its good theyre dying out

Red dead 2 you swine

The actual combat is serviceable, but gameplay-wise it's deliberately rather varied.

What about Crawl? Might seem more of a party game but I really like it.

Nothing wrong with indie games.

>People exist that are this contrarian with taste this willfully awful

>furi being good game ever
Nice meme there m8, you're probably like MGR too, right? Baby faggot

Love it or hate it, I feel the same way about Spelunky.


>TFW couldn't play Talos Principle since I got nauseous as fuck after playing for 40 minutes or so no matter how much I tried to acclimate myself
Altering the settings is the only thing that even let me get up to 40 minutes. A fucking shame, seemed real fun.

A real shame indeed, I don't understand how and why that happens with a specific game.