Recently just got a 3ds, what are some good games I should try out? Essentials???

Recently just got a 3ds, what are some good games I should try out? Essentials???

Just installed free shop so give me some suggestions/v/ open to anything. I like jrpgs as well

SMT 4 is pretty tight

Thank you. I'll check it out.

fire emblem awakening

>fire emblem awakening
Never played fire emblem before, is this a good introduction to the series ?

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

We all know why OP made this thread.

I forget is this the one that killed a classmate or parents?

Heard good things about monster hunting . I'm newish to hand held but how do the controls hold up?

no some little girl from next door

Let us engage in festivities most indecent.

yea buddy, best waifus.

Haha. I forgot why I had pictures of her saved. I didn't know what to put in the post

>those cut marks

Yuck. That fantasy is dead.

oh boy


as a former scene kid I realize how it was an indicator for being severely underdeveloped in terms of the attributes needed to be a succesful adult most of us are pretty fucked


Here we go!

hello fellow former scene kid

I'm sorry.

Arianne or Maria. May the nine guide my rolls.


how are your mid twenties treating you?

I work in a place where I see people like this all the time
too bad they're not fit

not too good. depressed neet 2bh. you?


One of my friends is a co at a women's prison. He says he fucks a lot of them any chance he gets. Can't tell if he's lying or not.

I had the same shirt and I kind of look like him

r r r r rollan


literally drunk right now to help mask the pain



>tfw best one

ok roll



Alright alright alright

I'm a former scene/emo/gothfag now neet can I join this chat

>Rhythm games
Rhythm Thief & The Emperor's Treasure
Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call

Tales of the Abyss
Shin Megami Tensei IV / Apocalypse
Pokemon Sun / Moon
Etrian Odyssey IV

>I want something that actually uses the 3DS's gimmicks
Spirit Camera

>I want to get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome but have fun doing so
Kid Icarus: Uprising

>I want to burn through as much time as possible
Monster Hunter 3U / 4U / Generations

Hello friend :)

cry with me senpai

rollin :)



>former scene fag
Like the ones back from 2006? What do you guys even look like these days?

Holy shit qt, did she do anything super bad?

Rune factory 4
Monster hunter 4u
Animal crossing new leaf

I was in the midwest so we're always behind. Was one starting from like 2009.I look pretty normal now I guess. well still kinda faggy.
>tight pants
>whatever shirts i feel like wearing
>short hair

typical /fa/ fag
hitler youth cut
picture youre typical LA hip goth fag


are you a rich trust-fund neet?

black dyed long hair,black skinny jeans most of the time and graphic band t shirts

>recommending the dark souls of persona

Rollin for Jillian

I always wanted to die violently

Rolling again for arianne or Maria. It's time bois

I work
but my job is piss easy and im still lazy at it
and I spend the rest of my time in my room on the internet mostly