Why do you still play vidya?

Why do you still care about video games in 2017? Developers no longer give a shit about us and have stopped caring about quality. Why do you guys torture yourselves? They're not even worth pirating anymore.

The newest games I've played are Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3 and DOOM 2016. I sold my PS4 a few months ago, and haven't played anything made post-2012 since, and I don't plan to. Frankly, this era in games has gone to complete shit and I won't have any further part in it. I still love games with a passion, but there is seriously not a single game worth playing made in the last five years. Weebs and casualcore faggots still ejaculate over their Persona 5 and Call of Duty, but sorry, I have actual taste. I like good games. Games like Diablo 2, Demon's Souls, Halo 3, games which actually had a community and a soul. Gaming use to be about cool, mysterious experiences and fun memories, now it's about watching Nathan Drake's butt cheeks flex as you climb up a pre-determined route of crumbling ledges until you watch the next Hollywood cutscene roll. Maybe I'm just getting old, but this time just ain't for me.

I felt the same when I played Doom.

I think there is still a chance for redemption

i played bayonetta on pc last week and it was pretty good?

or am i get memed

tfw now gonna start dmc 4 special edition too

OP here, how old are you? I'm 25.
It shouldn't be about age, I'm sure there were people in their mid/late 20's who loved vidya years ago (or when ever you think the golden age was) I'm convinced it's shit because of developers and people happily eating it up.

Doing anything else is less enjoyable.

To distract myself from contemplating my inevitable demise.

If you play only western games, then you deserve to be shit on.

Because they're fun.

stop being a typical western normalfag. then you can get it right

Oh enlighten me you mystical oriental bastard.

Japan has put out atleast 4 near perfect games in the last 4 months.

Thanks for the list

I'm actually 25 as well, but maybe I have a bit of a strange opinion because I grew up with a brother who was 11 years older than me and had all the classic consoles and PC games. It isn't that I don't believe good games couldn't be made, but as you said, people eat shit so shit is what we're given. We live in a time when graphics, cinematic experiences and online multiplayer take precedent over quality game design. Games use to be made by much smaller teams with far more lenient budgets and time constraints. What's more, design teams were often composed of many like-minded people, and were either privately owned or given (more) free creative reign. Nowadays, game development is treated like typical office work, and devs don't have nearly as much opportunity to put heart, soul and personal touches into their games. They are forced into making derivative experiences that have been formulaically designed to increase profit based on whatever the popular trends of the industry are. This isn't to say that game development hasn't always been motivated by money, of course it has, but design teams are large, personal input is low, and consumers are interested in casual, accessible experiences. The fact is, games just aren't made the same way anymore, and they probably never will be again.

I don't play them anymore I only come here to shitpost.

Why can't (most) these smaller indie teams manage to make good video games? Is the magic truly dead? or was it just a product of the time?

Persona 5, Nier Automata, Nioh, and (admittedly, this is kind of a personal taste choice) Puyo Puyo Tetris. A special mention goes to Tales of Berseria.

OP here I have been a bit curious about P5.
I do have a semi-working ps2, is P3 fun?
I bought Devil Survivor a couple years ago when they found all those sealed up copies but I didn't enjoy it that much.

There is a practically unlimited source of good games from the past. These games are usually very cheap, if not completely free and they don't require expensive hardware or new consoles to run. Don't be so hung up on the newest games, and you're sure to find a wealth of fun times.


That's another waifubait mediocre game isn't it?
Seriously you weebs like everything as long as it shows some plastic doll partially naked.
You could just watch porn and be done with it.

i like battlefront(2015), it's pretty fun game and i can't wait for battlefront 2.

I'd say there are three main problems with indie developers:

1. Many of them want to recreate the games of their childhood. Rather than making new experiences, they simply want to recreate their own version of what they grew up playing, such as the countless devs that want to make Zelda clones.

2. Because they are indie, they are often inexperienced and don't have the financial resources to make a good experience. Back in the day, you had a perfect combination of savvy, passionate developers, and also a proper cashflow to back them up. A game like the original DOOM wouldn't be made today, simply because you don't have friends sitting in an office getting stoned and throwing darts at a picture of Jesus while they bullshit gameplay ideas together.

3. They are motivated by profit. Not all indies are really indie. Some of them want to make money like anyone else, and to do so, they make cheap mobile games and other shovelware.

I won't go and say that good indie games don't exist, but realistically, most of them are a step above flash games. They're usually shit. See, 20 years ago, something like Ocarina of Time was revolutionary because the gameplay mechanics were yet unseen, there was no standard to live up to. Nowadays, it's much harder to create new ideas, and thus developers stick to the status quo because they're afraid of trying new things and wasting financial resources. The 80's, 90's and early 2000's were a golden era in a fledgling industry that resulted in great games because of the perfect combination of passionate developers, new ideas, small development teams, and graphical limitations that forced developers to innovate.

To be frank, yeah, the magic probably is gone. But the way I see it is, there are literally more games to play from that era than I could ever play for the rest of my life. The best thing you can do is enjoy them and forget about all the shit.

>Persona 5
What if I have friends and a girlfriend in real life? The combat is uninspired turn based wizardry copypaste which is all the chinks seem to be able to do. I'm not interested in a harem anime simulator.

>What if I have friends and a girlfriend in real life?
Then it's no wonder you hate Persona.

Because it sucks.

This, if the game was actually any good people would be posting webms of gameplay instead of 2B's ass.

Look if social life it's going to be a problem for you just play Fifa and only Fifa, it's the only normie approved game. Maybe Madden and NBA too.

Meh, it's not that bad. I'm 31 and witnessed and played every gen since the snes era, and i think modern day possibilities make modern gaming both great and a nuisance. There is too much focus on mutliplayer, microtransactions are terrible and shit games become way too popular. But there's also a huge diversity in genres and styles, other online aspects like summoning/coop, leaving clues, and fighting and racing games work best online these days.

Gotta say though, that japanese developed games do the most for me these days...never thought that would happen.

>A game like the original DOOM wouldn't be made today, simply because you don't have friends sitting in an office getting stoned and throwing darts at a picture of Jesus while they bullshit gameplay ideas together.
It makes me sad I'll never experience this.

Nigga there are enough people who have a social life and play different games than the newest fifa.
Almost nobody here is your typical neckbeard NEET.

>It makes me sad I'll never experience this.
You and me both, user.

Its not because of that, it doesn't matter how normie and mainstream videogames become, if you don't play the handful of normie games you are a freak and a loser, Fifa, NBA and Madden were unilaterally chosen as "socially accepted games".

lmao @ your asshurt elitist response

I still have fighting games, I don't play anything else much because things are just not the same, Nintendo might have a game or two worth playing maybe. MMOS are dead. Used to play those a bunch before it's soul was gone.

There's more nuance to the battle system, but you're probably too much of an idiot to figure it out. Stick to garbage like the Witcher and skyrim.

>some kid bitching about how much better things were "back in the day" (five years ago)

Too bad you're too young to remember the mountain of shovelware that always existed. Like in "golden era" of 8 and 16-bit, you never saw how there was one generic, lazy platofrmer shat out after another.

What nuance? You cannot maneuver with the environment, there is no strategy in positioning yourself and your group, every battle boils down to "hit weakness x9001" with a bunch of status effect moves and debuffs, you pick your attack and then you watch a skinny chink teenager run like an embarrassing autist waving his oversized anime sword at le epic demon enemy, after which you'll be clicking x for hours following some cringy conversations with anime trope characters written by a person who has never talked to a girl in his life.

I enjoyed Jagged Alliance 2, the combat in that game had nuance.


I miss being 15

Are all you going to do is bitch? Becuase that just wastes everybody's time.

Go play video games and be happy.

>Jagged Alliance 2
So, the thread was bait the whole time...

Go pursue another hobby because clearly video games no longer are appealing to you.

Not even the guy you replied but what the fuck?

Breath of the Wild, Puyo Tetris, Persona 5, Nier Automata, and patched For Honor have all been a blast. Sorry you have no taste.

and then user laughed and snorted "HAHAHA NO GAME"

Because good games still come out. You just need to take off your rose colored glasses to see them.

Not the guy you responded to, but what the fuck?

This got absolutely nothing correct about the game in question, but it sure did take a high horse about a shitty game. Try actually playing shit before talking about it.

>you did not play the game!!!
This is the most embarrassing defense you see on Sup Forums.

Then please explain to us brainlets how deep it is

this. enjoy your king cuck american developers you shitheads, you deserve it for giving them money

All i play now is porn games. The last time i played a new retail game for more than an hour was Fire Emblem: Fates, and i never even finished one of the campaigns.

And yet i still play Brood War.

Don't worry OP, Destiny 2 will save gaming

Nigga I have the most normie friends you can think of and I can talk to them about shit like gsg.
If your friends cant accept your hobby they aren't really your friends.

I'm reading literature now. Playing video games is a casual brainlet hobby

stop it

I have fun with them because im not a faggot

Literature is boring.

Eh youre a faggot.


I play video games because they're fun and they allow me to think about things that aren't college or responsibilities. Although I can understand being disappointed in games, I don't play many of them, I'm picky and I don't have that many consoles in the fist place so I try to only buy games I'm sure I'll enjoy. The reason why I don't really get tired of video games is because I have friends who share my hobby and it's easy to have conversations about video games online. You can make video games a fun hobby if you want to, it really only depends on what you play, your personal tastes, etc. Right now I'm playing FE Fates, which I wanted ever since it was announced, it's really fun, what's really disappointing is the localisation, and the fact that to get the whole game you have to pay for a bunch of DLC, but I bought everything while it was on sale.