should we really judge how free people spend their time? some people go fishing, some people play fallout while drunk and stoned(me) and some people have the artistry of a 5 year old and the worldview of one as well.

>fallout while drunk and stoned(me)

Fucking kill yourself.


mfw stoned and some faggot weeb gets upset cuz he has no friends so weed is scary and degenerate to his sheltered mind

Keep projecting m8.


Fuck off Sup Forums

But D.Va isn't canonically ugly.

>blackwash a asian woman into a black native woman
>somehow this is not racist

>calls in-game D.va ugly
>posts THAT thing

I've seen people calling that anime for redit tier, now I understand why

>this scene occurs while a homophobic song by dmx plays

you can't do anything right neofag

fuck off reddit

Time to go back

>happy and optimistic
>neat, well presented uniform
>probably takes good care of their appearance

>moody, probably aggressive
>looks like a dude
>poor taste in clothes, generic black shirt
>probably smells like shit

really activated my almonds


When will the stupid black lives matter meme end? It's obviously funded by a certain someone and then dumb people thought it was a real movement and joined in out of sheer stupidity

Tl;dr If you've ever protested or ever thought about protesting, kill yourself. Peace protests do absolutely nothing, other than making you look like a retard.

daily reminder

if you need weed to have friends you don't really have friends at all


I was here longer than you faggot LOL my favorite part of the newfags is they show themselves by saying "reddit" we never gave a fuck bout reddit until reddit came here.

>you need to go back this is my constant trap/anime faggot porn dump board with twitter screencaps and btw the only good threads are NV threads

what is tumblrs obsession with big noses and lips

like they're so triggered at anime that they have to draw the complete opposite

Cute, happy, neat

ugly, angry, messy

Jeez. I wonder why people like the top.


>bigger tracer butt
>gay tracer asspull
>then this
blizzard is best at triggering morons

Why do tumblr artists always fuck up the nose?

So these people are willfully ignoring the fact that their beloved 'Canon' Dva is part of the Korean military, right?


this seriously just makes me laugh
>my silly drawings of a character are canon
It makes me laugh but also THINK

I hope Blizzard learn something from this

Tumblr is the worst at art

This user speaks the truth.

oh my god

I love how they captured the fact that turning social justice turns you into a ugly looking angry chimp

BLM is not a peaceful protest,


Why is this causing so much buttpain? I'm out of the loop.



Okay Sup Forums, show me the worst fat/trans/hairy/hipster art you can. Bonus points if it includes stretched earlobes for no fucking reason.

something something cops are bloodthirsty minority killing machine etc

Because cops are evil, user.

Because White coddled suburban boys don't think blacks have a right to be upset no matter what police do.

>two buff dudes beat up some scrawny little faggot that didn't do anything wrong apparently
What is this trying to demonstrate?

You want a brick to the face whiteboi?

Racist D.va then?
Because classifying a large group of people by the color of their skins is racist as fuck.

there was a danganronpa one that was truly the most hideous piece of fan art I have ever seen. I didn't know whether it was a parody or not.

>artist fucks up basic anatomy
>point it out so that hopefully the artist takes notes and improves
>"Oh I thought someone would say something about that, but it's my style so whatever~"
what's the deal with shitty artists always getting complacent with mediocrity?

Yeah yeah, we both know that """peaceful protests""" go full antifa hours into it, but I got wanted to put something out as quickly as possible before 404

That Sup Forums is full of scrawny little faggots

what the fuck

She's korean, of course she is racist.

>get shot
Man, who could have foreseen this?

Liberally Plebbit.

I always hope the cops don't come when these kinds of people dial 911.

This is hilarious on so many levels
Koreans fucking H A T E black people

Every single cop in America drinks a quart of fresh negro blood each day with his breakfast.

Looked better before you deleted most of the noes

So beating up Auschwitz mode manlets is the new hip thing to do?

Do you know, asian peoples are basically racist?

They don't like foreign people except white

Oh my god that's actually the reason, isn't it? god I hate people. I knew that was it and my brain still tried to tell me otherwise, that there might have been another reason or something.

Fuck tumblr.

Ignoring them may as well be encouraging them. Like a dog who shits on the rug, you have to let them know its wrong

>tfw not white
>still know you protest retards are following Soros money

Quit being niggers, this is why whites make fun of you

>"I don't like canon D.Va getting a cop skin, so I satisfy my own headcanon and make her a BLM activist instead and say it's actual canon."
Are tumblrinas like this actually retarded, or are they just pretending to be retarded because they are attention whores? Also, what is it with all these tumblrinas using the exact same ugly artstyle for all women they draw? It's like they forgot how to draw actual women so they put a manface on all of them.

seems about right.
she is ugly anyway